Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Not at all . Moscow would've been a hollow victory. Napoleon got Moscow. Did he win the Russian campaign ? Barely 6000 of Le Grand Armee survived.

Germany would run desperately short of oil if it wanted to sustain it's campaign & hold on to it's war booty in terms of territory gained plus they needed to be fed. It was natural for the Wehrmacht to target those places .

@WHOHE isn't optimistic or pessimistic . He's displaying his inherent intelligence . Anything outside of what's conveyed by the books he reads & shows he watches which requires analysis also requires intellectual rigour. That's totally out of syllabus & out of character for him .

He believes Biden when Biden declared that you can go from coast to coast on 1 gallon of gas in an EV just coz he believes Gen Hostage when the good general stated that the Lightnings are capable of deploying an E Virus like Stuxnet to disable ground ADS.

It's because of such critical thinking that Ivy League universities have seen a drop in White American admissions YoY with Asian Americans boosting their presence there. All that seems about to change though.

Moscow in 1941 is very different than Moscow in 1812 though. It was a major transport, economic, and political hub. I get the reason why they went south for it too. It's just a huge mistake when you must concentrate your forces on the decisive front.

Literally lesson #1 in every war book.
It's about to get medieval in Russia. Russia is about to become worse than Venezuela.

So now what for Putin? We've interfered and now have castrated you financially. Will he follow through his rhetoric or take it.

Poor India it just lost a huge friend. :)
When crude oil reaches 150 USD & you've cut off 3 main suppliers of oil & gas namely Russia Iran & Venezuela with the World asking how do they finance their oil supplies , where do they get it from & more importantly who's going to pay for it , I suspect slow Joe will kick off Marshall Plan 2.0 .

Meanwhile Russia keeps tapering off has oil & gas supplies to Europe & plays this Billy Joel number . He's a big fan of US oldies pop I hear . So is Biden. He'd immediately get into a jiggle when he hears this number. That's all he can manage at his age .

Remember @Jaymax ; what did tell you about trailer park level analysis ?

His contention is US Army + US equipment > NATO + US & European equipment > ( insert something ) > ( insert any Goddamned thing) > Russian Army + Russian junk .

Hence IA + Russian junk < China + Chinese equipment .


Hence proved .

Hence Russia & India always will lose. Who's going to tell little boy here that China uses a lot of Russian equipment too . Besides the evolutionary history of most Chinese platforms & armaments are Russian based as it is on Russian design philosophy which over the course of time has acquired Chinese characteristics.

Do tune in for more juvenile stuff .
I try to be inclusive to all members even if they seem to be unfamiliar with the topic.

this kid is on a different level of entitlement. Perhaps he could explain Afghanistan, Vietnam and Iraq to me. 🤔
France will deploy army contingents to Eastern Europe and the Baltic States.

Thus, the 27th Alpine Hunter Battalion (BCA) from Annecy (Haute-Savoie), reinforced by the 93rd Mountain Artillery Regiment (RAM) from Varces-Allières-et-Risset (Isère), the 2nd Foreign Engineer Regiment from Saint-Christol (Vaucluse) and the 4th Hunter Regiment from Gap (Hautes-Alpes) are on their way to Romania. The 93rd Ram leaves on Sunday 27 February.

The 7th Alpine Hunter Battalion from Varces-Allières-et-Risset (Isère) will leave for Estonia in the coming days.
I try to be inclusive to all members even if they seem to be unfamiliar with the topic.

this kid is on a different level of entitlement. Perhaps he could explain Afghanistan, Vietnam and Iraq to me. 🤔
Afghanistan , Vietnam & Iraq ? What about Somalia ? 17 Marines killed in a firefight & the US scampers off . Ditto for Beirut & the suicide bombings which claimed some 80 + lives earlier on . Except for Grenada , there's not a single engagement they've won since WW-2. Gulf War 1&2 don't count as it was a coalition.
I just like some of the excuses in here that Russia is only sending half/less than half of its forces into Ukraine which is why they are having trouble... Well duh! They can barely support the forces they have sent in imagine sending 80%. Russian tanks would be running out of fuel all over Ukraine.

Russians intel failed them bigtime. They were clueless to what Ukraine was capable of.
I am not so optimistic, the Russian army is conducting high-speed interspersed operations, bypassing major cities, and some RTGs may reach the Polish border.
Remember @Jaymax ; what did tell you about trailer park level analysis ?

His contention is US Army + US equipment > NATO + US & European equipment > ( insert something ) > ( insert any Goddamned thing) > Russian Army + Russian junk .

Hence IA + Russian junk < China + Chinese equipment .


Hence proved .

Hence Russia & India always will lose. Who's going to tell little boy here that China uses a lot of Russian equipment too . Besides the evolutionary history of most Chinese platforms & armaments are Russian based as it is on Russian design philosophy which over the course of time has acquired Chinese characteristics.

Do tune in for more juvenile stuff .
Not the same, many weapons are the same, such as SU27, 125MM tank gun, but the theory of war and combat mode are completely different
Russian BTG, Chinese synthetic brigades, Indian traditional mechanized infantry and armored divisions,
It's about to get medieval in Russia. Russia is about to become worse than Venezuela.

So now what for Putin? We've interfered and now have castrated you financially. Will he follow through his rhetoric or take it.

Poor India it just lost a huge friend. :)
I remember the famous American geopolitical expert, Brzezinski, who said that once Russia gets Ukraine, it automatically becomes a great power, the economy is not everything, from the Tsarist era to the Soviet era, Russia is not known for being rich
Russian Generals have mislead and misguided Putin

After our debacle in 1962 ,our Military Leadership is very frank about the deficiencies which are present due to Technological Obsolescence

That is why we bought some 5 Billion USD of extra weaponry in last 2 years post Galwan

Our Generals have NEVER "Whistled in the Dark " like Pakistani Generals who said that
One Pakistani is Equal to 10 Indians
India's problem has never been that its weapons are inferior to China's, nor is it a problem of Nehru, India's tactics have problems, a large number of Indian troops are sticking to the defense line, and there is no mobile defense force,
This gave China the opportunity to intersperse, so soon a large number of Indian troops were surrounded before they could react.
Ever heard of seige warfare sweetie. Surround the city from all sides & sit tight by choking all supplies , knocking all communications & electricity off plus stopping all utilities. Putin's been planning this from 2014 when you guys were scratching your collective arses in Afghanistan.
It is clear that the Russian army is deliberately avoiding civilian casualties,
At the same time, it did not attack civilian facilities such as power stations, waterworks, and railway stations.
The point now is that Kiev has no troops available, all troops are in the east
The Russians are not using enough boots on the ground to completely cripple Ukraine. They are using less troops than the Ukrainian Army. So their objectives are different from what people are expecting. You can say that they are actually fighting a limited war, of the likes India has planned against Pakistan in the form of Cold Start. So this gives room for the defender to fight back.

During the Gulf War, NATO used a million troops and 1500 fighters to fight some 100,000 Iraqi troops, and they still took 5 weeks. So it's not all that simple.
The problem is that the current Russian army has invested in the army,
Enough to surround 10 brigades of the main Ukrainian army in eastern Ukraine
I don't know why the Russian Air Force did not act, and now the efficiency of ground support is not as high as Syria's