Not at all . Moscow would've been a hollow victory. Napoleon got Moscow. Did he win the Russian campaign ? Barely 6000 of Le Grand Armee survived.
Germany would run desperately short of oil if it wanted to sustain it's campaign & hold on to it's war booty in terms of territory gained plus they needed to be fed. It was natural for the Wehrmacht to target those places .
@WHOHE isn't optimistic or pessimistic . He's displaying his inherent intelligence . Anything outside of what's conveyed by the books he reads & shows he watches which requires analysis also requires intellectual rigour. That's totally out of syllabus & out of character for him .
He believes Biden when Biden declared that you can go from coast to coast on 1 gallon of gas in an EV just coz he believes Gen Hostage when the good general stated that the Lightnings are capable of deploying an E Virus like Stuxnet to disable ground ADS.
It's because of such critical thinking that Ivy League universities have seen a drop in White American admissions YoY with Asian Americans boosting their presence there. All that seems about to change though.
Moscow in 1941 is very different than Moscow in 1812 though. It was a major transport, economic, and political hub. I get the reason why they went south for it too. It's just a huge mistake when you must concentrate your forces on the decisive front.
Literally lesson #1 in every war book.