Ukraine - Russia Conflict

The war in Ukraine is only been 3 days. Total destruction of Ukranian Military is inevitably at this point, considering the amount of damage they are taking.

It took US 26 days of ground campaign to take Iraq, a country of desert. Not to forget the massive air campaign. Anyone expecting Russia to take second largest country in Europe with in few days are delusional.

Russians at this point are going in without a massive air campaign or artillery barrage. Even this hour, Russians have the capacity to flatten Kyiv, it's city center is already under the range of Russian artillery (Russians are less than 10 miles from city center).

Once the Ukrainian military starts collapsing, it's going to be a rapid collapse.

As long as Ukranians are willing to fight Russian soldiers

NATO will support them

A long Guerilla war will happen

Russia has developed an obsession with Conquering Ukraine .

But you cannot have Slaves in today's times
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Even if Russia defeats the Ukrainian Army , Ruling Ukraine would require a Mass Slaughter

That's exactly what the future looks like if the govt doesn't surrender.
Russians at this point are going in without a massive air campaign or artillery barrage.

That's exactly what the Russians have not done. It's interesting that they decided to go in without massive fires.

It could happen tomorrow at best.
Zelensky is a failure, he simply don't know how to play the game. Any nation that let US and Russia to fight it's war in its territory always ended up as the looser. All he is going to get is a "Stand with Aleppo" part two.

What I have read is that at the last meeting with Russia , Zelensky assured remaining Neutral like Finland

"Finland-isation" is what the French president Macron was pushing for and Zelensky supported it

Ukraine is fighting for its independence , it does not want to be Ruled by Russia
I just like some of the excuses in here that Russia is only sending half/less than half of its forces into Ukraine which is why they are having trouble... Well duh! They can barely support the forces they have sent in imagine sending 80%. Russian tanks would be running out of fuel all over Ukraine.

Russians intel failed them bigtime. They were clueless to what Ukraine was capable of.
Remember @Jaymax ; what did tell you about trailer park level analysis ?

His contention is US Army + US equipment > NATO + US & European equipment > ( insert something ) > ( insert any Goddamned thing) > Russian Army + Russian junk .

Hence IA + Russian junk < China + Chinese equipment .


Hence proved .

Hence Russia & India always will lose. Who's going to tell little boy here that China uses a lot of Russian equipment too . Besides the evolutionary history of most Chinese platforms & armaments are Russian based as it is on Russian design philosophy which over the course of time has acquired Chinese characteristics.

Do tune in for more juvenile stuff .
Remember @Jaymax ; what did tell you about trailer park level analysis ?

His contention is US Army + US equipment > NATO + US & European equipment > ( insert something ) > ( insert any Goddamned thing) > Russian Army + Russian junk .

Hence IA + Russian junk < China + Chinese equipment .


Hence proved .

Hence Russia & India always will lose. Who's going to tell little boy here that China uses a lot of Russian equipment too . Besides the evolutionary history of most Chinese platforms & armaments are Russian based as it is on Russian design philosophy which over the course of time has acquired Chinese characteristics.

Do tune in for more juvenile stuff .

Russian Generals have mislead and misguided Putin

After our debacle in 1962 ,our Military Leadership is very frank about the deficiencies which are present due to Technological Obsolescence

That is why we bought some 5 Billion USD of extra weaponry in last 2 years post Galwan

Our Generals have NEVER "Whistled in the Dark " like Pakistani Generals who said that
One Pakistani is Equal to 10 Indians
As lo

Russian Generals have mislead and misguided Putin

After our debacle in 1962 ,our Military Leadership is very frank about the deficiencies which are present due to Technological Obsolescence

That is why we bought some 5 Billion USD of extra weaponry in last 2 years post Galwan

Our Generals have NEVER "Whistled in the Dark " like Pakistani Generals who said that
One Pakistani is Equal to 10 Indians
You know if you go by Twitter every war is won or lost in 24- 48 hours. That's the wonderful thing about that media. It turns everyone into an expert . Both content creators & their followers.

Thank God there was no twitter in 1941. The Wehrmacht came within a few miles of Moscow & that was all they got to see of Moscow. Had there been Twitter then , you'd be writing the obituary of the Red Army & USSR .

Let's leave it at that .
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The Wehrmacht came within a few miles of Moscow & that was all they got to see of Moscow. Had there been Twitter then , you'd be writing

Hitler was defeated by a Logistics disaster

Supply lines could not be maintained because of
"General Winter " ; that is what Russians called the Winter season

Ukraine is Next door and Russian Paradrops are happening as we speak
You know if you go by Twitter every war is won or lost in 24- 48 hours. That's the wonderful thing about that media. It turns everyone into an expert . Both content creators & their followers.

Thank God there was no twitter in 1941. The Wehrmacht came within a few miles of Moscow & that was all they got to see of Moscow. Had there been Twitter then , you'd be writing the obituary of the Red Army & USSR .

Let's leave it at that .

Had Hitler went for Moscow over Kyiv we'd all be singing a different tune.
Had Hitler went for Moscow over Kyiv we'd all be singing a different tune.
Moot . He wanted the granary of the USSR i.e Ukraine & Bessarabia for it's access to oil & thru it the Black Sea for possible forays into C Asia .

Quite a few Ukranians joined the Nazis though how many were motivated by Ukranian nationalism & how many by dire hatred of Stalin & the CCCP is hard to discern & quite pointless now .
Moot . He wanted the granary of the USSR & Bessarabia for it's access to oil & thru it the Black Sea for possible forays into C Asia .

Strategically a disastrous choice though wouldn't you agree? AGC attack on Moscow was going to be decisive attack of 1941. To weaken it by 2 months chasing lenningrad and kyiv is a huge mistaske.

Anyways, we're getting off topic.

Whone you're too optimistic.
Strategically a disastrous choice though wouldn't you agree? AGC attack on Moscow was going to be decisive attack of 1941. To weaken it by 2 months chasing lenningrad and kyiv is a huge mistaske.
Not at all . Moscow would've been a hollow victory. Napoleon got Moscow. Did he win the Russian campaign ? Barely 6000 of Le Grand Armee survived.

Germany would run desperately short of oil if it wanted to sustain it's campaign & hold on to it's war booty in terms of territory gained plus they needed to be fed. It was natural for the Wehrmacht to target those places .

Anyways, we're getting off topic.

Whone you're too optimistic.
@WHOHE isn't optimistic or pessimistic . He's displaying his inherent intelligence . Anything outside of what's conveyed by the books he reads & shows he watches which requires analysis also requires intellectual rigour. That's totally out of syllabus & out of character for him .

He believes Biden when Biden declared that you can go from coast to coast on 1 gallon of gas in an EV just coz he believes Gen Hostage when the good general stated that the Lightnings are capable of deploying an E Virus like Stuxnet to disable ground ADS.

It's because of such critical thinking that Ivy League universities have seen a drop in White American admissions YoY with Asian Americans boosting their presence there. All that seems about to change though.
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Hitler was defeated by a Logistics disaster

Supply lines could not be maintained because of
"General Winter " ; that is what Russians called the Winter season

Ukraine is Next door and Russian Paradrops are happening as we speak
Just wait until Russian tanks enter the center of Kiev. Grozny all over again for Russia.
As long as Ukranians are willing to fight Russian soldiers

NATO will support them

A long Guerilla war will happen

Russia has developed an obsession with Conquering Ukraine .

But you cannot have Slaves in today's times

You are making an assumption that Russia is unaware of this. Russian military's declared objective is demilitarization of Ukrane, meaning, degrading the capabilities of its conventional force, and to impose a regime change. Russia if it is going to stay in Ukraine, they are going to withdraw to the east of Dnipro and to the south and they will easily control that territory.

1)Voting pattern of 2010 presidential election ( it's this government that wa overthrown by west Ukranian nationalists)

1280px-Другий_тур_2010_по_округах-en (1).png

2) Ukranian parliament election 2012


3) Ukranian presidential election 2014(after coup d'etat) Pro Russians were banned/ boycotted in this election


Such political and geographical polarisation makes Ukraine very vulnerable for foreign occupation. Their ability to put up a united opposition is limited.

Now take a look at the percentage of Russian speakers in Ukraine by region and you can see why this divide exist and why Russia is likely to pull back to east of Dnipro and to the southern costal regions after destroying Ukrainian Military.
Just wait until Russian tanks enter the center of Kiev. Grozny all over again for Russia.

Even if Ukraine is defeated and Conquered , this will be a Disaster for Russia

They are looking like an Occupation force not as liberators

It is like bringing back Slavery
Just wait until Russian tanks enter the center of Kiev. Grozny all over again for Russia.
Ever heard of seige warfare sweetie. Surround the city from all sides & sit tight by choking all supplies , knocking all communications & electricity off plus stopping all utilities. Putin's been planning this from 2014 when you guys were scratching your collective arses in Afghanistan.
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You are making an assumption that Russia is unaware of this. Russian military's declared objective is demilitarization of Ukrane, meaning, degrading the capabilities of its conventional force, and to impose a regime change. Russia if it is going to stay in Ukraine, they are going to withdraw to the east of Dnipro and to the south and they will easily control that territory.

1)Voting pattern of 2010 presidential election ( it's this government that wa overthrown by west Ukranian nationalists)

View attachment 22825

2) Ukranian parliament election 2012

View attachment 22826

3) Ukranian presidential election 2014(after coup d'etat) Pro Russians were banned/ boycotted in this electionView attachment 22827

View attachment 22829

Such political and geographical polarisation makes Ukraine very vulnerable for foreign occupation. Their ability to put up a united opposition is limited.

Now take a look at the percentage of Russian speakers in Ukraine by region and you can see why this divide exist and why Russia is likely to pull back to east of Dnipro and to the southern costal regions after destroying Ukrainian Military.
View attachment 22830

So Ukraine will be partitioned into East and West Ukraine
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Even if Ukraine is defeated and Conquered , this will be a Disaster for Russia

They are looking like an Occupation force not as liberators

It is like bringing back Slavery
It's about to get medieval in Russia. Russia is about to become worse than Venezuela.

So now what for Putin? We've interfered and now have castrated you financially. Will he follow through his rhetoric or take it.

Poor India it just lost a huge friend. :)

This Lady looks like an Indian origin Journalist
It's about to get medieval in Russia. Russia is about to become worse than Venezuela.

So now what for Putin? We've interfered and now have castrated you financially. Will he follow through his rhetoric or take it.

Poor India it just lost a huge friend. :)

I dont think Putin and his advisors have not planned for Sanctions

There are reports that Putin has been planning for sanctions from 2014