Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Roh-roh. Someone was careless with a cigarette again.

Currently, a medical center is on fire in the Russian capital. Explosions were also heard on Kustanaiskaya Street at night. The media write that 7 cars burned down as a result of the fire.


Russian have taken control of Zarichne and has continued to advance in Yampil’.
Ukraignan blew a bridge near Yampil’, likely the bridge over the Siverskyi Donets river in the direction of Sivers’k
Russian continues to make gradual progress in Popasna.

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A military meeting has been announced in unrecognized Transnistria. This was reported by Ukrainian intelligence. As evidence, a letter from the so-called Ministry of Defense to the heads of local administrations was published.


US to give Ukraine M142 HIMARS systems with a range of up to 500 kilometers.​

Moldova will send first aid to Ukraine. President Maya Sandu told local media about this. According to her, she intends to send sappers to Kyiv to demine the liberated settlements.

Strange how absolutely every democracy in the region is helping Ukraine.
Russian forced mobilisation continues wit..... Dolphins.

How Russia lost in Ukraine:


U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Thursday that in war, "the highest price is paid by civilians," as he visited sites outside the Ukrainian capital ahead of talks with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

"I fully support the ICC and I appeal to the Russian Federation to accept, to cooperate with the ICC," Guterres said. "But when we talk about war crimes, we cannot forget that the worst of crimes is war itself."
Today, for the first time, the M270 MLRS was tested on the positions of the Russian occupiers in the Donetsk region. How the M270 works is shown in the video (not in Ukraine). Missile range up to 120 km, damage area up to 25 hectares.

Fire in Russia: burning mall in Ishim

Today I encountered some group on Twitter that were a bit like Anonymous (not the cow-bummer, the activist group), they have people all over the world and they set fires when a country is in the wrong.
There'll be a NATO crackdown if Putin invades Moldova, that's probably why Romania is mobilising. We're not going to be having a lunatic at our borders. Hopefully Ukraine has a lot of AShMs there too.
Invade Moldova from where? They can't even take Kharkiv and western Donbas. Those 1500 Russian troops in Transnistria are conscripts/badly paid security guards that are completely cut off from any Russian support. I think it's all talk to keep Ukraine from invading it or attacking it which they can actually do using strike aircraft. I think the US has told Ukraine to hold off Transnistria for now and concentrate its forces to east and south.

What a calm civil conversation about this war we're having... what's missing? :sneaky:
Russian officers began firing on their soldiers to force them to attack Ukraine

Russian invaders are forcing the staff of the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant to hang a portrait of Putin there. And the occupiers demand to take part in the organization of celebrations in Energodar until May 9. This was stated by the head of Energoatom Petro Kotin.

I'm not sure if they are getting the tactical strike missile I think it's just the MLR's which itself has a good range but it wouldn't surprised me if they did "accidently" delivered a handful of these long range missiles quietly under the condition Russian territory doesn't get hit.