Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Russia imposes new economic sanctions on itself.

Given that the pipeline passes through Germany, I don't even know how that will work.
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The units of the Russian Armed Forces took control of a large base for the storage and repair of equipment left by the Ukrainian army. A large amount of Ukrainian military equipment was captured, about 100 units in total. Among the trophies of the air defense "Tunguska", air defense "Shilka", radar stations, means for servicing military equipment. In the hangar there were workshops for the repair and restoration of damaged Ukrainian equipment.

Where exactly, because they lost ground everywhere yesterday?


In the Belgorod region of the Russian Federation report a fire in an ammunition depot. According to a local official, this was preceded by loud explosions. It happened near the village of Stara Nelydivka.
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It's slowly but surely nibbling away at the main front




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They'll manage and there are Starstreak and Mistral until then.
Don't tell me there are Nazis there too?

Oh wait, of course there is, because Russia is there. Moldova and Ukraine may have to intervene there too with lots of support from NATO, kick out the Russian Nazis and then hand RoM (Russian Occupied Moldova) back to Moldova, its rightful owner.
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No problems:

Iraq 1991 - They invaded Kuwait, NATO kicked them out in accordance with a UN mandate. UN chose not to remove him but to sanction him, so that the people suffered and continued to be disappeared and tortured by Saddam, whilst expect the US to implement a no-fly zone indefinitely over Southern and Northern Iraq to stop him bombing Kurds and Shias.

Serbia - They committed a genocide killing around 10,000 Bosnians. Resolution 1239 called for a humanitarian corridor and access for aid and peacekeepers. Serbia failed to comply. Diplomacy failed, we told him we had bombs that could hit the table in front of him, he didn't listen, so they did.

Afghanistan - UN mandate. Terrorist regime, killed 3,000 civilians in the US. Bin Laden hunted down and killed for the crime.

Iraq 2003 - See Iraq 1991. Fixing a problem that was left unfixed earlier. Saddam also funded Hamas and Hezbollah. The Iraqi people now vote on their own government.

Libya - UN approved. Protection of a democratic uprising that was about to be slaughtered by a dictatorial scum bag.

Syria - Only intervened against ISIS and Al-Quaeda-affiliated groups who were overrunning Iraq.

Ukraine - Helping democratic regime defend their own country against invading cock-bags.

All either legal or in support of democracy and genocide prevention. Russian wars - all in support of territorial acquisition for Russia. "We need to protect Russian people? In Moldova, Ukraine, Crimea and Georgia? Russian soldiers should stop dressing as civilians and shooting at and bombing police in other countries and then they won't need protection.

11 million Muslims? Please break that down for us. How many and where?

Invaded 9 Muslim countries? I only count 2, and both were attempts to permit democracy.

Now here's a parody of randomradio et al:

Pakistan occupied Kashmir - Blah blah blah, very bad sir, blah blah blah.

Russian occupied Georgia - Meh.

Russian occupied Ukraine - Meh. Nazis, NATO, blah.

Russian occupied Moldova - Meh.
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