Ukraine - Russia Conflict

YES. What is beingclaimed a victory for UA is actually an orderly fighting withdrawal by the Russians. They will come back again but this time from south and West after taking over the other territories.

Not sure if the Russians have the stomach to take Kharkiv though. The UAF will hold the citizens hostage as usual, and the RA is just a one-trick pony when it comes to taking cities, by reducing it to rubble. I feel Kharkiv can only be won through negotiations.
Russia's aims all along.

Lol, Putin himself announced that in Feb. Are you coming to the realisation only now, even after I've pointed the same on multiple occasions?

Many of them criticise GoI's position.

Self-preservation amongst sheep.

When up against woke opinions, all you can do is keep quiet or agree to it when presssed for an opinion, the alternative being, being "cancelled" by Western society. Your society has degenerated. It can't think for itself, and the ones who can are forced to keep quiet.

Over the war in Ukraine, the West has shut itself to any opinion that goes against the propaganda being dished out. After all, the US can't tell its own people they are the bad guys.

They haven't been able to use their air force and they've lost 200 jets and 163 helis.

Don't be stupid. You can't hide aircraft losses, or we would have seen the result on Oryx, especially with all the airframes falling in Ukrainian held territories. They have lost 26 jets via open sources, which matches the intensity of the air war.
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Let me ask you a question. The Nazi swastika is also a symbol in Sikhism, Buddhism and Hinduism, so why don't you guys change it because some random teenagers the other side of the world use the symbol while perpetrating attacks?

Cultural appropriation. With lack of knowledge on genetics, Hitler wrongly assumed that "Aryans" are a race. Today we know that there are only four races, White, Black, Brown and Mongloid. In order to separate the Aryans from other European Neanderthals, especially the Anglo-Saxons, he needed the Aryans to be associated with an ancient civilisation, so he chose India and Hinduism, because of the so-called Aryan Invasion Theory, basically claiming Europeans created Hinduism, specifically Germans, specifically blue-eyed blonds. Today we know he was just an idiot. But the problem is even today there are a whole string of idiots who think the hakenkreuz is the swastika.

In any case, although associated with Hinduism, the swastika has meaning in many non-Asian cultures.
It's the upper age limit they removed because older people wanted to join. Ukraine never had as many tanks and APCs to begin with, Russia has already lost more tanks and APCs than most armies have in them. The equivalent of 1/2 of Pakistan's army has been lost, or 1/4 of India's. And you can't send all your tanks to Ukraine when you have as large a land border and as many enemies as Putin. Even if all his tanks are serviceable.

Since the end of March the net territory gains each week have been Ukrainian. Even if Putin takes the entire Donbass, what then? Ukraine have nowhere to retreat too and they will shell Russian forces forever until they leave. Ukraine will win because they live there primarily. Forcible occupations just don't work.
I hope you know the demography of Ukraine. Kharkiv has over 56% Russian origin population and it was one of the areas which had voted against Zelensky in 2014. It is also the most industrialised state of Ukraine which has been compleletely devastated. RA has achieved its objectives. This region is of no use to Ukraine. Regarding the losses in terms of tanks etc, RA in its history as USSR, has never bothered about losses as their military-industrial might can produce hundreds of tanks every week. We saw that during second world war. Compared to it, the west has wound down their ability to produce weapons as they went into woke culture and too much of unjustified freedom which serves noone.

You started teaching the world's oldest civiliazation human values while you as attackers did not have any of them. I have seen videos which are banned in western world of RA soldiers tied and being shot multiple times till their bodies fail to respond to bullets. The amount of war crimes done by UA are more brutal than what Nazies did but the woke culture of west is afraid to show it to their people. AND these idiots in west call themselves the epitome of democracy and free speech and teach us morality.

We have banned export of Wheat and that has suddenly everyone ringing Delhi to lift the ban. Do you know why we took that decision? All the mother *censored*ers with deep pockets from Europe wanted to take control of our exported wheat and than deprive people who needed them and that included China as well. We will sell the wheat to those who need it and not those who horde it for financial gains. This is our Humane culture vs your vulture culture. Please read what Eqypt has to say about our Wheat which they got 63k tons. They have called it the finest in the world with largest protien content. You controlled Ukraine wheat bowl by taking over Ukraine and now many of your businesses will become bankrupt. It is this which is forcing you guys to beg Russia for ceasefire. FYI, Most European nations will run out of wheat and rice within next two months and there will be riots like what we are witnessing in SriLanka. This is what your governments fear as they will get butchered on the streets like the politicians of Sri Lanka.

Not sure if the Russians have the stomach to take Kharkiv though. The UAF will hold the citizens hostage as usual, and the RA is just a one-trick pony when it comes to taking cities, by reducing it to rubble. I feel Kharkiv can only be won through negotiations.
I have a different take on this. If we go by only western media and NATO briefings of this war, RA has committed only 100 BTGs to this war so far which amounts to about 180k-200k soldiers as each BTG has about 1800-200 men based on its composition. RA is already doing RR&R=rest, recuperation and rotation of their troops while Ukraine has not been able to do so. It is my hunch from what I have studied about Russians that once they finish the operations in South, these 100 BTGs will suddenly descend on Kharkiv. Russia will not settle for anything less than Kharkiv. Novo Rossiya is incomplete without Kharkiv.
Cultural appropriation. With lack of knowledge on genetics, Hitler wrongly assumed that "Aryans" are a race. Today we know that there are only four races, White, Black, Brown and Mongloid. In order to separate the Aryans from other European Neanderthals, especially the Anglo-Saxons, he needed the Aryans to be associated with an ancient civilisation, so he chose India and Hinduism, because of the so-called Aryan Invasion Theory, basically claiming Europeans created Hinduism, specifically Germans, specifically blue-eyed blonds. Today we know he was just an idiot. But the problem is even today there are a whole string of idiots who think the hakenkreuz is the swastika.

In any case, although associated with Hinduism, the swastika has meaning in many non-Asian cultures.
I can't agree with you more. These idiots gave themselves an Identity stolen from us.
Lol, Putin himself announced that in Feb. Are you coming to the realisation only now, even after I've pointed the same on multiple occasions?

Self-preservation amongst sheep.

When up against woke opinions, all you can do is keep quiet or agree to it when presssed for an opinion, the alternative being, being "cancelled" by Western society. Your society has degenerated. It can't think for itself, and the ones who can are forced to keep quiet.

Over the war in Ukraine, the West has shut itself to any opinion that goes against the propaganda being dished out. After all, the US can't tell its own people they are the bad guys.

Don't be stupid. You can't hide aircraft losses, or we would have seen the result on Oryx, especially with all the airframes falling in Ukrainian held territories. They have lost 26 jets via open sources, which matches the intensity of the air war.

Not really. You can express whatever view you like. E.g. many in the US think the money is better spent at home. The only people gobbling up raw Putin propaganda are yourselves.

Untrue, people have reiterated Putin's propaganda, but they have been dismissed by logical people who see the pattern in Russian behaviour. Sweden and Finland also see this pattern.

I earlier linked a website with itemised pictures of all the destroyed equipment. It's not debatable. You're living in denial. If Putin could use his air force he would, any logical person knows that.
Cultural appropriation. With lack of knowledge on genetics, Hitler wrongly assumed that "Aryans" are a race. Today we know that there are only four races, White, Black, Brown and Mongloid. In order to separate the Aryans from other European Neanderthals, especially the Anglo-Saxons, he needed the Aryans to be associated with an ancient civilisation, so he chose India and Hinduism, because of the so-called Aryan Invasion Theory, basically claiming Europeans created Hinduism, specifically Germans, specifically blue-eyed blonds. Today we know he was just an idiot. But the problem is even today there are a whole string of idiots who think the hakenkreuz is the swastika.

In any case, although associated with Hinduism, the swastika has meaning in many non-Asian cultures.
It's the same thing with the sunwheel, it goes back to ancient Norse and Celtic tribes. It's probably related to ancient sun dials IMO. The Nazis appropriated both. And for someone wishing to identify as a Nazi, a sunwheel is not an obvious choice.
We have banned export of Wheat and that has suddenly everyone ringing Delhi to lift the ban. Do you know why we took that decision? All the mother *censored*ers with deep pockets from Europe wanted to take control of our exported wheat and than deprive people who needed them and that included China as well. We will sell the wheat to those who need it and not those who horde it for financial gains. This is our Humane culture vs your vulture culture. Please read what Eqypt has to say about our Wheat which they got 63k tons. They have called it the finest in the world with largest protien content. You controlled Ukraine wheat bowl by taking over Ukraine and now many of your businesses will become bankrupt. It is this which is forcing you guys to beg Russia for ceasefire. FYI, Most European nations will run out of wheat and rice within next two months and there will be riots like what we are witnessing in SriLanka. This is what your governments fear as they will get butchered on the streets like the politicians of Sri Lanka.

The Europeans will survive the food crisis, but Africa and ME will not. That would mean more immigration into Europe.

I have a different take on this. If we go by only western media and NATO briefings of this war, RA has committed only 100 BTGs to this war so far which amounts to about 180k-200k soldiers as each BTG has about 1800-200 men based on its composition. RA is already doing RR&R=rest, recuperation and rotation of their troops while Ukraine has not been able to do so. It is my hunch from what I have studied about Russians that once they finish the operations in South, these 100 BTGs will suddenly descend on Kharkiv. Russia will not settle for anything less than Kharkiv. Novo Rossiya is incomplete without Kharkiv.

Yeah, Kharkiv to Odessa, these two cities and everything in between.
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I hope you know the demography of Ukraine. Kharkiv has over 56% Russian origin population and it was one of the areas which had voted against Zelensky in 2014. It is also the most industrialised state of Ukraine which has been compleletely devastated. RA has achieved its objectives. This region is of no use to Ukraine. Regarding the losses in terms of tanks etc, RA in its history as USSR, has never bothered about losses as their military-industrial might can produce hundreds of tanks every week. We saw that during second world war. Compared to it, the west has wound down their ability to produce weapons as they went into woke culture and too much of unjustified freedom which serves noone.

You started teaching the world's oldest civiliazation human values while you as attackers did not have any of them. I have seen videos which are banned in western world of RA soldiers tied and being shot multiple times till their bodies fail to respond to bullets. The amount of war crimes done by UA are more brutal than what Nazies did but the woke culture of west is afraid to show it to their people. AND these idiots in west call themselves the epitome of democracy and free speech and teach us morality.

We have banned export of Wheat and that has suddenly everyone ringing Delhi to lift the ban. Do you know why we took that decision? All the mother *censored*ers with deep pockets from Europe wanted to take control of our exported wheat and than deprive people who needed them and that included China as well. We will sell the wheat to those who need it and not those who horde it for financial gains. This is our Humane culture vs your vulture culture. Please read what Eqypt has to say about our Wheat which they got 63k tons. They have called it the finest in the world with largest protien content. You controlled Ukraine wheat bowl by taking over Ukraine and now many of your businesses will become bankrupt. It is this which is forcing you guys to beg Russia for ceasefire. FYI, Most European nations will run out of wheat and rice within next two months and there will be riots like what we are witnessing in SriLanka. This is what your governments fear as they will get butchered on the streets like the politicians of Sri Lanka.

I have a different take on this. If we go by only western media and NATO briefings of this war, RA has committed only 100 BTGs to this war so far which amounts to about 180k-200k soldiers as each BTG has about 1800-200 men based on its composition. RA is already doing RR&R=rest, recuperation and rotation of their troops while Ukraine has not been able to do so. It is my hunch from what I have studied about Russians that once they finish the operations in South, these 100 BTGs will suddenly descend on Kharkiv. Russia will not settle for anything less than Kharkiv. Novo Rossiya is incomplete without Kharkiv.
Such times are gone, these losses can't be sustained. Where are all the new tanks LOL? It's a shame that you've just admitted that Russia's goal is to destroy Ukrainian civilisation though without flinching.

And we have seen mass graves stacked with hundreds, many people disappearing altogether and women and children crying because Russian soldiers have raped them. The looting seems insignificant but they do that too. Cities flattened. Russian soldiers complaining about being bound and shot is null and void, even supposing it is true, they have forsaken all laws and decency a long time ago. Nobody gives two f*cks for the rights of anyone who crosses from Russia into Ukraine with a weapon anymore. They're done.

You're making up your own version of the reality again. Everything you've just said is bollox. European soil is all fertile due to rain, especially the UK.

RA can't rotate soldiers because they are struggling to find anyone to take their place without declaring a war and exercising forced mobilisation. And you can't rotate the dead.

So they gave up Kharkiv so they could take it again? :ROFLMAO: Wow, you have so many dumb people.
The Europeans will survive the food crisis, but Africa and ME will not. That would mean more immigration into Europe.
Oh but I thought India was going to give food to the needy like vstol said? :ROFLMAO:
Ukrainian AF still flying. Russians not. Russian helicopters being used as MLRS, because they're unable to acquire Jack.


Not really. You can express whatever view you like. E.g. many in the US think the money is better spent at home. The only people gobbling up raw Putin propaganda are yourselves.

Untrue, people have reiterated Putin's propaganda, but they have been dismissed by logical people who see the pattern in Russian behaviour. Sweden and Finland also see this pattern.

I earlier linked a website with itemised pictures of all the destroyed equipment. It's not debatable. You're living in denial. If Putin could use his air force he would, any logical person knows that.

I haven't been exposed to Russia side of the war for over a month now.

There is no pattern for Russia's behaviour, which is why Europe is up in arms about it, and which is also why Finland and Sweden are making knee-jerk reactions.

I am also talking about the same website, it says 26 jets show down.

It's the same thing with the sunwheel, it goes back to ancient Norse and Celtic tribes. It's probably related to ancient sun dials IMO. The Nazis appropriated both.

They tried linking the Aryan race to every old civilisation imaginable. Even Oppenheimer believed that Atlantis existed, and apparently nuked India.

And for someone wishing to identify as a Nazi, a sunwheel is not an obvious choice.

Linking Hitler's hate to Hinduism was easier for the post-war Europeans to feel good about themselves. Common sense should force you to use the word "hakenkruez", not "swastika". But sheep think like sheep in every which way possible.
It's the same thing with the sunwheel, it goes back to ancient Norse and Celtic tribes. It's probably related to ancient sun dials IMO. The Nazis appropriated both. And for someone wishing to identify as a Nazi, a sunwheel is not an obvious choice.
Do you even know to what ancient age does Indian culture go back to? In Ramayana, It is written that when Bhagwan Hanuman reached Ravan's Lanka he saw very rare multitusked Elephants. This was written some 12k years ago and now we have fossil evidence of such Elephants having existed about 14k to 12k years ago. Till 18th century, entire Europe was shitting on roads, you created toilets after meeting Indians.
The so called Vaccination was prevelent in India for over 6k years wherein the Brahmins used to rub the skin with a clothe dipped in Ganga water treated with some herbs and on that reddened skin they used to drop the fluid from an infected person which too was treated with other herbs to make it docile and that is how India used to manage pandemics. You idiots destroyed our ancient knowledge and misappropriated it. You replaced rough cloth rubbing on skin with a needle.