Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Nope, there was no military equipment there, it was an active supermarket.

Shopping centre actually.

Z patriot seems to have woken up yesterday. How does he expect Ukraine to make use of the large volume of real time intel, use all the fancy weapons (when large number of Ukraine forces are recent volunteers/conscripts and not trained infantry men) without foreign advisors?
of course any one who does not agree with american version are z patriots. Every one knew Ukraine is getting Intel from west. If you had cared to read the article in NYtimes (which is behind paywall) it gives out the fact that its not just advisors but also special forces from west who are fighting along with Ukraine. It simply makes the "we have no boots on the ground" claim redundant giving the other party the right to retaliate in the same manner.
Does z-patriot even know what "boots on the ground" mean? These aren't combat/ground troops but spooks that are there for intel. If anyone believed US was not going to have "people" in Ukraine during the war thn youz aint as smart as you think.
Go read the NY article thats what it exposes , these are not advisors but special forces working along side the ukraine directing the fighting. So its technically undeclared full scale war, if any incident happens outside ukraine border they cannot shed fake crocodile tears abt being non combatants. More or less its left to russia to take it further to european hinterland.
It's impossible to gauge that, it's like asking a citizen of the DPRK for an opinion of the Kim family. Let them try. The only thing they have going for them now is that we haven't engaged them. Why is everything catching fire in Russia? Why are enlistment offices being petrol bombed? Why are ammo trains derailing? Farmers putting Zs on sheep? Councillors and journalists being arrested for condemning the war? Those opinion polls are probably about as reliable as Russia's loss statistics.

Yeah, at what cost? HIMARS rockets cost $100k, Kalibr-Ms and Iskander-Ms are many millions per unit. One can afford to use a SAM on cruise missiles and Isanders, one can't afford to use SAMs on HIMARS rockets because the SAM costs more than the rocket.
@randomradio ,
As expected @BMD is back to selling BS. He still lives in imperialistic 19th century and thinks we eastern plebians should take his "crow are black so russians are evil" as gods given word without any questioning.

probably he will never answer why there is so much propaganda on MSM which blocks out other news of opposing the war from within europe itself.

of course any one who does not agree with american version are z patriots. Every one knew Ukraine is getting Intel from west. If you had cared to read the article in NYtimes (which is behind paywall) it gives out the fact that its not just advisors but also special forces from west who are fighting along with Ukraine. It simply makes the "we have no boots on the ground" claim redundant giving the other party the right to retaliate in the same manner.

There is no way Ukraine could have stopped Russia by itself. Its not just US but NATO advisors, special forces operatives, Intel operatives all running like wild bunnies in Ukraine. Anyone who believed US claims please reach out - I have a good deal for you to own the Eiffel Tower.
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Why waste it on artillery. When people say warfare is about communications/logistics they mean the easiest way to beat artillery/tanks is to destroy their supplies. No fuel Russian tank is as good as dead.

Blow up C2, EW, AA, ammo, food and fuel. How will artillery fight without those things?

HIMARS is gonna force Russia to back up their supply dumps forcing longer trips with trucks, which Russia doesn't have.

A lot of the important stuff will be beyond artillery range. And logistics are distributed and convoys are generally very small and go undetected.

The Russians supply fuel using pipelines that they build as they move, along with creating redundancy. These pipes are very small and well hidden.

Plus since the frontline is largely static, with very little movement, hitting Russian logistics at tactical ranges isn't exactly a very efficient way to use the very, very small and hopeless quantities of HIMARS delivered. It's better to hit more important targets instead.
What we are witnessing is the return of Europe to pre colonial days when Asia was supreme and they had a culture in which they used to shit on streets. Asia, especially India told them about town planning and toilets. The earlier they realise the game being played by USA and its poodle UK, the better will be Europe. Russia is part of Europe but USA and its Poodle UK are not. They have no sympathy with Europeans and want the Europe destroyed and reduced to being a third world country. In another 2-3 months yu will see these governments supporting Ukraine being thrown out and a very strong right wing will rise in Europe which will result in Collapse of NATO.
It's impossible to gauge that, it's like asking a citizen of the DPRK for an opinion of the Kim family. Let them try. The only thing they have going for them now is that we haven't engaged them. Why is everything catching fire in Russia? Why are enlistment offices being petrol bombed? Why are ammo trains derailing? Farmers putting Zs on sheep? Councillors and journalists being arrested for condemning the war? Those opinion polls are probably about as reliable as Russia's loss statistics.

Yeah, at what cost? HIMARS rockets cost $100k, Kalibr-Ms and Iskander-Ms are many millions per unit. One can afford to use a SAM on cruise missiles and Isanders, one can't afford to use SAMs on HIMARS rockets because the SAM costs more than the rocket.

The same thing will happen in any other country. In India, we call it the 2.5 front war, where the 0.5 part will be internal.

You need to understand that Russian prices are nowhere near Western prices.

The Pinaka MBRL is stated to be cheaper than other systems. It costs ₹2.3 crore (US$300,000) per system compared to the M270 which costs ₹ ₹19.5 crore (US$2.6 million).

Russian stuff is even cheaper than the Pinaka.

5000 rockets per annum
Z patriot seems to have woken up yesterday. How does he expect Ukraine to make use of the large volume of real time intel, use all the fancy weapons (when large number of Ukraine forces are recent volunteers/conscripts and not trained infantry men) without foreign advisors?

NATO SF are directing a lot of stuff too. And there's still a sizeable number of UAF fighters around. Most of the casualties are amongst the conscripts.
The same thing will happen in any other country. In India, we call it the 2.5 front war, where the 0.5 part will be internal.

You need to understand that Russian prices are nowhere near Western prices.

The Pinaka MBRL is stated to be cheaper than other systems. It costs ₹2.3 crore (US$300,000) per system compared to the M270 which costs ₹ ₹19.5 crore (US$2.6 million).

Russian stuff is even cheaper than the Pinaka.

5000 rockets per annum
I'm talking about the cost of a single rocket, which is $110k.

The Russian cruise missiles it uses when spazzing out are several million $ each.

At 20% inflation Russian prices must be catching up though.
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I'm talking about the cost of a single rocket, which is $110k.

The Russian cruise missiles it uses when spazzing out are several million $ each.

At 20% inflation Russian prices must be catching up though.

You really think India is producing 5000 rockets a year at $100K a pop?
@randomradio ,
As expected @BMD is back to selling BS. He still lives in imperialistic 19th century and thinks we eastern plebians should take his "crow are black so russians are evil" as gods given word without any questioning.

probably he will never answer why there is so much propaganda on MSM which blocks out other news of opposing the war from within europe itself.

Correct me if I'm wrong but the imperialistic 19th century was when European powers went round annexing parts of, or all of, other countries right? What exactly is Russia, a European power, doing right now again?

Yeah, people protest stuff in the West, because they're allowed to, even if they're completely crazy, like some people we know. Occasionally they even break into parliament.

The number is 45%. But then Italy's debt position is likely the reason for that, not the reasons you think.

About 45% of Italians are against sending weapons to Ukraine, according to a poll
You really think India is producing 5000 rockets a year at $100K a pop?
You are missing the point completely. When Ukraine took out 3 Russian ammo dumps in the space of 24 hours and de-railed a train, Russia responded to 3 $110k rockets with dozens of cruise missiles costing several million each. And many of them were shot down or hit civilian targets. That isn't a winning strategy.
I think you'll find the UK is part of Europe genius. It is Russia that is returning to its colonial days (if it actually ever stopped).

Fortunately Europe did not listen to India's ideas on town planning and toilets.

Collapse of Europe/NATO huh? :ROFLMAO: It shows where all this comes from, you hate the West so much that you are prepared to side with Russia, even though you know they are wrong, just to try and one-up the West.
It really is a moronic post. His rant is emotional and not based on facts. After WW1 and WW2 with Marshal Plan all of a sudden the US wants to turn Europe into a third world country? Can't get any stupider.

Now if he would have said US wants to have overwhelming influence over Europe and to still be dependent on US for its defense that is different but to say we want to turn Europe to a third world nation is to not pay attention to what happen during the 20th century.
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Who broke the Minsk agreement? DPR, i.e. Russia, did in January 2015.

By January 2015, the Minsk Protocol ceasefire had completely collapsed.[22] Following the separatist victory at Donetsk International Airport in defiance of the Protocol, DPR spokesman Eduard Basurin said that "the Minsk Memorandum will not be considered in the form it was adopted".[23] Later in the day, DPR leader Alexander Zakharchenko said that the DPR "will not make any attempts at ceasefire talks any more", and that his forces were going to "attack right up to the borders of Donetsk region".[24]

I post this, because so many on this forum @jetray, @randomradio, @vstol Jockey, have told me Kiev broke it. So Russia couldn't even stick to an agreement that gave them Crimea and part of the Donbass.

Minsk II

Though the fighting generally subsided after the ceasefire came into effect at 0:00 EET on 15 February, skirmishes and shelling continued in several parts of the conflict zone.[49] Shelling and fighting at Debaltseve continued, as DPR leader Alexander Zakharchenko said that the ceasefire did not apply to that area.[50]

Seems that it had very little to do with Nazis or even Azov.

@Hydra, @RISING SUN, @Ashwin, @Jaymax, @Innominate, @Picdelamirand-oil, @Amarante, @Bon Plan
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Who broke the Minsk agreement? DPR, i.e. Russia, did in January 2015.

I post this, because so many on this forum @jetray, @randomradio, @vstol Jockey, have told me Kiev broke it. So Russia couldn't even stick to an agreement that gave them Crimea and part of the Donbass.

Minsk II

Seems that it had very little to do with Nazis or even Azov.

@Hydra, @RISING SUN, @Ashwin, @Jaymax, @Innominate, @Picdelamirand-oil, @Amarante, @Bon Plan
Add to the agreements broken , 2002 EU-Russia transit agreement on kaliningrad transit. This was negotiated as lithuania joining EU would make kaliningrad totally surrounded by NATO. Russia agreed for lithuania joining EU based on guarantee that access to kaliningrad will be preserved.

As usual west did what it is famous for accepting them when it suits them and dumping them when it doesnt. Now they will go around shedding crocodile tears on how russia is threatening a small country like lithuania.
Yeah, people protest stuff in the West, because they're allowed to, even if they're completely crazy, like some people we know. Occasionally they even break into parliament.
west only allows or puts up a minority shwo to maintain the facade of freeness when little or no damage takes place. As we seen over the years when the damage is high their attitude is worse than autocratic or dictatorial countries. Its not that they dont commit crime its only they successfully coverup and walk away scot free. When every thing fails they brazen it out. Whether it is julian assange or else where , western freedom disappears into abyss of immorality when confronted with truth.

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Things which are true but depending on your side you’ll accept deny

Russian forces have been fought to a halt by a massive behind the scenes campaign by NATO

Ukraine isn’t all innocent

Putin is a cunt

US is knee deep in the conflict and not on the side lines

This war has nothing to do with democracy or freedom or correcting past injustices
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