This is now a third version of the 'truth', seen as the first two have failed. It's like the Moskva all over again. You have to be seriously deluded to believe someone who keeps changing their story.
It's Ukrainian propaganda vs Russian propaganda. Truth is somewhere in the center.
I will anyway waste a bit of my time explaining the strike and the strike cctv footages.
Here is the map of the strikelocation.
Here is the map with different colors marking different structures.
1)Light blue represents the "Mall"
2)Yellow represents the "heavy vehicle factory "
3) Green represents "railway track". You can see an extension of the railway track going into the vehicle factory, most likely for transport of manufactured vehicles.
4)Pink represents the "Park" behind the factory.
Here is a zoomed-in picture of the mall and the railway line located east going into the factory
Here is the zoomed picture of the park north of the factory
Now, here is the video of the Russian missile strike.
Pause the video at 16 seconds and you can see that the missile strike was on the immediate south of the water park. From the map I gave earlier, you can see that south of the park is the northern side of the heavy vehicle factory.
Again, if you pause the video at 1:01, you can clearly see the explosion from another angle. The explosion was in the immediate south of the park, inside the heavy vehicle factory.
Pause the video at 1:21 and again you can clearly see the explosion just south of the park, inside the factory,
From these pictures, it is very clear that the strike was in the factory and the approximate location of the strike is marked in the picture below.
I am not claiming that there was only one strike and there was no strike near the mall. According to the reports, there were multiple missile strikes. And from the picture of the burned down the mall, one missile seems to have struck north east of the Mall in the railway lines and most likely it caused the fire in the mall.
Anyways the point I am making is simple. The allegation that the Russians deliberately struck the Mall is wrong. Russians were striking the heavy vehicle factory ( which Russians also believe is hosting western weapons) and the factory indeed got hit.