Ukraine - Russia Conflict

You mean Uyghurs that China imprisons for 6 years for growing a beard? It doesn't so much support them as simply think that they shouldn't be put in concentration camps. And as regards sovereignty, who does China belong to, the CCP or the people of China? The very name of China is a lie, 'People's Republic of China'. It should belong to the people but it belongs to the CCP right now. The mistake you and many others make is treating democracies and dictatorships as equal, they are not. Dictatorships are criminal enterprises, and this war has helped expose the amount of corruption behind the Russian state, generals with yachts instead of equipment.

The CCP is the only obstacle to One China, just as the Socialist Unity* Party of Germany was the only obstacle to German reunification from 1949-1989.

*Note yet another lie in a name, Communist dictatorships are good at that. Democratic People's Republic of Korea is especially good, because it has two lies in one name.
If the political system of the West is superior to that of the East, where is the evidence? Just because North America and Europe have developed economies?
These have their origins in the dividends of the colonial era and the economic plundering of developing countries in the era of globalization. not because of so-called democracies
In other words, is the code of conduct in modern state relations the same as the political system of Western countries? Western countries dominate the international community. Anything that goes against Western values is evil?

At least Ukraine has it's priority right . So what if it's an existential battle . I can't imagine what would piss Russia off more than this move . I certainly hope this wasn't the comedian doing his stand up . As it is the laughs on him .

Well Paddy & sweetie , if this doesn't inspire you shameless recalcitrants to volunteer to fight in Ukraine at the head of thousands of queens & trans men / women all scantily clad with plenty of sass sashaying away as in your usual pride marches , I don't know what will .

Look at it this way - either you defeat Russia & become a hero or you get badly buggered in the process & become a hero to your community . I can't think of anything that'd please both of you more especially the latter . Either way it's a win win situation.

@BMD ; @Innominate
I though your Emo butt wasn't going to be coming here anymore? Can't stay away, eh? :ROFLMAO:
If the political system of the West is superior to that of the East, where is the evidence? Just because North America and Europe have developed economies?
These have their origins in the dividends of the colonial era and the economic plundering of developing countries in the era of globalization. not because of so-called democracies
In other words, is the code of conduct in modern state relations the same as the political system of Western countries? Western countries dominate the international community. Anything that goes against Western values is evil?
So where is the evidence that the so-called Uyghurs were detained in concentration camps because of their beards? What evidence do you have that deradicalization education is a concentration camp? Just because of the BBC documentary?
So back to Ukraine, if the sovereignty of a country does not belong to the government,
Is it then that it can be said that the land in eastern Ukraine does not belong to the Ukrainian government, but to the ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine? So Russia's military actions are justified?
First of all, whether a government is just or not should be decided by all the people, not by Western countries, let alone be a reason for Western countries to invade other countries.
Secondly, you said that democracy is better than dictatorship, but international law has never stipulated that democracies have a higher status than dictatorships and can trample on the sovereignty of other countries
Non-western sources:

The land of internationally recognised Ukraine belongs to all the people of Ukraine together as one, and it is the all-up vote that determines the rightful leadership. It is not up to individual areas to have their own vote, that just brings chaos, i.e. any group of lunatics that doesn't like a government could have their own vote and take up arms, and then the same could happen later within that area. That would just bring us back to tribalism eventually.

Exactly, all the people of that country should decide it in a vote, without that they have no way of deciding except civil war. Voting is essentially a way to avoid violence and tyranny at the same time. And you need to be a fairly exceptional asshat to get invaded by NATO. Take Saddam Hussein, he gassed several thousand of his own people with Cyclo-Sarin, killed and disappeared up to 2 million and invaded another country, as well as hostage-taking, torture, deliberate environmental crimes (pumped oil into Gulf).

A dictatorship has already trampled on the sovereignty of those countries, since they rule by force/fear without electoral consent. That is essentially the same as anyone taking the country by force.
If the political system of the West is superior to that of the East, where is the evidence? Just because North America and Europe have developed economies?
These have their origins in the dividends of the colonial era and the economic plundering of developing countries in the era of globalization. not because of so-called democracies
In other words, is the code of conduct in modern state relations the same as the political system of Western countries? Western countries dominate the international community. Anything that goes against Western values is evil?
Well, because we don't lock people up for growing beards for one, or their beliefs in general. The evidence is in the GDP/capita, this is little to do with colonialism since the money and technology of yester-century is worth nothing today.

Globalisation did not make western countries richer. It took money and jobs out of western countries, and allowed certain countries to copy IP, hence why many westerners hate it.

No, we generally believe that people should get a vote and not be imprisoned for religious beliefs/ethnicity, and don't believe in annexation. In no case of NATO intervention did it annex territory to any NATO member state. Iraqis and Afghans were given a vote. We will work with dictatorships where we have to, but we prefer not to.
If saboteurs continue to target the trainlines, and artillery targets the trucks then it will make things very problematic for Russia logistically. This is also a major obstacle to the 'full mobilisation' many like @randomradio have discussed. More Russian forces mean more trains, and even more trucks, which they already don't have enough of and continue losing. It will become even more problematic when Ukraine receives its first ATACMS missiles, which will be able to target the train depots from even further away. By pushing the depots back, they will push the weapons back.
yeah now target this nuclear power plant uncle putin challenges west. 🤣

Is it then that it can be said that the land in eastern Ukraine does not belong to the Ukrainian government, but to the ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine? So Russia's military actions are justified?
It should also be noted that there isn't an ethnic Russian majority, or a pro-Russian majority in many of the areas Russia has invaded. Maybe in Eastern Donbass, but certainly not in the Kherson or Zaporizhzhia oblasts. Putin has also forcibly deported many Ukrainian residents to Russia, thus depriving them of any say in whatever sham claim to independence Putin has planned.

yeah now target this nuclear power plant uncle putin challenges west. 🤣

That's beyond criminal. I'd laugh if they did target it, it would soon get rid of Russian troops, although very painfully.

The Unique Banality of Vladimir Putin | by Andrei Kolesnikov | Moscow Times > Putin is both unique and banal. He is unique in that he established a regime in the 21st century that is more typical of the mid-20th century. In the post-heroic age, which knows no borders for the movement of people, capital and ideas, he staged a theater of the "heroic" defense of a sovereignty that no one had ever attempted to destroy. And he orchestrated the triumph of the practical application of imperialism in an era when no empire exists. > At the same time, he is as banal as the dictators and autocrats of the 20th century — they are all alike in many ways. They all fostered the cult of the leader, relied on the indifference and obedience of the masses, deified the state, maintained a cult of strength, militarism and heroic death, confused themselves with the state, built an autarkic economic model, often surviving by extracting rents from resource dependence. They also refused on principle to allow a rotation of power, fought against "national traitors," imprisoned their opponents, imposed censorship, and sought to rule forever. > We have already heard a lot that the West will fight with us 'to the last Ukrainian’.” No one in the West has ever said such nonsense. Defense Minister Shoigu said it in one of his sparkling speeches. They got confused in the rhetoric up at the top — as confused as in Leonid Brezhnev's gerontocracy. Or perhaps one speechwriter doesn’t read the work of the other speechwriters. > But what is the "last" thing Putin is fighting for during a demographic disaster, attrition of the working-age population, the flight abroad of the best specialists, the hunt for conscripts, war losses, the impending primitivization of the economy? What is he fighting to? To the last conscript? To the last spare part from a malfunctioning airplane or car? Digging chips out of old debit cards and putting them in new ones is true sovereignty, no doubt about it... > And so we continue our steady movement down the world's garbage chute. After almost five months of "special operations" on the heart of the nation, the flight down could be expected.
Reality: in 2013 Putin conspired to disenfranchise Ukrainians who voted to join the EU in 2010. The opposition party went so far as to call the move treason. Putin then immediately invaded Crimea creating anti-Russian sentiment, then he also infiltrated the Donbass and started hostilities there, causing yet more anti-Russian sentiment. The DPR then broke both the Minsk agreements, which were really only land grabs by Russia anyway.

Probably to try avoid being invaded by Russia. This tends to happen to any European countries that are not in the EU or NATO.

Russia invaded Ukraine, but it did not go at all to plan and the international community let them know they were in the wrong by kicking them off the UN human rights council and condemning their action by majority. Now they are frustrated and are conducting state-level acts of terrorism with cruise missiles to try and bend people to their will, like any two-bit Islamic fundamentalist.

Dude, it is you that has completely warped reality to try and make it fit with your historical perception of Russia as a friend.

You have no idea how stupid this sounds. It's like China or the DPRK lecturing us on human rights. You have literally swallowed every ounce of Russian propaganda.

Considering this is what you think, I suppose revision of history has already begun in Europe.
If sovereignty is above all else, why should Western countries support separatists in China's Xinjiang and Tibet?
If all Ethnicities in the world enjoy independent power, then Russia's military action is undoubtedly just

Because those two regions are supposed to be free. Or at least under a functional democratic union with a federated system, like India, where they can exercise freedom. Basically, if the Dalai Lama can become the Chairman of the CCP, then you can claim control over Tibet.

But the problem with China is even regular "Han" Chinese are not free.

From my perspective, China's population is 15, and those 15 people have 1.4 billion pets who are allowed to call themselves "Han Chinese", even if it doesn't make sense. Without right to property and the right to vote, you have the same rights as a cat or a dog in a democracy. In fact, democracies give more right to even pets compared to the rights a Chinese person has under the CCP. The last I heard you have even been denied the right to an education of your choice. Which means you can only follow the training module created by the CCP, which is the same as how a dog is trained. Wrap your head around that.

So an average human being in China is just a functional human being that's been trained to obey the instructions of the 15 "actual Chinese". You have zero ability to challenge those 15 people, no different from how a dog cannot challenge the President of America. But you can always bite the Chairman of the CCP, like a dog can also bite the President of America, but just like in America, a dog will be put down for biting.

What makes it worse is even those 15 people are slaves of their own failed system because of the indoctrination they underwent when they first joined the system. It's like a hive system seen in the insect world.

Without freedom, a person is even less than an animal.
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If saboteurs continue to target the trainlines, and artillery targets the trucks then it will make things very problematic for Russia logistically. This is also a major obstacle to the 'full mobilisation' many like @randomradio have discussed. More Russian forces mean more trains, and even more trucks, which they already don't have enough of and continue losing. It will become even more problematic when Ukraine receives its first ATACMS missiles, which will be able to target the train depots from even further away. By pushing the depots back, they will push the weapons back.

Er... A lot of that is supposed to function even when actually fighting NATO.
Well, because we don't lock people up for growing beards for one, or their beliefs in general. The evidence is in the GDP/capita, this is little to do with colonialism since the money and technology of yester-century is worth nothing today.

Globalisation did not make western countries richer. It took money and jobs out of western countries, and allowed certain countries to copy IP, hence why many westerners hate it
Let me give the simplest example, the hegemony of the US dollar, every time the Fed cuts interest rates, capital flows to developing countries, making profits, and every time the Fed raises interest rates, capital flows out of developing countries, taking away the profits earned,
The economies of developing countries began to decline. Isn't this a typical plunder through globalization?
The land of internationally recognised Ukraine belongs to all the people of Ukraine together as one, and it is the all-up vote that determines the rightful leadership. It is not up to individual areas to have their own vote, that just brings chaos, i.e. any group of lunatics that doesn't like a government could have their own vote and take up arms, and then the same could happen later within that area. That would just bring us back to tribalism eventually.
If national sovereignty is determined by all citizens
So can I say that the vast majority of Chinese agree that Xinjiang and Tibet are part of China, and that the US and India should drop their support for Tibet and Xinjiang separatists, especially since they have acknowledged that Xinjiang and Tibet are part of China