Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Exactly, all the people of that country should decide it in a vote, without that they have no way of deciding except civil war. Voting is essentially a way to avoid violence and tyranny at the same time. And you need to be a fairly exceptional asshat to get invaded by NATO. Take Saddam Hussein, he gassed several thousand of his own people with Cyclo-Sarin, killed and disappeared up to 2 million and invaded another country, as well as hostage-taking, torture, deliberate environmental crimes (pumped oil into Gulf).
The first Iraq war was just, a war authorized by the United Nations,
Then the second Iraq war must be evil, and the US has no reason to invade a sovereign country
The use of sarin gas to suppress insurgents is naturally evil, but could this be a reason for Western countries to invade Iraq?
Saddam should be tried by all Iraqis, not the West
A dictatorship has already trampled on the sovereignty of those countries, since they rule by force/fear without electoral consent. That is essentially the same as anyone taking the country by force.
Your view is that democracies are more noble than dictatorships, so why did the United States overthrow Chile's democratically elected President Allende in 1973, just because he was pro-socialist?
Why does the United States impose a long-term blockade on Cuba, even though the Cuban Communist Party is supported by all Cubans?
Because those two regions are supposed to be free. Or at least under a functional democratic union with a federated system, like India, where they can exercise freedom. Basically, if the Dalai Lama can become the Chairman of the CCP, then you can claim control over Tibet.
So is separatism allowed in a democratic federal state like India? India Assam, Manipur and Kashmir have independent power?
China has promised the Dalai Lama to serve as the vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference from a very early time. As for the president of the country, if he can get the support of all Chinese people, he can naturally be
But the problem with China is even regular "Han" Chinese are not free.

From my perspective, China's population is 15, and those 15 people have 1.4 billion pets who are allowed to call themselves "Han Chinese", even if it doesn't make sense. Without right to property and the right to vote, you have the same rights as a cat or a dog in a democracy. In fact, democracies give more right to even pets compared to the rights a Chinese person has under the CCP. The last I heard you have even been denied the right to an education of your choice. Which means you can only follow the training module created by the CCP, which is the same as how a dog is trained. Wrap your head around that.

So an average human being in China is just a functional human being that's been trained to obey the instructions of the 15 "actual Chinese". You have zero ability to challenge those 15 people, no different from how a dog cannot challenge the President of America. But you can always bite the Chairman of the CCP, like a dog can also bite the President of America, but just like in America, a dog will be put down for biting.

What makes it worse is even those 15 people are slaves of their own failed system because of the indoctrination they underwent when they first joined the system. It's like a hive system seen in the insect world.

Without freedom, a person is even less than an animal.
If you think Chinese have less power than Indians and compare Chinese to dogs
I'm not interested in arguing with you about this, if I'm going to humiliate Indians, there are many good ways on the Chinese internet, I'm just questioning, what reason does India have to interfere in Tibet?
So is separatism allowed in a democratic federal state like India? India Assam, Manipur and Kashmir have independent power?
You have no idea how a democracy works.

Any one in India can declare that they dont agree with its political setup or country. Nothing prevents them doing so. There are all sorts of ppl who openly work against the state and use states institutions like human rights commission or judiciary against the state itself. What they cant do is indulge in violence. Thats when a state gets legitimacy to act against these elements.

What is separatism to you is freedom for others. If a state has wherewithal to become independent they will become independent there is nothing which will stop it. Historically only countries which have been independent , have been able to

China has promised the Dalai Lama to serve as the vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference from a very early time. As for the president of the country, if he can get the support of all Chinese people, he can naturally be
I see your version of democracy is based on selection rather than election. It is impressive on the one hand china abuses dalai lama is ... and then goes on to offer him a post!

Please do consider giving me the same post offered to dalai lama along with a fat salary. I have no problem in agreeing with all the chinese conditions that dalai lama has problems with.
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So is separatism allowed in a democratic federal state like India?

Nope. We have democratic systems in place to address grievances, and it works. Separatism has nothing to do with Indian politics, it has a lot more to do with foreign powers. For example, Kashmir was peaceful until Pakistan started sending terrorists into Kashmir. NE terroritsts hide out in Myanmar and China. There are ULFA leaders still hiding in China. Khalistani terrorists are hiding in Pak and UK.

India Assam, Manipur and Kashmir have independent power?

Yes, like all other states. In Kashmir it was temporarily taken away due to administration changes recently, but it will be implemented again. But these three states have freedoms and rights that even other states do not have. For example, people from other parts of India cannot buy land in Manipur, but Manipuris can do whatever they want in all of India. Kashmir had a lot of special powers denied to other states, although that's changed because they were not getting investment.

China has promised the Dalai Lama to serve as the vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference from a very early time. As for the president of the country, if he can get the support of all Chinese people, he can naturally be

Nope. He is the leader of his own country, a figurehead placement won't work. He, followed by his successor, should be a permanent member of the Politburo and also in the CMC. Plus it needs to be within a system that actively works to protect Tibetan sovereignty and culture, which China currently lacks entirely. But, by international rules, Tibet needs to be a free country.

Support in China is artificially created. Only 15 people run the country at any one time.
If you think Chinese have less power than Indians and compare Chinese to dogs
I'm not interested in arguing with you about this, if I'm going to humiliate Indians, there are many good ways on the Chinese internet, I'm just questioning, what reason does India have to interfere in Tibet?

Lol. I'm not calling Chinese as dogs literally, I am comparing the "rights" of the Chinese to that of dogs in democracies. Like I said, without property rights and voting rights, the average Chinese rights are equal to that of a dog's rights. Even if you bark, you are muzzled, fact.

Even your population program is modelled like it's done for a purebreed dog. Hukou keeps the population restricted to a single region. Foreign breeds that mix with domestic breeds get their visa cancelled when they turn 60 and are unceremoniously kicked out of the country in order to keep the domestic breed pure.

China practiced forced sterilisation as a state policy for more than three decades. We do that to stray dogs in India.

None of these are insults, it's your reality. Do you wanna argue against it?

Pretty soon, you won't be allowed to leave China, like the case with North Korea. Recall how people from the SU used to die trying to run away? That's soon gonna be China's future, already foreigners are getting kicked out. Similarly a dog owner cannot release his dog outside his property unattended. Migration is an international human right in democracies.

Controlled breeding, controlled migration, controlled exit, controlled education, forced sterilisation, muzzling speech, preventing assembly, no property rights, no voting rights-- All these are how dogs are treated in democracies and Chinese are treated in China. None of these apply to humans in democracies. I'm not making these up, you know that too.

If you don't like "dog", then compare it to a "horse" or a "cat", it doesn't matter. In the West they use the analogy of a "bird in a gilded cage". This is how low your freedoms really are. And this is why we value such freedoms and fundamental rights and even fight for it. How else would you explain the riots in Hong Kong? Because without them, we are nothing more than animals under the control of a master. Even in democracies, people who can't think for themselves are called "sheep" or "sheeple" (sheep + people), meaning they are also compared with animals.

Instead of "pets", the correct word for the Chinese people is "subjects" and not "citizens". But Chinese "subjects" are no different from "pets" in democracies, which is what I'm getting at.

Comparing Indians to animals is merely an insult. It doesn't change our situation in any way. But comparing the rights of a Chinese to that of a dog in a democracy should make you think about your own situation.

India's interest in Tibet is China lied to India about not wanting to take away Tibet's freedom, it was supposed to be a buffer state. Plus Tibet and Xinjiang do not belong to the Chinese, they need to be free countries. China itself first needs to become a free country, all other discussions come after that.
On Saturday morning, Russian forces fired Kh-101 cruise missiles at military targets in Odessa. The missiles were fired from a Tu-95 strategic bomber. As a result of the strike, a large-scale fire started at one of the warehouses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the western districts of Odessa. The missile hit the warehouse was also confirmed by the speaker of the Odessa military administration, Sergei Bratchuk.

Footage of the liquidation of one of the soldiers of the Ukrainian sabotage group has been published. The Ukrainian car, passing through the checkpoint, did not stop and tried to escape. Turning onto a country road and trying to evade pursuit, he ran into another car with the Russian military, who destroyed the car of a soldier of the Ukrainian sabotage group with shots from a grenade launcher and small arms. A machine gun and documents of a serviceman were found in the car.

Your view is that democracies are more noble than dictatorships, so why did the United States overthrow Chile's democratically elected President Allende in 1973, just because he was pro-socialist?
Why does the United States impose a long-term blockade on Cuba, even though the Cuban Communist Party is supported by all Cubans?
The Cold War was a very different time. In short, it happened because Allende was aligned with other more powerful, non-democratic powers who might have used the country for basing nuclear weapons.

Cuba isn't even close to being a democracy and the above also applies. Cuba has already attempted to base Soviet MRBMs and IRBMs within its borders.

It doesn't matter if a dog has a democratic tail if the teeth are that of a brutal dictatorship.
The first Iraq war was just, a war authorized by the United Nations,
Then the second Iraq war must be evil, and the US has no reason to invade a sovereign country
The use of sarin gas to suppress insurgents is naturally evil, but could this be a reason for Western countries to invade Iraq?
Saddam should be tried by all Iraqis, not the West
If the first war had been finished off properly and the war criminal had been removed then the second war wouldn't have been necessary. The second war was only wrong because it should have been part of the first war.

He used it on entire villages, insurgent or not. Saddam was tried in court under a democratically elected Iraqi government after he was captured. They found him guilty and hung him.
If national sovereignty is determined by all citizens
So can I say that the vast majority of Chinese agree that Xinjiang and Tibet are part of China, and that the US and India should drop their support for Tibet and Xinjiang separatists, especially since they have acknowledged that Xinjiang and Tibet are part of China
This is like stating the fact that both Chinese and Taiwanese believe in one China. The problem isn't the integrity of the country, it's the integrity of its government. They all want to be part of one China, but few want to be ruled by the CCP.
Let me give the simplest example, the hegemony of the US dollar, every time the Fed cuts interest rates, capital flows to developing countries, making profits, and every time the Fed raises interest rates, capital flows out of developing countries, taking away the profits earned,
The economies of developing countries began to decline. Isn't this a typical plunder through globalization?
Even with low interest rates, developing nations tend to build up dollar reserves. People invest in currencies that appreciate relative to their own, and they get some interest paid to them was well. This makes more of their own money for use in government expenditure. It's not plunder since they own the debt, no money has been stolen.
Now you know that all men of fighting age (even 18-60) were all banned from leaving Ukraine right. And these don't look like women, children or OAPs.
Considering this is what you think, I suppose revision of history has already begun in Europe.
Dude, it's not revision of history, it's cast iron fact. Both main parties campaigned to join the EU in 2010. The EEU had negligible support in Ukraine. You know this already, I mean how many ex-Soviet states opted to join the EEU or CIS, and how many opted to join the EU and NATO? How many people want to be under the thumb of a dictatorship? Russia, China and India are the ones attempting to revise history into something that makes the invasion of a sovereign democracy right.
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