Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Old history aside , what's the record of Russia vis a vis the former constituents of the USSR & it's former Warsaw Pact Allies since the end of the Cold War? How many wars have Russia waged against the afore mentioned parties & why?
I said, "neighbours".
  • First Chechen War
  • Second Chechen War
  • South Ossetian War
  • Georgian Civil War
  • Russo-Georgian War
  • Transnistria War
  • Crimea, Donbass, Ukraine
And most of them were Russian invasions or else Russia supporting separatists. In other words, imperialism.
Besides wasn't it incumbent upon Europe ( here, I'm referring to western Europe principally the big 4 viz : UK, France, Germany & Italy ) apart from prudence to include Russia in it's security architecture or accommodate the latter in some way if it wanted to enjoy the peace dividend & ever lasting prosperity? Why didn't it? After all there wasn't any bad blood with the Russians unlike say with Eastern Europe, was there?
Certainly, and I never said the West is innocent. In fact, in my writings I pointed out it very much is not. But it takes two to tango.

Also, West did attempt to include Russia in its economic and political system. Didn't go well for Russia, and in fact it created a significant degree of resentment, because West - as usual - assumed it is correct in everything and didn't try to understand the other party at all.
Compare that to the wars / special operations the US has wwaged across the world, in the same period.
That is mostly a difference in capability, however.
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Europe is hurting because Russia has cut down its natural-gas supply — but Russia is even worse off: study​

This is actually impressive since s-400's are placed here.
Ukraine has denied it, so it may be partisan activity.
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