Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Russia won't fight the West directly, that's why it threatened nuclear war about 60 times in the first month alone.
🤣 UK & france do have nuclear weapons right?
why dont you answer the simple question on why nato dint accept ukraine and take the responsibility of protecting it? Do the pussy cats only threaten countries which cannot fight back or is it just they want to see ukrainians getting killed while they shed crocodile tears.
🤣 UK & france do have nuclear weapons right?
why dont you answer the simple question on why nato dint accept ukraine and take the responsibility of protecting it? Do the pussy cats only threaten countries which cannot fight back or is it just they want to see ukrainians getting killed while they shed crocodile tears.
Nuclear weapons isn't fighting back, it's kicking the chessboard over, it's what cowards that can't fight do.
Sanctions for them too.
Aww, they expected to be able to celebrate navy day in peace after invading a democracy.

Russian losses 31/07/2022.


More like these provinces will cease to be money-making.

Because Russia is incapable of seizing any territory without first reducing it to a heap of ruins. The fertile agricultural soil they seized is durably poisoned by shelling and wrecks, and all the industrial installations are reduced to scrap metal.

The reconstruction will boost the GDP of the destroyed regions.

Russia will seize territory whose only purpose will be to look pretty on maps.

The most valuable resource in these regions is the population. Conquering new territories boosts Russia's population. Plus this region can sustain itself on its own. So tax benefits, a new market and most important of all, an increase in overall security of the country, with its army sitting along the Dnieper River.

Who are they going to recruit? Every Ukrainian who could be convinced to switch side has done so long ago already.

On the other hand, I can predict a lot of insurgency in the Newly Russified Territories of Eternal Stronk Russia. Because people who dreamed of freedom and prosperity are not going to be happy living in slavery in Putin's totalitarian police state.

Did you know the last time it took sixteen years for Russia to quash the Ukrainian spirit? It's only in 1960 that the USSR finally eliminated the last remnants of the Ukraine Insurgent Army. Do you think Russia could handle 16 more years of civil wars as their victory prize for stealing Ukrainian land?

It's not that simple for either side. And insurgency doesn't have to have only locals involved.

Unlike other minorities, Ukrainian Russians will be treated on par with other Russians by the state. So that's still an upgrade over disenfranchisement in Ukraine.

Russia is not a conventional military superpower anymore. Their superpower status rests entirely upon their nuclear arsenal.

Over the next 10 years, Russia will still be on par or superior to China and India. At the very least, the Russian navy will still be far more capable than either navy during this time. If India or China are to become Russia's enemy even 15 years from now, Russia's gonna have to decide that.

In fact, I'd say that the recreation of the USSR will be in India's interest because China will lose influence in Central Asia and more opportunities will arise for China to bump heads with Russia once again. This will allow both Russia and India to use each other to contain China.
The footage of the fire support groups of the Russian army aviation was shown by the Ministry of Defense. The subunits escort military columns, fly out to places of detection of sabotage groups and cover army aviation helicopters from the air. In this video, the group flew out to check the car found by drones in the forest belt.

In Sevastopol, at about 6 am, an explosion thundered in the courtyard of the Headquarters of the Russian Fleet. There is no video of the incident, only a few photos so far. It is officially reported that the strike was carried out by a Ukrainian drone, and rumors are spreading online about a breakthrough by the Ukrainian army of the Russian air defense system. According to the latest reports, the drone and explosive device were improvised, a low-power explosion occurred in the courtyard of the fleet headquarters and shattered window panes in several rooms of the building. As a result of the scattering of fragments, 6 people were injured. Judging by these facts, it can be assumed that the drone was launched from the territory of the Crimea or the city of Sevastopol, and this strike is actually a local act of sabotage. The authorities have already confirmed that a homemade drone was launched in Sevastopol.

Might have been Anonymous. The group that is, not the tart on this forum. or Partisans.
Be respectful towards trans men & women Paddy, especially if they happen to be your cousins across the Atlantic. Besides sweetie @Innominate has stopped taking his / her / xis / xer puberty blockers too after the HRT & pre transition counselling & is into conversion therapy . Sweetie's ma seems as irresponsible as yours but the latter hardly had the luxury of choice , hence we're suffering you out here .

Meanwhile Ukraine is winning thanks to the devastation wrought by the HiMars & at the same time withdrawing from it's own territory. The latest being the comedian ordering withdrawal from Donetsk.

PS - what's this latest "scandal " about Willie of Cambridge & his love of buggery, Paddy? I mean where's the story here or the gossip or even the surprise / horror however feigned it is ?

I thought ever since buggery was decriminalized thanks to the almost unanimous acceptance of it by the general public like you, nobody would've made a great scene out of his guilty pleasures.

After all you've been getting your behind stimulated for ages with us suffering the results out here & we still haven't even murmured leave aside having complained.

Yet here we are.
  • Haha
Reactions: Innominate
Considering Russian history with their neighbours, I hardly see how Eastern Europe's vision of Russia is somehow "paranoid".
Old history aside , what's the record of Russia vis a vis the former constituents of the USSR & it's former Warsaw Pact Allies since the end of the Cold War? How many wars have Russia waged against the afore mentioned parties & why?

Besides wasn't it incumbent upon Europe ( here, I'm referring to western Europe principally the big 4 viz : UK, France, Germany & Italy ) apart from prudence to include Russia in it's security architecture or accommodate the latter in some way if it wanted to enjoy the peace dividend & ever lasting prosperity? Why didn't it? After all there wasn't any bad blood with the Russians unlike say with Eastern Europe, was there?

That is like saying that oil states have no reason to fear United States.
Compare that to the wars / special operations the US has wwaged across the world, in the same period.