Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Logistics hubs will have plenty of air defences. And a ferry will not be some extra large ship for easy targeting. Even inflatable rafts can carry large loads. Plus this can be done at night.
Yeah, so do ammo dumps.

You're heard of night vision and IR right?

Explosions at Mospyne​


Railway damaged as result of explosion at Kamysh-Zarya station in Zaporizhzhia region​

True. But all their money-making provinces will become Russian.
More like these provinces will cease to be money-making.

Because Russia is incapable of seizing any territory without first reducing it to a heap of ruins. The fertile agricultural soil they seized is durably poisoned by shelling and wrecks, and all the industrial installations are reduced to scrap metal. Russia will seize territory whose only purpose will be to look pretty on maps.

Even then, it doesn't matter. The Russians are more than likely to start an insurgency in whatever's left of Ukraine.
Who are they going to recruit? Every Ukrainian who could be convinced to switch side has done so long ago already.

On the other hand, I can predict a lot of insurgency in the Newly Russified Territories of Eternal Stronk Russia. Because people who dreamed of freedom and prosperity are not going to be happy living in slavery in Putin's totalitarian police state.

Did you know the last time it took sixteen years for Russia to quash the Ukrainian spirit? It's only in 1960 that the USSR finally eliminated the last remnants of the Ukraine Insurgent Army. Do you think Russia could handle 16 more years of civil wars as their victory prize for stealing Ukrainian land?

The Russians will naturally stay neutral. Let's not forget that irrespective of their deficiencies in some areas of the economy, they are still a military superpower in close proximity to India and China, and both countries do not want to become enemies with Russia, at least at this point in time.
Russia is not a conventional military superpower anymore. Their superpower status rests entirely upon their nuclear arsenal.
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I wouldn't put all the onus for this on the jerries here. You see plenty of seemingly unexplained , bizarre events have suddenly started manifesting themselves in the past decade of which you've named but one of it .

I'd add Brexit to it along the inability of the Franco German initiatives to set the agenda for both EU & NATO successfully. The latter was clearly dictated by the US now under increasing influence of the Eastern half of NATO , essentially Eastern Europe who're imposing their own paranoid version of Russia onto the rest of Europe & NATO ably backed by perfidious Albion Britain.

Incidentally all these bizarre events can be traced back to 1973 - the year RoI became a member of the EU. Thankfully they haven't graced NATO with their membership . Yet .

If inspite of their absence there you see what you're seeing , I shudder to think what would happen once they become full fledged members.

Considering Russian history with their neighbours, I hardly see how Eastern Europe's vision of Russia is somehow "paranoid".

That is like saying that oil states have no reason to fear United States.
🤣 shameless west hides behind little children, cowards will not directly fight russia but they send little girls.
Russia won't fight the West directly, that's why it threatened nuclear war about 60 times in the first month alone.