Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Now is the winter of our discontent ...

Truer lines were never spoken Paddy & sweetie . What's true of Hamburg today would be true of ever major city of Germany tomorrow & of Germany itself this winter along with the rest of Europe.

To add to it work on the Nord Stream -2 is suspended & Russkies have cut down supply to 30% in NS-1.
Honestly, I will enjoy seeing Germans freeze. I mean, idiots shut down fourteeen out of the seventeen nuclear plants it had in 2011. These guys are mentally retarded.

ferries can be shelled very easily, especially when being loaded/unloaded, ditto for planes during loading/unloading.
All these bit & pieces supply is nothing but plain skullduggery to fool the world. Stop this BS, if west really supports ukraine let them give nukes or directly put soldiers on the ground.

I am pretty much certain sooner or later west will get rid of zelensky , then make a martyr out of him and put the blame on russia. Its just a matter of time.
All these bit & pieces supply is nothing but plain skullduggery to fool the world. Stop this BS, if west really supports ukraine let them give nukes or directly put soldiers on the ground.

I am pretty much certain sooner or later west will get rid of zelensky , then make a martyr out of him and put the blame on russia. Its just a matter of time.
Give your ars a chance at posting, it will likely do much better than your other end.


The Ilyushin Il-80 Maxdome plane was stationed at the Russian city of Taganrog, in the Sea of Azov, when the security breach was reported. It is believed that 39 pieces of radio equipment were stolen from the plane as it was undergoing maintenaince work.


And again.

An unusual episode of the battle on the Izyum front in Ukraine, near the village of Bogorodichnoye, was caught on video. Somehow, in an incredible way, three Russian tanks and an armored personnel carrier of Ukraine ended up next to each other and did not immediately notice each other. In the video you can see how they literally ride next to each other.

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An unusual episode of the battle on the Izyum front in Ukraine, near the village of Bogorodichnoye, was caught on video. Somehow, in an incredible way, three Russian tanks and an armored personnel carrier of Ukraine ended up next to each other and did not immediately notice each other. In the video you can see how they literally ride next to each other.

Not bad than this.

Going beyond the UN mandate of a simple no-fly zone was indeed stupid and do not expect me to defend that just because my country was partly responsible for it.

That's exactly what happened here. Things rarely go according to plan.

They started with a "shock and awe"-style massive missile launch, so they went in fighting. The troops were largely unprepared and thought they'd just have to do a parade, but the higher brass knew it was a fight.

The kind of fvcks-ups they faced right in the beginning is not something a prepared force would have done.

They came in thinking they just have to break Ukrainian will and that will result in a surrender in a few days.

Ukraine will get European and American assistance to rebuild, while Russia will remain under crippling sanctions.

True. But all their money-making provinces will become Russian. They will have to start from scratch, with less than half their original population.

If this war prolongs beyond Donbas, covering the entire area as claimed in that tweeted map, then it won't matter.

Even then, it doesn't matter. The Russians are more than likely to start an insurgency in whatever's left of Ukraine.

Can Russia's modernisation effort succeed while relying solely on China (and I guess India) for advanced technology? That remains to be seen. Especially since it also means that China has to accept losing the West as a trade partner for its high-tech companies, since assisting the Russian effort will get them blacklisted from Western markets... When you think about it, a market of less than 150 million poor people is rather less interesting than a market of over 900 million rich people.

Trade will happen through proxies and intermediaries, like Indian oil refiners buying Russian oil through a local cabal of small traders. The West is free to sanction the frig out of these small traders. The current situation is in fact a major reason for the creation of the NSTC corridor.

It can be. Imagine tensions keep escalating between India and China and things move to the point of a full-fledged war. Will India and China both be happy with Russia not taking a side?

The Russians will naturally stay neutral. Let's not forget that irrespective of their deficiencies in some areas of the economy, they are still a military superpower in close proximity to India and China, and both countries do not want to become enemies with Russia, at least at this point in time. The Russians have the cheap resources we both want, and far too enticing too lose out on, and Russia has the military deterrent necessary to keep us both in check. Plus Russia is currently a more sophisticated market due to the income difference, but with no advanced economy competitors, making it a very important battleground for both countries. That makes Russia the prize.
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Honestly, I will enjoy seeing Germans freeze. I mean, idiots shut down fourteeen out of the seventeen nuclear plants it had in 2011. These guys are mentally retarded.
I wouldn't put all the onus for this on the jerries here. You see plenty of seemingly unexplained , bizarre events have suddenly started manifesting themselves in the past decade of which you've named but one of it .

I'd add Brexit to it along the inability of the Franco German initiatives to set the agenda for both EU & NATO successfully. The latter was clearly dictated by the US now under increasing influence of the Eastern half of NATO , essentially Eastern Europe who're imposing their own paranoid version of Russia onto the rest of Europe & NATO ably backed by perfidious Albion Britain.

Incidentally all these bizarre events can be traced back to 1973 - the year RoI became a member of the EU. Thankfully they haven't graced NATO with their membership . Yet .

If inspite of their absence there you see what you're seeing , I shudder to think what would happen once they become full fledged members.

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I wouldn't put all the onus for this on the jerries here. You see plenty of seemingly unexplained , bizarre events have suddenly started manifesting themselves in the past decade of which you've named but one of it .

I'd add Brexit to it along the inability of the Franco German initiatives to set the agenda for both EU & NATO successfully. The latter was clearly dictated by the US now under increasing influence of the Eastern half of NATO , essentially Eastern Europe who're imposing their own paranoid version of Russia onto the rest of Europe & NATO ably backed by perfidious Albion Britain.

Incidentally all these bizarre events can be traced back to 1973 - the year RoI became a member of the EU. Thankfully they haven't graced NATO with their membership . Yet .

If inspite of their absence there you see what you're seeing , I shudder to think what would happen once they become full fledged members.

Stop being such a baby already and just swallow your butt hurt pride and come back... you know that is what you really want. They are not going to beg you to come back so stop with this whole tantrum you are having. It's so obvious what you're doing with your one or two post per day or every other day. Your cringy behavior gives me cringy goosebumps. Come on bruh just stop and put this humiliating part of your forum life behind you already, ja?

And to keep it on topic....
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