Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Even now NATO-US are in a risky position if china makes its move, they cannot sanction it given the economic dependence. It will also get worse if there is peace immediately instead of a long running low intensity war. That will help russia put more focus elsewhere like syria where they might be no longer willing to compromise any more.

China isn't prepared to make the move, they are not ready yet, so the US made their move first. By pushing Russia into a Kashmir type situation, it's gonna make them bleed manpower. The Russians can afford anything but manpower. This gives them less opportunities to intervene in any US-China disturbance when China becomes ready. There's the obvious economic consequence too.

In the long run, the Europeans are bound to diversify away from Russian oil and gas, while also making greater inroads into renewable energy. Once this happens, Russia is gonna get even more isolated, there's no telling what they will do then. Putin would also become an "I'm too old to give a damn" old man by then.

What's interesting is this could be the first time in modern history a country will be able to sustain a war economy for the long term, at least two decades, all paid for by other countries. The previous civilizations that could manage that were the Huns and the Mongols. Funny thing is the Russians share the same geography.

Plus I actually think the Chinese will make a move on India first before Taiwan. We are a pretty good punching bag for everyone.
The main implication for India from this event is that Russia will now emerge as China's bitch. The Chinese can hardball with the Russians as much as they want to make them drop support to India or backstab us at the opportune moment. Chinese will faf around with their 'support' to Ukraine till the Russians come to their senses.

Pretty much, but it's gonna be a slow process.
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I wouldn’t blame the Indians entirely. Yes the embassy did give directive to leave Ukraine but the universities blackmailed the students saying they would deny their degrees if they leave. Most of the Indians who remained are 4th year med grads. If you are in their shoes probably you would have done the same after studying for 5 years and your med degree is hanging by a war.

In fact now its come to light that students even requested the universities to conduct online class and they would attend from inside rural areas in Ukraine without leaving the country but they denied.

its not fair to blame them.

That threat would have spectacularly backfired on them if implemented. It's a major human rights violation.

The students who had sense left early. They all had the opportunity to leave and they didn't take it. Of the 20,000, 8000 had already left before the war started.
It won't, we could already be getting it from the US, which is why there was so much debate over Nordstream 2, Russia just solved that debate, by making it clear that Europe cannot rely on Russia.

Ah, yes, though the magic pipeline connecting the US with Europe.

NATO forces have been slowly building up in Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Hungary, I think they'll wait until Putin overextends himself and his army has already suffered heavy losses and then launch a massive, highly planned counter-attack across all fronts.

When did you fall off the wagon?
You've been listening to too much RT. The vast majority of Ukraine voted to leave the Soviet Union in the 1990s, there is a minority of ethnic Russians, but nowhere near a majority. Zelensky won the elections fair and square, unlike Putin's last puppet who called them off for fear of losing, even though he was manipulating the results. The last elections were monitored by an international watchdog.

Putin is lying. Think about this, economy is the most important aspect of any election, therefore why would anyone want to be in Russia's orbit and not with the rest of Europe?
Smart thing for them was to stay militarily neutral and integrate with west economically. It's a fine line & they failed to walk that.

Their options were
1) Integrate economically and militarily with West, in that case Russia will wreck Ukraine
2) Integrate economically with Russia, in that case their economic future is zero
3) Integrate economically with west and stay neutral militarily. This was the best choice. They should have never applied for NATO
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I disagree.
1) If Putin spoke of the nuclear deterrence (a first time in the russian nuclear history) is not for nothing.
2) Putin though Kiev to be taken next friday. It's far from beeing the case.
3) US intelligence services say the russian casualties between 2000 to 4000 dead.

Russia remains big thanks to the nuclear umbrella, no more for the conventional forces.

1. Yeah, it's a serious threat.
2. I believe the Russians planned for Ukraine to surrender.
3. Possible, but we need to verify. We would have seen pictures of ambulances in large numbers if that was the case.

Russia's conventional forces have just started growing, since the last 10 years. We need to see what they will be like 10 years from now. 200+ Su-57, 2000+ Armata, PAK-DP, PAK-DA... Europe will not have an answer to these technologies until the early to mid 2040s.
Russians are now making great progress in tbe south west of Dnipro. After taking Kherson, now there are reports of fighting in Voznesens'k, that's a huge advance if true.



For those interested in Ukraine's far right movement, it's historical roots & Canada's role ( surprise surprise ) in this sordid affair.

Azov is made of one of the worst scums in this planet, they are at the level of Chechen fanatics.

There are videos of Azov fighters crucifying peoples and burning them. There are videos of them burying women alive. I won't be posting those here. Too fvcked up.
In what alternate earth did that happened? Might want to educate yourself a bit, buddy.
And make sure you read how it went down.

He's clearly referring to the entire campaign. Op Desert Shield + Op Desert Storm where 30+ countries with a million men surrounded Iraq from all sides & executed the campaign.

Quite frankly I don't see what the hullabaloo is all about when a severely depleted Iran still in the throes of a revolution & sanctioned all around faced down Iraq, cannibalising their US made fighters especially the Tomcats , going to & fro as far as territory went for 8 yrs before agreeing to an UN mandated cease fire.

So much for the 4th largest & one of the most sophisticated & professional armies in the world.

Also distance between Baghdad and Kuwait is almost 500 miles. Distance to Kyiv from Belarus is 70 miles. I guess what I'm trying to say is that your Russia ally's military is horrid and Poland alone could defeat easily the Russians in a conventional war in Ukraine. Wouldn't be close.

Oh btw US had to go halfway around the world to do this unlike Russia.
The guy that is giving Russia a severe bloody nose. :LOL:
If it's Gulf War 2 you're referring to, Iraq was merely a shell of it's former self by this time. I would say it was 10 times more debilitated than Ukraine today with zero outside support.

If you're claiming this as some great victory , it only shows how far US standards have fallen.

But then who're we to deny you life's little pleasures. BTW I wish you focused on what followed in Iraq & later in Afghanistan.
You've been listening to too much RT. The vast majority of Ukraine voted to leave the Soviet Union in the 1990s, there is a minority of ethnic Russians, but nowhere near a majority.
The man's shitposting as usual , drunk as a sailor at 10 am GMT. Ukrainians voted to leave the USSR, indeed!!

Pls stop embarrassing the administration here by consistently lowering the standard of discourse out here now that we pretty much know you're beyond redemption.

Zelensky won the elections fair and square, unlike Putin's last puppet who called them off for fear of losing, even though he was manipulating the results. The last elections were monitored by an international watchdog.

Instead of focusing on the neutrality of the 2019 Ukrainian presidential elections, how about turning your gaze to how Viktor Yanukovych a legally elected President of Ukraine elected in an equally fair 2010 election of Ukraine was deposed by the " color revolution " engineered by the US & it's NATO allies in which UK as usual would have played a perfidious part .

Here's a breakdown of those events from the not do distant past from your favorite rag back home.

Putin is lying. Think about this, economy is the most important aspect of any election, therefore why would anyone want to be in Russia's orbit and not with the rest of Europe?
True. By that token you ought to welcome all those refugees from Syria Libya etc including but not restricted to your own citizens like Shamima Begum with open arms.

Just like Ukraine they're pretty enamoured by your economy & standard of living too. Why deny them the chance for a better lifestyle especially considering the fact that you yourselves spared no effort to ruin their lives when they were busy leading normal ones in a peaceful manner in their homeland.
@BMD, you talked of no Indian going towards Russia to escape the conflict. Let me give you the latest. On the Request of Indian Govt. Russia has stopped its final assault on Kharkiv for six hours just to let Indian students to leave. The time is given till 2130 hrs local time. It is for this reason that Indian Embassy in Ukraine has given very strict orders for Indian students to leave by 1800hrs local time from Kharkiv.
Imagine, An army ready and poised to strike is asked to halt only to let a friendly country evacuate its citizens. Do you know what will it cost Russian Army? Their battle plans will get exposed and Ukraine will reposition its forces in this time to counter the final thrust of Russians. Does this not mean more casualties for Russian Army than what they may have calculated in case they had not stopped the final assault?
This is the strength on Modi-Putin friendship and India-Russia friendship. This is the reason that from Boris to Biden, every european nation head is calling Modi to help them out of this mess created by them. AND Modi is negotiating on behalf of Putin with European and US leadership. But it has not been made public so far.
The Donbas region has nearly ten Brigades of Ukraine army and all of them have now been circled and entrapped. They are going to be wiped out completely as they are made of criminals and neo nazis responsible for mass murder of ethnic Russian Ukranians. Ten Brigades means nearly a corps of Indian Army.
I just realized that in the 20th
Century , The Spanish Flu and the First WORLD WAR happened at nearly the same time

That is 1918 to 1919 was the Spanish Flu and WW 1 started in 1914 and went on till 1918

So Epidemics and Wars happen together , just as Now we have Covid and the Russia Ukraine war

So if we extrapolate this argument , A Bigger World War is coming in and around 2050