Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Gen VK Singh ,EX COAS , who is now a Minister ,personally supervising the Evacuation of Indian students
Su57 : only 76 ordered so far. The status of the weapon is unknown. It's not without some good reason India is no more involved in the project.

76 is a good number for a 7-year delivery schedule. The Russians place their orders differently from others, they order based on time, democracies order based on numbers. So 76 is only until 2028, it doesn't mean production stops. The reason we left wasn't due to technical deficiencies, we simply had different expectations. Like when the IAF chose the Su-57 airframe, they wouldn't let us fly it 'cause they said it was unfinished. So we told them to finish it and get back to us. Now we want to end imports in general.

Armata : I doubt to see 2000 units in the russian forces. Specially now that russian economy is in trouble.

Their economy has become much more resilient since 2014. Only their imports will suffer. But they have achieved self-sufficiency when it comes to food. And inflation will eventually settle down. We still have to see how the sanctions affect trade, but I don't think it will be serious enough. Unless the West attacks Russia's oil and gas, along with the export of other natural resources, nothing will happen beyond short term pains.
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Is it? How would you like if the chicoms told your country what they can and can't do?

What is the Justification for NATO's Eastward Expansion

I will tell you
US wanted to threaten Southern
Russia and Occupy the Black Sea which is the Only Available Sea DURING winter , because other Northern Seas are frozen

So by Making Ukraine Join NATO
US wants to encircle Russia

Where as India joining QUAD doesn't make any Difference to Chinese Freedom of Navigation in Indian Ocean

We will block Malacca straits only during War

And China is realising that fighting a War in HIMALAYAS is going to very very bloody for them

So they are sitting quietly in Ladakh for 2 years now

And we have deployed MORE soldiers and EQUAL number of Armour and Artillery in the entire 3000 KM length of the border

Our deployment is OFFENSIVE in Nature , not defensive
Putin and Xi are both historical nutters. Dictators usual are.

This NATO stuff is probably true, but the restoration of a Russian empire by bringing back "little russia" is closer to the mark.

Besides in 2014, it was about joining the EU, not NATO. Most citizens wanted NATO after Crimea invasion.
interesting is this could be the first time in modern history a country will be able to sustain a war economy for the long term, at least two decades, all paid for by other countries. The previous civilizations that could manage that were the Huns and the Mongols. Funny thing is the Russians share the same geography. (…)
😀 comparing putin with Attila, Genghis Khan and Timur!
The “Empire of the steppes” was a predatory one.
In case of Russia, today, «war economy» means «an economy under siege». That’s different.
But i know another country living in (an another kind of) «war economy», for much more than 20 years: the military-industrial complex.
😀 comparing putin with Attila, Genghis Khan and Timur!
The “Empire of the steppes” was a predatory one.
In case of Russia, today, «war economy» means «an economy under siege». That’s different.
But i know another country living in (an another kind of) «war economy», for much more than 20 years: the military-industrial complex.
He's talking thru his hat. If the rouble comes crashing down that means exports become cheaper - the intrinsic value being the same which is of course a loss in value & consequently earnings . There are huge downsides to a falling rouble not the least of which is runaway inflation.

Huns & Mongols thrived on looting not on exporting gas.The former is a war economy not the latter. What's Russia going to loot from Ukraine ? Besides Russia will be spending a lot to pacify Ukraine , rebuild it's infrastructure & in re armament of it's armed forces.

God forbid ! If there's an insurgency which looks a distinct possibility at this point in time the costs shoot up but Russia could impose costs across much of Eastern Europe too. Then there are good chances of this spreading to other parts of Europe as well . Both parties need to arrive at a modus vivendi post war ASAP. Easier said than done with all the bad blood between both parties.

If Russia raises prices on gas or oil , Europe shifts some of their business elsewhere. This is going to cut both ways.

Till such time as oil & gas prices don't stabilize , there will be tremendous pressure to at least get Iran or Venezuela out of the proscribed list . I don't think the World will tolerate more sanctions especially if the whole world's coming out of a depressed economy for the past 2 yrs courtesy the Wuhan virus.

Iran or Venezuela or both gain big time .
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😀 comparing putin with Attila, Genghis Khan and Timur!
The “Empire of the steppes” was a predatory one.
In case of Russia, today, «war economy» means «an economy under siege». That’s different.
But i know another country living in (an another kind of) «war economy», for much more than 20 years: the military-industrial complex.

What I am referring to is a sustainable model.

A war economy generally runs on debt. But Russia can just export their bills. Factories building military weapons in large numbers while keeping people employed, that's not something Europe or the US can sustain.

Russia's yearly surpluses will be very big from here on. Rising oil prices and weakening ruble is giving them more money to spend. They can even attract high end manufacturers into the country and further reduce their import bill. You can obviously expect them to industrialise further than that.
What is the Justification for NATO's Eastward Expansion

Sovereignty. Ever heard of it? Nations that remember being under Moscow have the absolute right to join whatever alliance it want's without the threat of invasion.

However if you think this is about NATO expansion then you're dumber than a bag a rocks and I got bridge to sell to you. If of course you believe Putin invading is about NATO because he has made it clear in his speech what this is about. ASk Georgia what happens to former nations under Moscow with no alliance.
I will tell you
US wanted to threaten Southern
Russia and Occupy the Black Sea which is the Only Available Sea DURING winter , because other Northern Seas are frozen

Oh really? Do the voices in your head that told you this also tell you to wear a tinfoil hat?
So by Making Ukraine Join NATO

Lol. Exactly how was Ukraine forced to join NATO? What you're seeing right now is force being used to force Ukraine to be a puppet of Putin just like Belarus.
US wants to encircle Russia

Lol. Wth? Stop smoking the ganga bruh.
Where as India joining QUAD doesn't make any Difference to Chinese Freedom of Navigation in Indian Ocean

Well good for you that India can join whatever it wants and not have to fear being invaded.
Lol. Congrats India for not having balls and joining third world nations and banana republics. Maybe that is how the world should see you?
So what's the big prize all those who voted in favour of the resolution going to win ? Let me guess. Biden is going to issue them credit notes to pay for the difference in oil & gas rates between now & 3 months down the line , isn't it ?
Sovereignty. Ever heard of it? Nations that remember being under Moscow have the absolute right to join whatever alliance it want's without the threat of invasion.

What was this all about sweetie ? Or this ?

United States invasion of Grenada - Wikipedia

Or this ?

However if you think this is about NATO expansion then you're dumber than a bag a rocks and I got bridge to sell to you. If of course you believe Putin invading is about NATO because he has made it clear in his speech what this is about. ASk Georgia what happens to former nations under Moscow with no alliance.
The principal raison d'etre of NATO was for protection of democracies against Communism in Europe ,USSR & the Warsaw Pact . That ended in 1991. NATO continued. Why ?

Georgia was attacked for the same reasons Ukraine was. The former learnt it's lessons , the latter didn't. All because they elected a political ingenu who also happened to be a comedian.

Oh really? Do the voices in your head that told you this also tell you to wear a tinfoil hat?

Lol. Exactly how was Ukraine forced to join NATO? What you're seeing right now is force being used to force Ukraine to be a puppet of Putin just like Belarus.
I doubt very much going by what's coming out if getting Ukraine to join NATO was the plan. The plan was to bait Russia into attacking Ukraine & face the music.

Lol. Wth? Stop smoking the ganga bruh.

You really need to read more . While ignorance maybe bliss for you , it's becoming plainly & painfully embarassing for us . What's more if our past acquaintances catch us chatting to you it'd also be scandalous.

Well good for you that India can join whatever it wants and not have to fear being invaded.

Thank you for the validation. Oh , we absolutely needed that !!
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