Su57 : only 76 ordered so far. The status of the weapon is unknown. It's not without some good reason India is no more involved in the project.
Armata : I doubt to see 2000 units in the russian forces. Specially now that russian economy is in trouble.
They tried . We laughed so hard that we broke wind . The sullen Chinese were humiliated & silently withdrew their offer .
Is it? How would you like if the chicoms told your country what they can and can't do?
Is it? How would you like if the chicoms told your country what they can and can't do?
interesting is this could be the first time in modern history a country will be able to sustain a war economy for the long term, at least two decades, all paid for by other countries. The previous civilizations that could manage that were the Huns and the Mongols. Funny thing is the Russians share the same geography. (…)
He's talking thru his hat. If the rouble comes crashing down that means exports become cheaper - the intrinsic value being the same which is of course a loss in value & consequently earnings . There are huge downsides to a falling rouble not the least of which is runaway inflation.comparing putin with Attila, Genghis Khan and Timur!
The “Empire of the steppes” was a predatory one.
In case of Russia, today, «war economy» means «an economy under siege». That’s different.
But i know another country living in (an another kind of) «war economy», for much more than 20 years: the military-industrial complex.
comparing putin with Attila, Genghis Khan and Timur!
The “Empire of the steppes” was a predatory one.
In case of Russia, today, «war economy» means «an economy under siege». That’s different.
But i know another country living in (an another kind of) «war economy», for much more than 20 years: the military-industrial complex.
What is the Justification for NATO's Eastward Expansion
I will tell you
US wanted to threaten Southern
Russia and Occupy the Black Sea which is the Only Available Sea DURING winter , because other Northern Seas are frozen
So by Making Ukraine Join NATO
US wants to encircle Russia
Where as India joining QUAD doesn't make any Difference to Chinese Freedom of Navigation in Indian Ocean
So what's the big prize all those who voted in favour of the resolution going to win ? Let me guess. Biden is going to issue them credit notes to pay for the difference in oil & gas rates between now & 3 months down the line , isn't it ?Lol. Congrats India for not having balls and joining third world nations and banana republics. Maybe that is how the world should see you?
Sovereignty. Ever heard of it? Nations that remember being under Moscow have the absolute right to join whatever alliance it want's without the threat of invasion.
The principal raison d'etre of NATO was for protection of democracies against Communism in Europe ,USSR & the Warsaw Pact . That ended in 1991. NATO continued. Why ?However if you think this is about NATO expansion then you're dumber than a bag a rocks and I got bridge to sell to you. If of course you believe Putin invading is about NATO because he has made it clear in his speech what this is about. ASk Georgia what happens to former nations under Moscow with no alliance.
Oh really? Do the voices in your head that told you this also tell you to wear a tinfoil hat?
I doubt very much going by what's coming out if getting Ukraine to join NATO was the plan. The plan was to bait Russia into attacking Ukraine & face the music.Lol. Exactly how was Ukraine forced to join NATO? What you're seeing right now is force being used to force Ukraine to be a puppet of Putin just like Belarus.
Lol. Wth? Stop smoking the ganga bruh.
Well good for you that India can join whatever it wants and not have to fear being invaded.