Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Actually it does. Many educated people in the UK were against the invasion of Iraq, even I would say it was a horrible waste of resources, in both the UK and US people and politicians were highly outspoken about this, and none of them have ended up killed. In Russia all strong political opponents wind up dead, as do journalists. That is why not a single educated person in the UK will believe anything Putin says despite how critical they are of their own governments on many issues from Iraq to Brexit. If you trust Putin you're simply dumb by any rational standards for these very reasons.
If you want to comment on a picture. see it in its entirity and only after that comment on it. You are blaming me of trusting Putin but you are trusting the western media. I never ever defended Putin. I know he is a bad person but that is the way the poilitics of Russia has been thruout its history inluding the Tsars. I have only commeneted about the reasons why Russia invaded Ukraine and in that I find western nations guilty of forcing the hands of Russia.
And fool is an adjective I do not like for myself. I too can use many for you but do not do it. so please maintain respect for eachother.
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The former Yugoslavia was swamped with Russian Tsarist refugees following The Russian Revolution.
It's slav solidarity you fool . Neither more nor less . Further it may also have Ru financial backing apart from it's state sponsored espionage groups at work just to show up your monolithic European unity just as yours were at work during the colour revolution of 2014 instead of Tsarist refugees from a century ago .
Prophet John Mearshimer predicted this 7 years ago
Yup. Posted a clipping of this here a few days ago .
If you want to comment on a picture. see it in its entirity and only after that comment on it. You are blaming me of trusting Putin but you are trusting the western media. I never ever defended Putin. I know he is a bad person but that is the way the poilitics of Russia has been thruout its history inluding the Tsars. I have only commeneted about the reasons why Russia invaded Ukraine and in that I find western nations guilty of forcing the hands of Russia.
And fool is a adjective I do not like for myself. I too can use many for you but do not do it. so please maintain respect for eachother.
I don't trust any media. But the absolute fact is that all his political opponents wind up dead, as do journalists who are critical of him. Yet it still pretends to be a democracy, just like Belarus, and pre-2013 Ukraine. Even Kim Jong-Un could win a vote, but it wouldn't make the PRK a democracy. Hence Putin's representation of Russia itself to the world is a lie, a lie which is duplicated by Russian state media, the same media that reports Nazis cleansing ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine, which is playing on WWII history to sell a lie. It took Russia about 3 days to even acknowledge a leak at Chernobyl.

How did we force Russia's hand in Ukraine? Ukraine is an independent, democratic country recognised in International Law, it makes its own decisions. And of all the things Russia mentioned when negotiating prior to invasion, there was nothing about ethnic cleansing of Russians, it was all about Ukraine joining NATO and the EU, which only leaves the magnificent democracy of Belarus in the Russian sphere.

It's not the west's doing, it's the people's doing. It's just a trend that began with East Germany in 1989, a place where they built a wall to stop people leaving. This invasion is just another day another wall. People leave Russian influence because it's shit, sh*t economy, sh*t rights (opposition MPs and journalists dying) and sh*t leader. The EU, i.e. one aspect of the west largely turned away the Ukraine, but it didn't stop them wanting to join. 'The West' hasn't even been seeing eye-to-eye lately if you follow the news, until Putin invaded Ukraine that is.
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How did we force Russia's hand in Ukraine? Ukraine is an independent, democratic country recognised in International Law, it makes its own decisions. And of all the things Russia mentioned when negotiating prior to invasion, there was nothing about ethnic cleansing of Russians, it was all about Ukraine joining NATO and the EU, which only leaves the magnificent democracy of Belarus in the Russian sphere.
In Paddy's hopelessly romantic idealistic world , strategic calculations , entente , detente , brinkmanship , threats , sovereign interests ,etc count for nothing. Paddy here also believes in the white man's burden & that colonialism was really good for the natives beginning with Ireland , which I willingly concede domesticated the Irish & Irish alone.
Were Hungary and Czechoslovakia the west's fault too.
What about Ireland , Paddy ? Or Israel & Palestine or Cyprus ?
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Not exactly related to Russia/Ukraine, but whatever.
Israele under no circumstances can allow Iran to become a nuclear state. When you see the kind of nuclear blackmail from Russia, one can only imagin the kind of nuclear blackmail from fanatical Iranian state.
Israele under no circumstances can allow Iran to become a nuclear state. When you see the kind of nuclear blackmail from Russia, one can only imagin the kind of nuclear blackmail from fanatical Iranian state.
Too bad for Israel. Ru invasion of Ukraine has made it imperative for Iran to be removed from the list of proscribed countries to bring stability to international oil & gas prices .

How that impacts other calculations would be seen in due time but US EU & NATO strategic calculations lie in tatters for precipitating the Ukrainian crisis . This is one area they could've totally avoided given the complications the world over . All they managed to do was further complicate a complicated world order .

More than advantage Iran it's advantage China .

As an aside , UK is up shit creek too for all the false machismo they're exuding . Brexit & complications post Chinese virus economy with high oil & gas prices will further dampen economic prospects & prosperity.

I foresee BJ running ever more furiously around the world desperately tying up FTA's . That also means more compromises which means a time would come soon when Brit citizens would end up thinking EU wasn't as bad as what they're facing now .
We've got money though, so we don't care, also lots of gas in the North Sea.

When you say "we", you are referring to yourself, not Europe. Because Europe isn't in that position. Even the best estimates say Europe needs 50bcm of gas a year of long term supplies from Russia even after substituting 350bcm of gas from other sources. Current Russian deliveries are 150 to 190bcm a year.

And this is not counting Europe's large plan of using gas to reduce their carbon footprint.

And production is going down in Europe.

Which means, that 48bcm drop also needs to be compensated. Europe needs 336bcm of gas imports by 2024. So Russian supplies have to go up, not down.

You are selling your gas bridge to the wrong people.

Lol, I'd love to see what happens when Europe comes in for long term negotiations with Russia in the future.

Replacing gas with LNG will take years and billions worth of investments, and at a higher cost to the end consumer.

They wouldn't be attacking Russia itself though, they'd be attacking an occupation in Ukraine. The choice for Russia would be lose Ukraine or get Russia melted. It's managed without Ukraine for 8 years, so that would seem like a better option.

Er... That's called going to war with Russia. I think you should read up on nuclear doctrines.
Woe is Russia & Belarus. They must be utterly devasted. The more Europe & US particularly UK undertake & highlight such gestures the more the sheer impotence & Russia blowing apart the US & NATO mediated global order is highlighted.

Let's face it , Russia called your bluff & it's an episode from the Emperor's new clothes now.
When you say "we", you are referring to yourself, not Europe. Because Europe isn't in that position. Even the best estimates say Europe needs 50bcm of gas a year of long term supplies from Russia even after substituting 350bcm of gas from other sources. Current Russian deliveries are 150 to 190bcm a year.

And this is not counting Europe's large plan of using gas to reduce their carbon footprint.

And production is going down in Europe.

Which means, that 48bcm drop also needs to be compensated. Europe needs 336bcm of gas imports by 2024. So Russian supplies have to go up, not down.

You are selling your gas bridge to the wrong people.

Lol, I'd love to see what happens when Europe comes in for long term negotiations with Russia in the future.

Replacing gas with LNG will take years and billions worth of investments, and at a higher cost to the end consumer.

Er... That's called going to war with Russia. I think you should read up on nuclear doctrines.
We can pay to get it elsewhere even if means paying more. Meanwhile what will already poor Russia do when it loses its gas exports to the EU?

So should you, it's not like we haven't directly fought Russia forces before, see Korean War. Being nuclear-armed doesn't mean Russia can put its troops anywhere and not risk conventional attack.
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We can pay to get it elsewhere even if means paying more. Meanwhile what will already poor Russia do when it loses its gas exports to the EU?

So should you, it's not like we haven't directly fought Russia forces before, see Korean War. Being nuclear-armed doesn't mean Russia can put its troops anywhere and not risk conventional attack.
Russia will sell the oil to tbe largest oil consumer in tbe world, China. When oil price shoot up, may be you are willing to spend way more, that doesn't mean China will. Why should China give up on comparatively low Russian oil and buy o er priced oil from outside. Market is interconnected, Europe's loss is China's gain.
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We can pay to get it elsewhere even if means paying more. Meanwhile what will already poor Russia do when it loses its gas exports to the EU?

So should you, it's not like we haven't directly fought Russia forces before, see Korean War. Being nuclear-armed doesn't mean Russia can put its troops anywhere and not risk conventional attack.
Now ladies ( pay attention @WHOHE) & gentlemen , here's an excerpt from an article that the venerable Paddy - long time contributor & entertainer par excellence out here as many including yours truly would vouch for , had written for the Irish Intelligence Review ( Review coz the other parts in the title aren't confirmed & are in doubt) .

All this brilliant analysis begs the question why didn't British troops join battle with the Russians in Ukraine just as the Scots Guards did a century & a half ago against the Russians in the Crimea & kicked Russian *censored* as the SecDef reminded us not so long ago

Meanwhile in an appeal by the British Foreign Secretary to individual citizens in the UK to volunteer for the international battalion to fight in Ukraine , hundreds & thousands of volunteers reportedly turned up at the camps in the UK almost all Irish.
We can pay to get it elsewhere even if means paying more.

There is no "elsewhere". If you want more, new gas fields have to be developed. Gas fields are not like oil fields, once you drill for it, you can only extract it or it will escape. So they drill for it only after the market generates demand. This is a 5-10 year process.

Meanwhile what will already poor Russia do when it loses its gas exports to the EU?

They have many, many years, pretty much a decade at the minimum.

So should you, it's not like we haven't directly fought Russia forces before, see Korean War. Being nuclear-armed doesn't mean Russia can put its troops anywhere and not risk conventional attack.

Lol. The Russians will use nukes if you intervene, Putin said so himself, so did Lavrov.
We all knew this was going to happen. We all know that USA will not allow Ukraine into NATO, so Ukraine is still a goat up for sacrifice. I really don't see why people are shocked. Nothing much to actually discuss. Nothing that has happened till now is out of ordinary.
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