Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Really! you truly need to see some psychologist. I am not trying to mean, altough i am sure you will get offended. You really want to enjoy A NUCLEAR F***ing WAR.
GO seek some help.
People who want a nuclear do not understand the full consequences. You don't have to be involved for it to affect you either. Worldwide famine will likely kill well in excess of a billion people after such a war. Countries who already have poor food security will be the worst affected.

These people are long dead and those who lives cant harm us from thier land.
Also I bet you will not be saying good things about russia if we have shared border with russia.
You would not exist if you had a border with Russia. Or if you did, you would be like Belarus - in a state of pretending to exist.
then what prevents NATO from doing it? :LOL:
I blasted the government, you were the one so sure every Russian was on side.
I blasted the government, you were the one so sure every Russian was on side.
??? I don't understand, you wanted all out war b\w NATO & Russia?
Well, That's Certainly stupid.
Didn't Putin said " We will defend Sovereign integrity by "All means Necessary""?
LOL! That's weird argument. So, A flatearther should get away after commiting crime?

HMMMMMM! I agree.
But you have to agree generations of colonizers have great advantages then those who were colonized.
I think the advantages are greatly exaggerated. Some previously colonised countries have done just fine - Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong*, Macau*, Ireland. In fact, the ones that were sort of permanently 'colonised' are doing better than anyone really, if you count the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. A lot of the time I think it is used as an excuse for 75+ years of bad government. It's much easier to criticise others than to do something constructive.

That's not to say colonialism wasn't hugely exploitive at the time, but there's been plenty of time since to do something constructive. If you take the UK, it was invaded at least 3 times prior to becoming an invader. India had several empires too.

Did US/European wealth come from colonialism or from inventions like the car, aeroplane, jet engine, combustion engine, electric motor, radar, modern rocketry, GPS, telephones, mobile phones, trains....
OR You have to be as strong (Economically/militarily) as China.:sneaky:
What about Manchuria?
??? I don't understand, you wanted all out war b\w NATO & Russia?
Well, That's Certainly stupid.
Didn't Putin said " We will defend Sovereign integrity by "All means Necessary""?
No. Russia is the only party who chose war.

Sovereign integrity of Russia does not include Ukraine. Chechnya yes, which is why NATO never took a major position on that.
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What about Manchuria?
I am Talking about right now..
No. Russia is the only party who chose war.
Well Putin certainly Disagree.
Sovereign integrity of Russia does not include Ukraine. Chechnya yes, which is why NATO never took a major position on that.
My point is once vlad annexes donbass, kherson, zapharzhia, etc after referrendum. He will call it a part of russia,just like crimea. And then if Ukraine/Nato tries to reacquire , he might use Nuclear weapons.
I am Talking about right now..
And I'm pointing out that right now would be too late already.

Well Putin certainly Disagree.
Putin is a lunatic. Russia didn't start this war in 2022 though, they started it in 2014 by invading Crimea and the Donbass, which is basically like Britain invading Kerala and Tamil Nadu and saying, "well, it once belonged to use for a couple of centuries." They were never theirs then, and they aren't now.

My point is once vlad annexes donbass, kherson, zapharzhia, etc after referrendum. He will call it a part of russia,just like crimea. And then if Ukraine/Nato tries to reacquire , he might use Nuclear weapons.
The annexations are meaningless to the international community and he won't get away with using nuclear weapons with no comeback. I also wouldn't be surprised if Ukraine is developing nuclear weapons on the quiet right now. They've already had them in the past, they have the know how, and the motivation to do so is there in spades.
What amazes me is that they dragged off someone who wanted to go. With police this stupid, it's only a matter of time.
Some people (mainly vstol joker and co.) have spoken about how Russia would fair in a nuclear war, saying it's too large to be destroyed. So I should point out that it only has just over 30 cities. And nearly all of the population is concentrated around the south and east. So obliterating Russia only requires about 15% of it to be obliterated.

NATO is a non offensive first organization.
so nato only bombs serbia or syria who cannot fight back?
As for now, no NATO country is under the russian fire.
yeah technically right , Nato dropped its pants instead of accepting ukraine membership.
He said, classical war. Nuclear war is pigeon chess.
ever heard of the quote, all's fair in lover & war.

so NATO is full of cowards who are afraid to die , but putin is ready to fight to death , so who's the brave here?
War means death, does it matter whether you die by a bullet or by a mortar?
Some people (mainly vstol joker and co.) have spoken about how Russia would fair in a nuclear war, saying it's too large to be destroyed. So I should point out that it only has just over 30 cities. And nearly all of the population is concentrated around the south and east. So obliterating Russia only requires about 15% of it to be obliterated.

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all talk no action. NATO bullies should stick to syria or libya cant touch russia directly.
People who want a nuclear do not understand the full consequences. You don't have to be involved for it to affect you either. Worldwide famine will likely kill well in excess of a billion people after such a war. Countries who already have poor food security will be the worst affected.
Hah...I see. when was the west worried about the rest of the world?
If west thinks they are fighting a principled war they should take it to its logical conclusion instead of giving stupid selfish excuses that no one cares about.

It is an irony that imperialist & colonialist west who murdered millions by creating famines all over world is concerned about food security of the poor. Nice joke dude. 🤣