Ukraine - Russia Conflict

putin says we are back,
Russia’s industrial output returns to last-year level: Vladimir Putin

russia's war economy helps growth ( oops, what works for america also works for russia!)

Putin's War Machine May Be Giving His Economy A Quiet Boost​

while german industry is dive bombing,

Rocketing energy costs are savaging German industry​

We'll see what their Q3 results are.
Then again it may have been ATACMS.
Could have been Hrim-2.

That's $7bn gone anyway.

Any word on the status of the rail bridge part? It would have made more sense to take that out.
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Then again it may have been ATACMS.
Might well have been a missile, the strike seemed to be from the top and if I was going to the trouble of planting explosives, I would have planted them on the pillars of both the road and rail bridge.

Congratulations to Portugal on regaining the title of the longest bridge in Europe.

Best footage yet. I get the impression it was hit from the north side. Road bridge is north of rail bridge.

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bridge has no deformation ( due to warhead impact) or gaping hole and it is separated perfectly straight at the joints/seams.
I thought those trained Russian dolphins were supposed to protect against sabotage? However, dolphins are very clever creatures.
Seems to be a lot of sparks and fire for an explosion. Use of thermite mixed with explosive? The rail bridge seems to have caught fire purely from the heat from the explosion of the other bridge.
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+ 1 large bridge.

Probably BS.

Then again it may have been ATACMS.
The noise beforehand actually suggests a subsonic cruise missile. Could be a response to the use of chloropicrin. Certainly wasn't a truck bomb, unless the truck was flying at 550-600mph before impact.

Actually, this video is daytime, the explosion was night time. Must be something else. :unsure:
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The explosion occured below the bridge. most likely by a boat with shaped charge. This bridge was a redline for Russia for nuke attacks. Now anything is possible. It seems USA is clearly aiming to ensure a nuke war in Europe to completely destroy Europe.
Bridge had destroyed hours before.No reaction from Russia yet. So probably their nukes also a shit like their conventional weapons, who knows.
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Lol. No. US knows where every Russian boomer and fast attack is at all times.
But the russians also know that. We will have to see who is one step ahead.
Biden is a joke but he's not in charged and won't be in charged in any decisions that are important. But that is another topic... o_O
I personally likes democrats over Neo-cons warhawks of your conservative party. I also respect trump for not starting another war.
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They're fleeing because of Russian involvement in Mali, Eritrea, CAR and Libya.
Sources pls?? Who destablized libya? From where I have seen these countries Govt. are welcoming russian PMC.
Your friends are Russia, Iran and North Korea. You can hardly talk. The Saudis are very mild by comparison.
Trade Partners. How is North Korea a Friend?
Saudi arabia's military adventure in yemen has lead to around 400,000 dead.
jamal kashogji,
Kidnapping of lebanese PM.
Yeah, I wouldn't call saudis are mild.
Bridge had destroyed hours before.No reaction from Russia yet. So probably their nukes also a shit like their conventional weapons, who knows.
Given, how Dmitry medvedev spoke about kirch bridge being redline, I believe russia is going to retaliate/escalate in a massive way.
Let's see what happens.
Putin is under lot of pressure inside, if he doesn't act to satisfy hardliners , they might lose faith in him and might start plotting coup.
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Given, how Dmitry medvedev spoke about kirch bridge being redline, I believe russia is going to retaliate/escalate in a massive way.
Let's see what happens.
Putin is under lot of pressure inside, if he doesn't act to satisfy hardliners , they might lose faith in him and might start plotting coup.
So, the defeat of Russian troops aren't just a western propoganda as man said here. Agreed?