Ukraine - Russia Conflict

yeah if planes , cars are indication of human advancement then egyptians with their giant pyramids, chariots already had surpassed every thing before 2000 years. . West can reach moon but their behavior will still be inhumane, nothing will stop them from supporting some dictator or destabilizing some other country which is no where near them.
So why do people keep dying trying to get here?
confusing us for britons, amercias pooch.
We have more of our own technology.
you mean to say zelensky is a dictator not worthy of EU standards of democracy then why support him in that case?
I mean to say it wasn't a perfect democracy, plus you need agreement from all existing members. We're selective about our friends, you should try it some time.

sun did exist then so did truth & false hood. Its just the enlightenment takes time.
It's the internet that led to bitching though. India did all the same thing Britain did, just longer ago.

Next war will be more brutal, with more technologies getting tested & refined. countries will go back to drawing table and come back with more practical ones to fight long war of attrition. West has just opened a pandora's box, russia will now take all the experience and try to iron out the kinks in its force & technology.

They would if they were allowed to learn from experience but sadly corruption prevails.
So why do people keep dying trying to get here?
oh west is so naive and dont know abt it.
We have more of our own technology.
lacking in self-respect. why tow uncle sam's line then?
I mean to say it wasn't a perfect democracy, plus you need agreement from all existing members.
mob that creates an accident , cheers the victim to death and then concludes nothing could be done. great!
We're selective about our friends, you should try it some time.
yeah like turks or saudis, extra ordinary nut cases that only the mob can deal with.
It's the internet that led to bitching though. India did all the same thing Britain did, just longer ago.
you look like the person who goes to the police station complains about a crime where victim does not exist or come forward but police needs to register your case. ok good luck with that.
hey would if they were allowed to learn from experience but sadly corruption prevails.
thats what every one thinks until some other thing happens. Dint west miscalculate and underestimate that russia will fold up fighting after sanctions ?
I would like to thank the editors of The Indian Express for publishing the message from Anastasia Piliavsky (‘Dear Indian friends’, October 6). You have been instrumental in letting Indian readers understand with whom and what Russia has been dealing. No Russian propagandist could write something better to disclose the mindset of Ukraine and its Western bosses. I will not waste time and space disproving Piliavsky’s statement of “bad Russia” and “Putin the tyrant”. She seems to be a worthy disciple of L Denivosa, the Ukrainian ombudsman sacked for concocting too many foolish stories of Russian soldiers raping everybody and everything from humans to telegraph poles – nothing has been verified (ask honest journalists like Adrien Bouquet, persecuted for telling the truth about the staging of the “Bucha massacre”).
Pure nonsense and shameless lies.

Not surprising from Russian propaganda. All they do is invert the roles of aggressor and victim, and pretend that their own sins are those of their enemies.

The idea that a mythomaniac like Bocquet should be considered a "honest journalist" when he's neither honest nor a journalist and nothing but a useful idiot who's been caught lying about everything, is testimony that this "professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences" is just another shill for the regime who only cares about spouting the required talking point, and not about being factual or even believable.

And the idea that Ukraine has "Western bosses" shines a bright light on the Russian mindset where people do not have any agency. This is, after all, because the Kremlin has spent the last century making sure that Russian people would never be allowed to develop their own agency, so they cannot conceive that other people could have one. Ukrainians revolt against their corrupt leaders? Must be a plot of the West. Ukrainians resist against Russian invaders? Must be a plot of the West.

To a large extent it is quite similar, right from language to atrocities committed , west support of weapons. Only in this case they underestimated the russian bear with nukes and they found a henchman with no regard for human lives.
Funny, I'd say it's the Russian bear that underestimated the Ukrainians' will to live free, and the people who have no regard for human lives are Putin and his henchmen Kadyrov and Prigozhin. They're the ones who have decided to start a ruinous war, they're the ones who are throwing people -- including their own people -- into the meatgrinder. They're infinitely more respect for human life in the average Ukrainian soldier than in these thugs who have decided to mobilize people because they can't handle defeat, and throw the mobilized without training or equipment on the frontline.
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Funny, I'd say it's the Russian bear that underestimated the Ukrainians' will to live free, and the people who have no regard for human lives are Putin and his henchmen Kadyrov and Prigozhin. They're the ones who have decided to start a ruinous war, they're the ones who are throwing people -- including their own people -- into the meatgrinder. They're infinitely more respect for human life in the average Ukrainian soldier than in these thugs who have decided to mobilize people because they can't handle defeat, and throw the mobilized without training or equipment on the frontline.
before the war started western media called ukraine more corrupt, dictatorial filled with nazi's and once west sided with ukraine every thing changed over night. ironically wests propaganda tries to distorts its own truth.
End the world says zelensky, calls for pre-emptive nuclear strikes. west & their henchman have gone totally crazy 🤣

Why are youz taking him so serious as if he can get NATO to nuke first? He's a comedian and jokes are his thing.... just look at the joke he has turned the Russian army into. :D

He's saying that if it looks like Russia is about to use nukes that NATO should hit Russia first. Not a bad idea. I'm pretty sure if the US and Russia got into a conflict and US detected a likely first use of nukes by Russia the US would strike first. You can't hide from US ISR when it comes to a nation making the decision to use a nuke it's too loud.
before the war started western media called ukraine more corrupt, dictatorial filled with nazi's and once west sided with ukraine every thing changed over night. ironically wests propaganda tries to distorts its own truth.
Nah, it didn't change overnight, western press kept "both-sides"ing about Nazis in Ukraine until Bucha came and reminded everyone of why actual Nazis were bad, and what they did.

If you want to see real Nazis in Ukraine, then look at Rusich Group, Russian Imperial Movement, Sparta Battalions, Wagner PMC, and other "Heroes of Russia". There's a far right in Ukraine, like in any country that has more than a hundred inhabitants, but they're not especially prominent in the general population. Neo-Nazi ideology is far more prominent in Russia. Which makes sense. Fascists want a strong leader and a population forcibly united behind him (with harsh punishments for dissenters), a glorification of military power, and indoctrination of the youth -- all the same things that Putin promotes. Yes, Russia is a fascist country, all the ingredients are there.



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west has evolved now they dont do it directly but use their henchmen like zelensky , dictators who do the job effectively.
Just like you don't know what a coup is, you also don't know what a dictator is.

Zelensky is not a dictator. He was regularly elected, and before Putin decided it had been too long since his last war crimes and he was really hunkering for some genocide right now, his approval rating was quite low. A dictator's approval rating is never low. Nobody dares to express disapproval of their Glorious Leader. If you want an example, you can look at Russia, where Putin has been elected and re-elected and has modified the Constitution to be even more re-elected and everyone votes for him, even the flags!

I know you hate the collective West so you love ruthless dictators like Putin and Xi Jinping. But just admit it! Stop trying to inverse the roles.
Just like you don't know what a coup is, you also don't know what a dictator is.

Zelensky is not a dictator. He was regularly elected, and before Putin decided it had been too long since his last war crimes and he was really hunkering for some genocide right now, his approval rating was quite low. A dictator's approval rating is never low. Nobody dares to express disapproval of their Glorious Leader. If you want an example, you can look at Russia, where Putin has been elected and re-elected and has modified the Constitution to be even more re-elected and everyone votes for him, even the flags!

I know you hate the collective West so you love ruthless dictators like Putin and Xi Jinping. But just admit it! Stop trying to inverse the roles.
ok , he is a saint , west can worship him or his a*** whatever suits them.

I know you hate the collective West so you love ruthless dictators like Putin and Xi Jinping. But just admit it! Stop trying to inverse the roles.
yeah I hate sweet innocent babies and love the monsters just like west does pity you dont appreciate it. what sort of weed do you ppl smoke in the west that keeps you informed so much abt your own govts, looks like some high quality stuff.
oh west is so naive and dont know abt it.
They're fleeing because of Russian involvement in Mali, Eritrea, CAR and Libya. She's a deceitful cow. An Italian Trump with a vagina.
lacking in self-respect. why tow uncle sam's line then?
Because there's no need to veer onto the grass just because other people are using the same the road as you.
mob that creates an accident , cheers the victim to death and then concludes nothing could be done. great!
Why shouldn't we cheer a country trying to move towards democracy? Better than cheering for a dictator like some.
yeah like turks or saudis, extra ordinary nut cases that only the mob can deal with.
Your friends are Russia, Iran and North Korea. You can hardly talk. The Saudis are very mild by comparison.
you look like the person who goes to the police station complains about a crime where victim does not exist or come forward but police needs to register your case. ok good luck with that.
Isn't that what you do? It's not like your a day over 75 years-old, yet you talk about things from centuries ago.
thats what every one thinks until some other thing happens. Dint west miscalculate and underestimate that russia will fold up fighting after sanctions ?
West miscalculated and thought Russia would win in a few days to a few weeks.
This just demonstrates how you twist everything and turn the truth upside down. Seriously? Putin with a f*cking olive branch, despite the invasion and mass graves.
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Why are youz taking him so serious as if he can get NATO to nuke first? He's a comedian and jokes are his thing.... just look at the joke he has turned the Russian army into. :D

He's saying that if it looks like Russia is about to use nukes that NATO should hit Russia first. Not a bad idea. I'm pretty sure if the US and Russia got into a conflict and US detected a likely first use of nukes by Russia the US would strike first. You can't hide from US ISR when it comes to a nation making the decision to use a nuke it's too loud.
He also said, "pre-emptive action," not pre-emptive nuclear strikes.
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Why are youz taking him so serious as if he can get NATO to nuke first? He's a comedian and jokes are his thing.... just look at the joke he has turned the Russian army into. :D

He's saying that if it looks like Russia is about to use nukes that NATO should hit Russia first. Not a bad idea. I'm pretty sure if the US and Russia got into a conflict and US detected a likely first use of nukes by Russia the US would strike first. You can't hide from US ISR when it comes to a nation making the decision to use a nuke it's too loud.
Russian Nuclear Submarines can beat your ISR and you know it. Also the joke might be on you or your
Mr. Biden😎
Russian Nuclear Submarines can beat your ISR and you know it. Also the joke might be on you or your
Mr. Biden😎
Lol. No. US knows where every Russian boomer and fast attack is at all times. US wrote the book on tailing boomers.

Biden is a joke but he's not in charged and won't be in charged in any decisions that are important. But that is another topic... o_O
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arms contractors making money while ppl are dying.

The US side of the BMI deal was relatively straightforward, documents show. Once the Ukrainian government deposited about $25 million in the company’s Bank of America account, BMI would pay a middleman for 2.2 million rounds of surplus US military ammunition and fly it to Poland.

The bullets that Zlatev planned to sell were 50% more expensive than those publicly listed by other vendors. His grenade launchers were selling for more than twice what is listed on a price list for United Nations peacekeeping forces. Experts say these increases typically help pay the middlemen — at the expense of a nation in the middle of a war.
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putin says we are back,
Russia’s industrial output returns to last-year level: Vladimir Putin

russia's war economy helps growth ( oops, what works for america also works for russia!)

Putin's War Machine May Be Giving His Economy A Quiet Boost​

while german industry is dive bombing,

Rocketing energy costs are savaging German industry​

poor zelensky is being taken for grand ride, while america keeps helping itself.