Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Russia, NATO only helped remove Gaddafi, but as soon as he was gone and a democracy was attempting to unfold
Russia was in there meddling.
Another BS.
I bet Your Source is : Trust me BRO.
Well, if you're supporting Russia like jetray and co., that's your friends list - Russia, North Korea, Iran and Eritrea.
I didn't get it. Again how is Nk a friend?
As for Yemen, look to Iran, they started that one. They're using the Houthis as proxies, it's not like the Houthis made these themselves:
Houthis (Like ukrainians) are fighting for freedom and iran (like US & EU) is providing weapons. I don't see any problem here.
You were saying that the Saudis are bad. I'm asking you what India is doing about this Saudi badness. Apparently nothing. So what's your point?
BMD as usual was moral highgrounding india by saying that india is a "Friend"( Meaning have trade relations) with nations like russia, Iran who are egregious abusers of human rights.
I was simply reminiding him of hypocrisy by pointing out US ,UK & EU trade with countries like KSA.
Then BMD as usual downplays KSA human right records by saying that they are mild.
My reply in post #11,216 was to show other wise
How CIWS is going to stop kamikaze truck?
By shooting at the cars that take it, obviously. Also at the boats that go nearby, especially ferries, they could be transporting kamikaze trucks.

Anyways, the train explosions will continue until morale improves. Yesterday at Ilovaisk:

Plus of course the one on the Kerch bridge.

Today at Andriivka:

It's pretty great to see all these fuel trains becoming utterly unusable. The railway may be repaired, but the fuel will stop flowing anyway.
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It's pretty great to see all these fuel trains becoming utterly unusable. The railway may be repaired, but the fuel will stop flowing anyway.
That's racist.

3 people died.
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3 people died.
They conducted the strike late at night to minimise collateral. Had they done it during peak periods it could have killed 100x that.
Looks like the rail bridge has survived, for now.

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