Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Did you miss the M in MAD? I wouldn't say that the retaliatory second strike would be "absolutely nothing". Russia can send nuke missiles at America if it wants to, why not, but the result will be the nuclear sterilization of Russia. Is that a good calculus for Russia? No. That's why it's deterrence.
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So much so for USA being immune to Russian nuke attack, lol. @Innominate this one is for you fella:

That's the same for any country as regards cruise missile attacks. At 60m altitude the the radar horizon is only 27.7km and that assumes completely flat ground, in reality obstacles will be in the way, like hills, trees and mountains etc. The best way to detect cruise missiles is via CAP and the US has more aircraft than anyone else. However, it's better to detect the launch platform, and the US is far more likely to detect an Tu-160 or Russian submarine travelling across the Artic or North Atlantic than Russia is to detect B-2 flying over Europe.
That reply was for @Innominate's past claim that USA ISR would detect Russian first strike and USA would then strike back quickly.

But as per the General, Russia can steathly launch cruise missiles(could be nuclear tipped🤷‍♂️) towards US and all the mighty "saviour of the world" and superpowah can do is:

Absolutely Nothing😎
You're forgetting several things:

1. The launch platforms can be detected and ISR can likely detect the command being given and the launch of bombers.

2. NATO has ~1,700 nuclear warheads on SLBMs regardless of how successful such a sneak attack is.

3. Russia is not immune to the same attack, and if ISR detects the command, or considers it highly likely then a pre-emptive strike will be made. That's why I say Putin is dicing with death by making nuclear threats. He basically thinking about whether he wants his entire country melted.
Lots more Kremlin scum were killed yesterday and the world is a slightly better place today.


Scouts eliminated two Russian self-propelled guns "Msta-S".

Nobody wants the war but Putin started it, despite already having Crimea. He's at fault, there's no other way of looking at it.
And what about provocation by US to expand NATO Eastward near Russian borders and that too against the agreement between Boris Yelstin and George Bush that there will be no new NATO members and in fact US agreed to reduce presence of NATO forces and weapons systems from Europe but exactly opposite happened.... 😡

Not only US expanded NATO by providing membership to former Russian Warsaw pact allies like Poland Romania but also former Russian States and now were almost on the verge of giving NATO membership to Ukraine too... 😡

Also US placed all their modern weapons both conventional as well as nuclear weapons too in Europe. Apart from this US kept on sanctioning Russia for one reason or another and tried to destabilize its economy through various means like banning Russian crudeOil and Gas... 😡

Western countries do everything from sanctioning, financial/economic blockades and boycotts, political pressures, political boycott and will even go to the extent of carrying out ASSASSINATION or big political leaders or carrying out TERRORIST ATTACKS (Taliban and ISIS are US creation) on countries opposing their world order and dollar domination as FOREX.😡😡

So don't preach and tell US not to preach... 😡
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And what about provocation by US to expand NATO Eastward near Russian borders and that too against the agreement between Boris Yelstin and George Bush that there will be no new NATO members and in fact US agreed to reduce presence of NATO forces and weapons systems from Europe but exactly opposite happened.... 😡

Not only US expanded NATO by providing membership to former Russian Warsaw pact allies like Poland Romania but also former Russian States and now were almost on the verge of giving NATO membership to Ukraine too... 😡

Also US placed all their modern weapons both conventional as well as nuclear weapons too in Europe. Apart from this US kept on sanctioning Russia for one reason or another and tried to destabilize its economy through various means like banning Russian crudeOil and Gas... 😡

Western countries do everything from sanctioning, financial/economic blockades and boycotts, political pressures, political boycott and will even go to the extent of carrying out ASSASSINATION or big political leaders or carrying out TERRORIST ATTACKS (Taliban and ISIS are US creation) on countries opposing their world order and dollar domination as FOREX.😡😡

So don't preach and tell US not to preach... 😡
we need to do this,
And what about provocation by US to expand NATO Eastward near Russian borders and that too against the agreement between Boris Yelstin and George Bush that there will be no new NATO members and in fact US agreed to reduce presence of NATO forces and weapons systems from Europe but exactly opposite happened.... 😡
That's a red herring like every other reason given by Putin before starting this war. NATO is already in the Baltics, that's as close as they need to be for a tactical missile advantage (not that they've ever exploited it) and Ukraine wasn't anywhere close to getting into NATO, or the EU for that matter. Russia has in fact likely expedited both those things by starting this war.

Not only US expanded NATO by providing membership to former Russian Warsaw pact allies like Poland Romania but also former Russian States and now were almost on the verge of giving NATO membership to Ukraine too... 😡
Former Soviet states, not Russian states. You forget that it was Russia and its alter-ego the USSR that expanded out to oppress those countries in the first place. Furthermore their annexation of neighbouring territories in Moldova and Georgia in the early '90s drove other countries to apply to NATO. NATO expands through consent, Russia expands via military oppression.
Also US placed all their modern weapons both conventional as well as nuclear weapons too in Europe. Apart from this US kept on sanctioning Russia for one reason or another and tried to destabilize its economy through various means like banning Russian crudeOil and Gas... 😡
After Russia invaded Crimea and the Donbass.
Western countries do everything from sanctioning, financial/economic blockades and boycotts, political pressures, political boycott and will even go to the extent of carrying out ASSASSINATION or big political leaders or carrying out TERRORIST ATTACKS (Taliban and ISIS are US creation) on countries opposing their world order and dollar domination as FOREX.😡😡

So don't preach and tell US not to preach... 😡
Of course they will boycott a country that invades a democratic neighbour. What do you expect to happen? Invading a democracy goes against the value of even having international laws. As regards assassinations, give recent examples from the last 50 years. Same for terrorism.

Putin blew up Russian apartment buildings to create a pretext for the 2nd Chechen War in 1999, that's for certain when you look at the irregularities in the investigation, there's also growing opinion that Putin might have been behind 9/11, he certainly benefitted the most from it.
Except Russia doesn't even control all that territory, barely half of the orange area. And Russia's own state media pundits have admitted that they haven't exactly been welcomed with open arms. So it's not the people at all. You should know by now that anything calling itself a 'People's Republic' is actually just a piece of shit controlling everything and everyone.
That's a successful advance in Kherson and Lugansk for Ukraine. Russian advances are non-existent.
That reply was for @Innominate's past claim that USA ISR would detect Russian first strike and USA would then strike back quickly.

But as per the General, Russia can steathly launch cruise missiles(could be nuclear tipped🤷‍♂️) towards US and all the mighty "saviour of the world" and superpowah can do is:

Absolutely Nothing😎
Lol. Cruise missiles have to be launched by bombers or subs and US ISR will know when those bombers take off and what they are carrying.

US has been warning Zelenski every time a Russian bomber takes off carrying cruise missiles and the Russians also know that US knows which is why all those cruise missiles the Russians launch not one went after a Ukrainian airfield take a guess why..? Might as well tell you.... because it would be a waste since fighters would have left by then. That never crossed your mind why they didn't target airfields?

A-person hit it on he head the general was exaggerating just like they exaggerate how the US will lose against China because a computer simulation told them so which gets the generals to congress to ask for more $$$. It was just a few years ago that a report came out that Russia and its new anti-ship missiles and these other weapons would give the US a severe beating... riiiight. :ROFLMAO:

What is funny about this article is he completely leaves out E3's andE-2's that will be airborne when Russia decides to launch bombers and get naval ships and subs carrying nukes in range of US for a strike. Lol.
Lol. A competent military would have struck those missile systems the moment they crossed the border.
And what about provocation by US to expand NATO Eastward near Russian borders and that too against the agreement between Boris Yelstin and George Bush that there will be no new NATO members and in fact US agreed to reduce presence of NATO forces and weapons systems from Europe but exactly opposite happened.... 😡
That's a bunch of crock.

First thing first: there was a verbal agreement (only treaties are binding) with the Premier of the USSR. The USSR no longer exists. The agreement therefore became moot.

Second thing: Russia signed and ratified a binding treaty agreement that they would respect and guarantee Ukraine's sovereignty. Given what happened in 2014 and now, it's quite obvious that the Kremlin has no room to talk about broken agreements.

Third thing: the right for any country to join the alliances and organizations of their wish is their sovereign right alone. If Ukraine wants to join NATO, then it's Ukraine's sovereign choice to want to join NATO. Third countries cannot forbid that. Only NATO countries have a say in that they can refuse or accept membership.

Fourth thing: the US presence in Europe had been continually decreasing from 1991 to 2014. Blame Putin for reversing the trend.
Not only US expanded NATO by providing membership to former Russian Warsaw pact allies like Poland Romania but also former Russian States and now were almost on the verge of giving NATO membership to Ukraine too... 😡
Nope, no one was "on the verge" of giving NATO membership to Ukraine. Because NATO membership requires unanimous agreement, meaning anyone can veto new arrivals, as Turkey as aptly demonstrated. And Ukraine's NATO membership had been blocked precisely in a vain and futile attempt at appeasing Russia. In hindsight, a bad decision.
Also US placed all their modern weapons both conventional as well as nuclear weapons too in Europe. Apart from this US kept on sanctioning Russia for one reason or another and tried to destabilize its economy through various means like banning Russian crudeOil and Gas... 😡
There's been no new modern US nuclear weapons in Europe since the NPT. In fact, there's less US nukes in Europe, not more, since Greece left the NATO nuclear sharing program. Nuclear sharing also relies exclusively on some dumb gravity bombs, meaning they're delived by aircraft that have to fly right above the target. It's largely pointless nowadays.

And Russia was under no US sanctions until 2014, when they decided to break international law, annex Crimea, and create ab nihilo some bullshit separatist republics like they've done in Georgia or Moldova.
Western countries do everything from sanctioning, financial/economic blockades and boycotts, political pressures, political boycott and will even go to the extent of carrying out ASSASSINATION or big political leaders or carrying out TERRORIST ATTACKS (Taliban and ISIS are US creation) on countries opposing their world order and dollar domination as FOREX.😡😡
Russia does all that too, plus massive strikes deliberately aimed at civilians. It's just that their currency is crap so they can't use it as a tool of influence like America can.
Look at that, it's what makes them happy. They broadcast footage of screaming people getting blown up to cheer themselves up because they just love being evil. At the end they're all upset because one of them remind them that this is militarily useless and will just result in more Western help for Ukraine.

As for Taliban and Daesh as US creations, not really. The Talibans are a Pakistani creation, but it's true that they used US money. Daesh arose from America bungling their occupation or Iraq, which they should never have done, but that was not an intended consequence. So yeah, if you contort logic enough, you can blame both on the US, but that's not the same thing as deliberately creating terrorist militias... which is what Russia did in Ukraine with the Sparta Battalion and others.

I'm reminded of this:
It's astounding how true that is. All these Internet keyboard warriors going "America did a bad thing, therefore Russia has the right to do even worse things!"...
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It's astounding how true that is. All these Internet keyboard warriors going "America did a bad thing, therefore Russia has the right to do even worse things!"...
Some people's minds simply don't think anymore, there is literally nothing Russia could do, no boundary it could cross, where they wouldn't support it.