Ukraine - Russia Conflict

LOL! Another Red herring.
US/WEST have Violated International Laws So many times.
How many times they have to face sanctions?
ZERO Times.
DID Leader of west who violated International laws faced any Consequences?
What Does that EvEn mean "you can talk about your country's wrongdoings and even get access to documents (e.g. FOIA requests in the US) that help establish the precise facts of these wrongdoings. In Russia, you get jail or polonium tea if you try that." If you cannot prevent further violation by your leaders or punished those who violated ILs.?
What kind of Virtue It is : Hey, OUR Govt did some shitty things( No consequences on them though), they are probably doing it right now, But hey Through FIOA we get the access of those wrong doings.
So *censored* yeah We are better than you???/
IS this What you mean @A Person.
The event you're thinking of is removing Saddam in 2003. That should have happened in 1991, it was a crime not to remove him and the sanctions imposed in lieu of removing him were yet another crime. Removing a dictator and allowing Iraqis to vote for their own leader is nowhere near similar to invading a democracy and annexing part of it.

Members associated with Nixon well to jail. Ditto for Trump. A former CIA employee went to prison for involvement in the Iran-Contra affair.
IF it's true, then more problem for EU.
*censored* this war. *censored* vlad.
Sure there is, new pipelines in Africa. Why do you think Russia has been interfering with democracies there so much lately? Qatar has not stopped supplying gas, they just said they can't single-handedly replace Russia gas. This is just some deluded Indian guy trying to make Russia's negotiating position seem stronger than it really is. Europe didn't even start buying gas from the USSR until 1982, getting rid of Russian gas is a very small problem.
China has little gas (unless you count Xi's speeches), so this irrelevant.
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Putin, when he thinks he is succeeding, is wrong in his war of aggression and in using hunger and energy as weapons. He wants to sow fear, divide and intimidate Europe. He achieves the opposite: our country stands together. Europe stands together.

You see, the problem with these energy and food gambits that are meant to bend people to his will, is that Putin is demonstrating exactly why he cannot be allowed to control even more of the planets resources under any circumstances.
It's not difficult for the US to push India and Pakistan into a nuclear war in the late 2030s, early 2040s, so Pakistan is a threat we need to deal with long before China is taken care of by the US. Had the SU not gone into decline in the early 80s, we would have taken Pak out by the mid 80s. So Pakistan is the patsy they will use against India. If Pakistan is dealt with, there's not much the US can do after. At best, they will have to sit in China wondering how to contain India.
Most Indians are strategically blind to long term danger ahead. They will think & evaluate forthat instant of time. Its like game where you just dont think of current move but also how it will work out for next 100 move.

Pakistan is not a rational enemy, which makes them very good useful idiots for the west. West is not your average enemy that fights & goes away. They play the long term strategic game very well , their institutions & organizations seamlessly carry out the that agenda across the different govts. We are not taking about year or two it is about decades in future & past.
What was the Context?
Any Sources?
I highly doubt that A "Diplomat" is going to talk like that.
You expect some one come and sing into your ears or what?

US deputy NSA came to India delivered the "consequences" threat openly.

China has little gas (unless you count Xi's speeches), so this irrelevant.
they are re-exporting russian gas.
They climb, and we destroy. Keep climbing - let's destroy more - SSO operators skillfully destroy the Russian occupiers.

After Yanukovych was ousted by neo-Nazis in a coup with Western support, Poroshenko divided the country along linquistic lines. The Russian language was removed as an official language. Zelensky supported bringing back the language, thereby garnering Russian support, and then backtracked after victory.
Check your facts. Ukrainian has been the sole official language of Ukraine since its independence. Russian was never an official language.

What happened was that under Yanukovich, a law was passed allowing for regional languages to be used for official purposes. This was deemed unconstitutional, however, and eventually repealed by the Constitutional Court.

As for the neo-Nazis... Massively overblown. Pravy Sektor was a minuscule part of the Maidan protest. It's Official Russian Talking Point to pretend the opposite. Finally, Yanukovich was impeached for reason and corruption by the Parliament of Ukraine. There was therefore no coup.
In the meantime, with Crimea and Donbas out of elections, the Russian portion of the population became underrepresented long before the Russians in Ukraine were betrayed by Zelensky. They basically became disenfranchised.
And I'm sure you're going to blame the West for why Crimea and the Russian-occupied Donbass couldn't take part in elections...
After his election, all of his main opponents were kicked out of Ukraine, so he's in effect a dictator now. He only has a very weak opposition.
Guess what? You're wrong, again! Zelensky had a very strong opposition and very low approval ratings until Vladimir Putin decided it was time to invade and genocide.
Yes, now that the country is in a state of war, he has very weak opposition. This is because when your country is attacked by a hateful neighbor that has decided to eradicate your culture, you tend to rally behind the leader as that is a better survival strategy than dissension and division.
Ukraine ceased being a democracy after the coup in 2014. And now it's basically in a pseudo-civil war.
Such a dictatorship after 2014 that Petro Poroshenko lost the 2019 elections. The next elections are scheduled in 2024. Except of course if Putin wins, since then there will be no elections anymore. Just flagpoles that put ballots in the urn, and an election result of 397% of votes for Putin.
Russia has the capacity to recreate old Soviet armies.
With old Soviet equipment. And half the population. The Soviet Union at the 1989 census had a population of 287 million people. Russia is at 145 million people, and that's including Crimea.
Plus, being recent, some of Russia's nuke delivery systems are much more advanced than America's.
Does Russia have something like the NIF+DARHT or LMJ+AIRIX?
In any case, the West wants Russia in its current form gone.
Anyone sane would want the Putin regime gone.
In Ukraine, they showed a homemade combat drone. The drone is designed to fight Russian UAVs, presumably Geran-2 drones. It is not clear how the drone stabilizes the sight

A new strike by the Russian Lancet drone on the launcher of the S-300 air defense system of the Ukrainian army has led to disputes among netizens. Many felt that the alleged drone strike was in a dummy launcher. We explain that this is not the case. When the drone approaches the target, the hatches of the missiles are closed on the launcher, after the impact they are torn off. Also, when magnified, you can see the tube of the hydraulic rocket lifting system. In dummies, this level of detail is never done. The explosion of rockets did not happen, apparently due to their absence in the installation.

In the fighting in Ukraine, a wide variety of weapons are used. The video shows the shooting of Luhansk military personnel from the Soviet automatic 57-mm anti-aircraft gun S-60. The S-60 gun was adopted by the USSR in 1950 and was exported to many countries of the world, where it was repeatedly used in military conflicts. A gun of this type greatly helped the North Vietnamese army during the Vietnam War. The technical rate of fire of the gun is 60-70 rounds per minute. Firing range 6000 meters.

Filming of the broken military column of the Ukrainian army was made by one of its commanders in the Kherson region. The video shows damaged French VAB 4x4 armored vehicles, British Husky TVS armored vehicles and about a dozen civilian trucks used for military transport.