Ukraine - Russia Conflict

See @randomradio ? This is what the Russians came into Ukraine to do. Forget all the feel-good stories about "liberating people oppressed by the Kiev regime", this intent of Russia was, from the start, to go oppress the Ukrainians.

Er... Creating hate for the enemy you are at war with via propaganda is... normal.

Once the war is over, they will switch gears. They will later talk about protecting those same children from evil Ukrainian Nazis from across the river.

Propaganda is meant to sucker people into believing what the authorities want them to, so why are "you" falling for it?
why would russians bomb & pollute the land they want to occupy? It makes zero sense.

Ukraine wanted to take back crimea & occupied areas from russia, now when they cannot they will make unlivable for them.
Earlier ukraine wanted to cut off water supply to crimea now they are going to pollute the area making water unfit for users downstream. They will literally make all the water sources that russian occupied areas depend on contaminated making it a liability for russians.

As a matter of fact ukraine does not even need a dirty bomb, all that they need to do is dump nuclear waste from the nuclear power plant into the water sources , that will be good enuf.

It was the Americans who first spread the propaganda that Russia will use all sorts of WMDs.
Did you listen to the vids I posted? They specifically want to destroy power and water infrastructure to create a humanitarian disaster. This is their goal.

It's what the US did in Iraq and France did in Libya. You are pissed off by the Russians merely talking about it? Seriously?

Even in an Indo-Pak war, this is the plan. This is how wars are won without targeting civilians, 'cause civilians tend to evacuate.

When we speak of nuclear war, there are only two choices. You either starve a baby or burn a baby. As a commander, those are your choices. And starving a baby includes destroying water and power plants while leaving the city intact, with the main objective being forcing the baby out and exposing it to the world, where starvation is the most likely outcome.

You are only now experiencing what it means to be at war. That Russian guy was simply stating reality.
We don't support them, we just try to work with them. You won't here me defending their every action and blaming the victim or someone else for their crimes.

Fact. To use it as justification for an invasion is ridiculous. I'm quite sure if the US invaded someone because of a language law you would not make excuses for them.


Wars are fought for less. I would recommend everybody in Europe to give up on their respective languages and switch to German. You know, for 'national' unity.
A language law is not genocide. I can believe you're trying to compare Ukraine to Operation Searchlight. And was India really interested in the well-being of Bangladeshis, or just pulling East Pakistan away from Pakistan? You weren't exactly against Muslim or Sikh massacres at the time, someone could easily have used such massacres as a justification for invading India.

Russia was already in breach of the Minsk agreements and International Law even at the point of signing Minsk. Russian troops were already in the Donbass and had invaded Crimea.

You missed the part in recent history when the UAF started using artillery on the citizens of Donbas.
No! It always starts with Putin trying to subvert Ukrainian democracy in 2013. The people voted to join the EU in 2010, both main parties campaigned for that.

They are not fine with it. 2021 polls indicates the opposite. Putin had already threatened Yanukovych with war if he joined the EU, why do you think Yanukovych changed his mind inside a month? It's not a coup when the people are upholding their democratic mandate.

You think if Yanukovych had joined the EU instead of fleeing that Russia would not have done what it did? Russia had plans for this eventuality before Yanukovych was even elected.

Yanukovych wanted to join the EU. The minute the agreement fell apart, there was a coup. Normally, you would salvage the situation via talks, not by supporting riots and coups.

Plus it was merely an association agreement. Ukraine signed the same in 2017.

The coup was the problem, not the agreement itself.
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So, If UN isn't doing anything then what else is option? other than direct involvement.

There is no other option. If the UN doesn't help, you gotta deal with it on your own.

Why else do you think India keeps saying we will solve things "bilaterally"? That's out go-to word because we don't trust the UN to fix anything.

What you need is military, economic and diplomatic power to get anything done in your favour. The UN exists only for the powerful to bully small countries legally.
Ok, Then when we will see it?
ON Su-57M???
Again happy diwali.

The technology already exists in powerful countries. We should see it in use over the next 10 years or so.

In Russia, it could end up on a Su-57M2 or Su-60 or something, perhaps even the PAK DP. Maybe in the NGADs in the US. Never know.
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Yanukovych wanted to join the EU. The minute the agreement fell apart, there was a coup. Normally, you would salvage the situation via talks, not by supporting riots and coups.
Come on! Yanukovych made a U-turn. He ran on joining the EU and then u-turned on this promise. But overthrowing him through that chaos/Violence puts blemish on impeachment process. Victoria nuland's presence and leaked tape doesn't help either.
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Yanukovych wanted to join the EU. The minute the agreement fell apart, there was a coup. Normally, you would salvage the situation via talks, not by supporting riots and coups.

Plus it was merely an association agreement. Ukraine signed the same in 2017.

The coup was the problem, not the agreement itself.
Stop making crap up. Yanukovych decided to join the EEU instead. I.e. he completely gave up on the EU, which is why all hell broke loose. He could have reversed his decision or held a referendum but instead he chose to try crush the protests killing 100 people, which resulted in him being forced to flee. He has since been found guilty of treason.

Putin's invisible hand was the problem.
He ran into a power line. If you freeze frame you can see that the tail plane was severed in half.

Wars are fought for less. I would recommend everybody in Europe to give up on their respective languages and switch to German. You know, for 'national' unity.
The EU recognises separate countries and languages, but Ukraine is one country. If all Hitler had done was implement a language law in German mandating German be spoken in the public sector, I'm quite sure he'd be little more than a small print footnote in history.
You missed the part in recent history when the UAF started using artillery on the citizens of Donbas.
Yeah, because Russian troops were firing at them from there. Civilians were killed on both sides of the LOC. The war wouldn't even exist only for Russia. You missed the part where a Russian SAM downed an airliner.
That's the level of naivety Zelensky has demonstrated to date.
He's just stating fact, unity with Putin is more economically destructive than a war with them. Look what Putin has done to his own country.
Nothing new. The only options from Russia today are the Flanker family and Mig-29s. The Su-57 is not expected to be delivered until 2030 for export. Only a handful of countries can buy them anyway.
And yet it was claimed that an Su-57 shot down a Ukrainian Su-27.