Ukraine - Russia Conflict

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In light of the destruction of power grid, Ukraine find alternate power source, after a Russian soldiers is found still smoking from an explosion.

An episode of the work of Russian artillerymen with a gun - howitzer D-20. The Soviet 152-mm D-20 howitzer was put into service in 1953, howitzers of this series were used in many conflicts and are in service with a large number of countries, including the Ukrainian army. The maximum range of howitzer fire with a conventional projectile is 17400 meters, with an active reactive projectile 24 kilometers. Howitzer deployment time 2 minutes, calculation 8 people. More details about the work of artillerymen in Ukraine in the video.

Germany handed over to Ukraine its advanced TRML-4D radar from HENSOLDT. The TRML-4D radar was developed in 2018 and is intended for the IRIS-T SLM air defense system, which we will talk about later. The radar is capable of tracking up to 1,500 flying objects at an altitude of up to 30 kilometers and tracking them at a distance of up to 150 km for aircraft and 60 km for supersonic missiles. A four-dimensional radar is capable of identifying targets not only by range, height and speed, but also by its size, just like the radars of the Russian S-400 air defense system do. The TRML-4D radar unit includes an onboard power generator and can be transported by any truck. While one TRML-4D radar has been delivered to Ukraine, 3 more will be delivered in 2023.

The crew of the Russian Tor-M2 air defense system spoke about their combat work on UAVs in Ukraine. The calculation shot down the UAV of the army of Ukraine "Fury" and "Valkyrie". SAM Tor-M2 is considered one of the best systems for working on small targets.

The Ukrainian army began to use the Swedish light anti-ship system RBS-17. The complex is capable of firing at ground targets. The Robotsystem 17 was developed in 1987 and is a transportable tripod for a rocket launcher. RBS-17 uses the American AGM-114C Hellfire missile with a high-explosive fragmentation warhead and a semi-active laser seeker that requires target illumination. Several RBS-17 launchers can operate under the control of one observation station. The RBS-17 complex was discontinued in the nineties. The firing range of the RBS-17 complex is 10 km.

I couldn't disagree more. Language or NO Language russia has no right to invade.

By that logic, India is also wrong for invading East Pakistan. We should have simply watched the genocide happen.

Russia should have Raised this issue in UN, and should have Involved it, But russia took International law in their hand.

They did that for 8 years and nothing happened. Google Minsk agreements.
And how did it turned out for us?
LTTE....Remember, Rajiv Ghandhi assasination?
Shouldn't you think UN INVOLVEMENT WOULD HAVE BEEN better?

UN can't help in a situation where the US is involved. The problem would have been solved in 1987 had the CIA not interfered.
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Like all those Middle Eastern ones too?
We don't support them, we just try to work with them. You won't here me defending their every action and blaming the victim or someone else for their crimes.
Fact. To use it as justification for an invasion is ridiculous. I'm quite sure if the US invaded someone because of a language law you would not make excuses for them.
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Zelensky was not in power in 2014. You said it was Zelensky's election that caused the invasion.

2019 of course. While previous Ukr leaders only threatened Russia with the NATO card, Zelensky acted on it.

Pretty much everyone except Zelensky knew extremely well Ukr was never gonna get in, irrespective of how much the US and UK said they would get Ukr in.

As you can see in your own link, this law has been criticized by the Venice Commission and recommended a number of changes. It's important to note that the European Union, which Ukraine wants to join, has demanded following the recommendations of the Venice Commission as a prerequisite for adhesion.
Also, this laws is from 2019. After Russia invaded. Without Russian interference, it would never have appeared. This was a reaction to aggression, as the Russian language has become a problem of internal security.

It should never be a problem in the first place. It's like India banning Urdu or Punjabi in India just 'cause Pak uses both. What the hell kinda reasoning is that? It's no different from the US putting the Japanese in internment camps just 'cause both countries were at war. It's dystopian. At least 40% of the Ukrainians are Russian speakers.

You're comparing a law mandating at least 50% Ukrainian content with large scale slaughter and torture. An excessive law can be amended. A life destroyed cannot be restored. There is literally nothing you can say that can justify Russia's actions, and the overblown hullaballoo about Ukraine's linguistic policies is certainly not one.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

And in the areas "liberated" by Russia, Ukrainian is forbidden and talking in that language will get you summarily executed.

Welcome to Soviet indoctrination. The Russians will simply argue the Ukrainians started first.

So convenient for willful blindness. People protest the occupation? Doesn't count, it's not insurgency. People attack the occupiers? They're misguided idiots. People getting murdered? Oh, it's anecdotal.

Of course, poor examples. Civilians cannot take matters into their own hands during war. If they want to fight, they should enlist.

People protecting occupation, that's irrelevant. Enough time has passed for it to have turned into an insurgency, but it hasn't. It means the population is fine with Russian occupation.

Do you have any valid proof that the majority of Ukrainians are siding with Russia?

Nope. But the ones who stayed are supporting Russia. The ones who didn't, left already, mostly. Ukraine's 40 million pop has come down to less than 20 million after all, with another 5-10 million internally displaced.

Ukraine legally belongs to Ukraine. This is agreed by Russia given its signature of the Budapest Memorandum where Russia agreed to protect Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Sure. But that ended once Ukr started hunting and killing its own citizens.

What makes the Kashmir situation special is the Indians themselves have reduced their Kashmiri citizens into second-class citizens in their own country. Unlike what's been propagated in Hindu fairy tales, the revocation of statehood and autonomy and the communication blackout imposed on Kashmiri is very serious. Had Pakistan been a powerful nation, they would have invaded Indian-occupied Kashmir, and it would have been morally justified. Funny, isn't it?

You forget that Kashmir is pretty much a pseudo-war zone. The only intent of the revocation is, other than it being temporary, it's to protect the people themselves.

There's too much democracy in the region, which enemy states have taken full advantage of. We are in fact handling the problem with even more democracy. People in Kashmir are more free under central rule today than it was under state rule for all these decades.

But let's be real. What's the citizenship rank of minorities in Russia? I'd rather be a Russophone in Ukraine than an Ukrainophone in Russia. Or a Tatar in Russia. Or a Yakut in Russia. Or a Nenet in Russia. Or a Buryat in Russia. Or, heck, a Russian in Russia, for that matter.

Oh, yeah, communists are bad that way, no doubt about it. But that's a different discussion. The ones we are talking about are Russians in Ukr.

You can't accuse a serial killer of a crime he did not commit just 'cause you personally don't like him. The Russians are very, very wrong in many ways. But this war is justified in terms of protecting Russians in Ukraine. They are the ones doing the liberating this time round.
By that logic, India is also wrong for invading East Pakistan. We should have simply watched the genocide happen.

They did that for 8 years and nothing happened. Google Minsk agreements.

UN can't help in a situation where the US is involved. The problem would have been solved in 1987 had the CIA not interfered.
A language law is not genocide. I can believe you're trying to compare Ukraine to Operation Searchlight. And was India really interested in the well-being of Bangladeshis, or just pulling East Pakistan away from Pakistan? You weren't exactly against Muslim or Sikh massacres at the time, someone could easily have used such massacres as a justification for invading India.

Russia was already in breach of the Minsk agreements and International Law even at the point of signing Minsk. Russian troops were already in the Donbass and had invaded Crimea.
The whole "uprising" in the Donbass was entirely orchestrated by the Kremlin, using Russian leaders and Russian troops. Ukraine didn't sink its own ship; Russia shot them.

Somewhat granted, 'cause some of the main leaders are Ukrainian, with the Russians in the shadows. Would never have gained prominence has it not been for the coup. Mate, always start with the coup.

Point is that when someone is hypocritical and biased enough, anything can be justified for any pretext. Randomradio here is pretending that having to have newspapers in Ukrainian is a perfectly valid reason for Russia to invade, pillage, torture, and murder.

The coup is the reason for Russia's invasion. The language law is the reason for why the Russian-speakers in occupied areas are fine with the Russian invasion. They think of the 'invaders' as liberators and are actively supporting them.
Well what can I say, @randomradio very easily believes Russian Propaganda. This is not limited to just politics, but also in tech space too.
I remember him Regurgitating KRET's Propaganda about how new Photonic radar can easily do facial recognition from 400km away etc.
@randomradio Do you still standby that statement or have you reconsidered it? I am not trying to be a Di*k?

Yup! I get that.

Lol, that's not propaganda. It's simply the next gen in radar tech after AESA.
Somewhat granted, 'cause some of the main leaders are Ukrainian, with the Russians in the shadows. Would never have gained prominence has it not been for the coup. Mate, always start with the coup.

The coup is the reason for Russia's invasion. The language law is the reason for why the Russian-speakers in occupied areas are fine with the Russian invasion. They think of the 'invaders' as liberators and are actively supporting them.
No! It always starts with Putin trying to subvert Ukrainian democracy in 2013. The people voted to join the EU in 2010, both main parties campaigned for that.

They are not fine with it. 2021 polls indicates the opposite. Putin had already threatened Yanukovych with war if he joined the EU, why do you think Yanukovych changed his mind inside a month? It's not a coup when the people are upholding their democratic mandate.

You think if Yanukovych had joined the EU instead of fleeing that Russia would not have done what it did? Russia had plans for this eventuality before Yanukovych was even elected.
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By that logic, India is also wrong for invading East Pakistan. We should have simply watched the genocide happen.
War started after Pakistani aerial strike on us, Russia had attacked Ukrain just like Pakistan did to us in 71.
We never invaded East Pakistan, we just liberated it.
A Person said:

What makes the Kashmir situation special is the Indians themselves have reduced their Kashmiri citizens into second-class citizens in their own country. Unlike what's been propagated in Hindu fairy tales, the revocation of statehood and autonomy and the communication blackout imposed on Kashmiri is very serious. Had Pakistan been a powerful nation, they would have invaded Indian-occupied Kashmir, and it would have been morally justified. Funny, isn't it?
A Person,

If Pakistan and Islamic countries were a more powerful entity, they would invade France for disrespecting their Prophet and behead your people......Well, aren't they already doing that😎

Also, Kashmir problem is because the Hindus were genocided by Muslims. Kashmir always belonged to India and don't worry in due course we shall take POK too. Then you and @BMD can cry foul just like you're doing now when Putin is doing the right thing.