Multiply these number by 75 x 365. And bear in mind that these reports are fairly recent and not cover the pre-modernisation, post-agricultural revolution period.You better have some sources for this claim? I am eagerly waiting, Jackass
How so? please explain and back up your claims with sources.....
More than 7000 Indians die of hunger every day - Snehan
Over 7000 Indians die of hunger every day. Over 25 lakh Indians die of hunger every year. Not all have the privilage to eat three meals a day.
Hindrise is a Non-Profit Organization Focusing on Poverty & Education
Hindrise Foundation is doing this through working on comprehensive projects in health, education, livelihoods and disaster preparedness and response. Our goal is to stand with the poor, listening to voices unheard, and recognizing potential where others see forlornness.
Death by hunger is India’s tragic reality
It is pertinent to realise that 34 out of 1,000 children born in the country die in the mother’s womb itself. Nine lakh children below the age of five die much before they can comprehend the meaning of independent India and approximately 19 crore people in the country are compelled to sleep on...