The only source I can find for that is I.e. it's bullshit. Never quote anything from Twitter that doesn't provide a source. If there's no source it's nearly always bullshit.
And again, where's the evidence of him admitting this? You're just copying random troll tweets from Twitter. We had the same crap with the shopping market until a video of a Kh-22 hitting it was posted. It was another Kh-22 here as well, i.e. it was never on course.
Confimed.On liveuamap, yet to be confirmed.
Ukraine Interactive map - Ukraine Latest news on live map -
Live Universal Awareness Map Liveuamap is a leading independent global news and information site dedicated to factual reporting of a variety of important topics including conflicts, human rights issues, protests, terrorism, weapons deployment, health matters, natural disasters, and
Russian serviceman has blown up RGD-5 grenade at his military unit in Belgorod region, killing 3, wounding 10 and blowing up the ammunition storage
Russian serviceman has blown up RGD-5 grenade at his military unit in Belgorod region, killing 3, wounding 10 and blowing up the ammunition storage Oktyabrskiy, Belgorod - Ukraine Interactive map - Ukraine Latest news on live map -
Russian serviceman has blown up RGD-5 grenade at his military unit in Belgorod region, killing 3, wounding 10 and blowing up the ammunition storage. Live Universal Awareness Map Liveuamap is a leading independent global news and information site dedicated to factual reporting of a variety
В Белгородской области военнослужащий взорвал гранату на территориии части. Погибли трое военных. По информации «Базы», взрыв произошел в здании сельского дома культуры, где располагались российские военные. По предварительным данным, один из военнослужащих взорвал гранату РГД-5. Из-за взрыва
How Does Nato support Nazi's?
Because his pro-Russian bias has led him to cook up increasingly complex delusions to support his bias. I mean, FFS, the EU is likely the least Nazi establishment on Earth. It's not like the Nazis would have tolerated eleventy billion terror attacks and continued promoting mass immigration and racial equality to the point where they actually discriminate against white people and shit a cow when an old lady asks a black woman where she's!
How Does Nato support Nazi's?
The only source I can find for that is Ie it's bullshit. Never quote anything from Twitter that doesn't provide a source. If there's no source it's nearly always bullshit.
EU & UK gas imports from Russia by route weekly 2025 | Statista
In the week 5, 2025, the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK) received 342 million cubic meters of natural gas from Russia via the pipeline
European Union Natural Gas Imports From Russia
Natural Gas Imports from Russia in European Union decreased to 72969 Terajoule in September from 87799 Terajoule in August of 2023. This page includes a chart with historical data for European Union Natural Gas Imports From
And again, where's the evidence of him admitting this? You're just copying random troll tweets from Twitter. We had the same crap with the shopping market until a video of a Kh-22 hitting it was posted. It was another Kh-22 here as well, ie it was never on course.
This shows the absolute amount, not a rise. The EU has massively reduced import from Russia, India has massively increased import from Russia, that's the difference. It sends the message that India is quite happy to profit from the war rather than acting to try stop it. So whilst Modi says he wants the war to stop, his economic policy is aimed at achieving the opposite.