then give them rafales .Breaking news : French President Macron ready for a potential delivery of Leclerc MBT to Ukraine.
Problem : only 220 available in the french army....
M. Lecornu : le président Macron a demandé "l'instruction de la cession de chars Leclerc" à Kiev - Zone Militaire
Ce 19 janvier, s'exprimant en visioconférence en marge du Forum de Davos, le président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelenski, a une nouvelle exhorté
puppet had a meeting with their masters, we will soon see what will the next move on battlefield be.I think there's going to be a huge offensive soon, and I've been looking at the map and I think I know what they'll do, but I aren't stating it.

US, Ukraine top military chiefs meet in person for 1st time
The top U.S. military officer has traveled to a site near the Ukraine-Poland border and talked with his Ukrainian counterpart face to face for the first time.