Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Dumbass! :rolleyes: Invading Ukraine isn't what he's wanted by the ICC for, neither are the mass graves, or the bombing of hospitals, although the last two merit attention in themselves. What's he's wanted for is the mass kidnapping of children, which he's bragged about publicly. The burden of proof for issuing such warrants is very high, but he was even dumb enough to brag about it on TV, so the burden is met.

I'd love to see them try Bush... and as part of their prosecution they can explain why they let Saddam Hussein nerve gas tens of thousands of his own people to death, invade a country, take hostages, torture PoWs, torture and disappear civilians etc. etc. without doing anything for 20 years before arresting the guy who finally did something... and why Saddam Hussein was hung by his own people... and then idiots who bring up such stupid comparisons can explain why they don't hang themselves. :ROFLMAO:
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Dumbass! :rolleyes: Invading Ukraine isn't what he's wanted by the ICC for, neither are the mass graves, or the bombing of hospitals, although the last two merit attention in themselves. What's he's wanted for is the mass kidnapping of children, which he's bragged about publicly. The burden of proof for issuing such warrants is very high, but he was even dumb enough to brag about it on TV, so the burden is met.

Well we were discussing Bush here & the reason why he wasn't indicted by the ICC. Putin already is. Whether for kidnapping children or for slapping their wrists. Bush isn't. That's the crux of the argument. But it isn't surprising in the least you misunderstood the whole conversation & catch the bull by its horns once again Paddy. I mean when haven't you?!

I'd love to see them try Bush...

We'd love to see you try Putin as well Paddy...

and as part of their prosecution they can explain why they let Saddam Hussein nerve gas tens of thousands of his own people to death, invade a country, take hostages, torture PoWs, torture and disappear civilians etc. etc. without doing anything for 20 years

Well the same UN which readily sanctioned Iraq post Gulf War -1 thereby condemning hundreds of thousands to death due to malnutrition & lack of medicines thanks to those sanctions on Iraq readily passed by the UNGA & the UNSC & implemented was silent when those atrocities were happening during the Iran Iraq War. That the West supported Saddam Hussein in his war on Iran & looked the other way is purely coincidental.

before arresting the guy who finally did something... and why Saddam Hussein was hung by his own people...

Well, wasn't Michael Collins - a Paddy leader killed by some of the Paddys themselves. During the Irish war of Independence, it was a case of one Paddy fighting another, namely Irish collaborators of the Crown fighting nationalist Irish. Who'd know more about it than you - a descendant of Irish collaborators ! Your whole history is that of colonialism, uprisings , collaboration etc like any other colonised people. What's so special in Iraqis hanging one of their own, Paddy?

and then idiots who bring up such stupid comparisons can explain why they don't hang themselves. :ROFLMAO:

You can thank your stars you were born after the Irish Independence movement else for the views you hold & express here, you'd have been strung up & hung by your neck from the nearest lamp post by Irish nationalists, the only reason your forefathers fled Paddyland & settled in comfortable luxury in England unlike many other Paddys who led an inhuman existence in mainland UK around the same time.
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They were hardly democracies and there was no invasion by NATO in Libya, a democratic uprising began and airstrikes were conducted to stop a dictator from brutally suppressing it. As for Iraq, a country is already in an invaded state when someone like Saddam rules it. Ukraine had an elected leader when Russia invaded it. Meanwhile Russia is in Libya, Syria, Mali, CAR, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia and Moldova against the will of the local populace. That's 8 countries all at once.

Funny then how the US and UK greenlit Pakistan's genocide in East Pakistan.
Funny then how the US and UK greenlit Pakistan's genocide in East Pakistan.
50+ years ago and your hands were hardly clean in that either.

Besides Indians genocide each other all the time in race riots and malnutrition deaths. This makes for an interesting comparison:

Not such a great comparison for a 'civilised' society eh?
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50+ years ago and your hands were hardly clean in that either.

Same people, same rules. Nothing's changed.

In fact, I see parallels between East Pakistan and Ukraine. Both sides required bigger neighbours to interfere to end the killings, and during both times, the local Western joe unwittingly celebrated the killings just 'cause they were allied to genocidal maniacs.

Besides Indians genocide each other all the time in race riots and malnutrition deaths. This makes for an interesting comparison:

Not such a great comparison for a 'civilised' society eh?

Funny how you are comparing riots to state-sponsored genocide. Looks like Western sheeple have been made numb to the distinction.

What's happening in Ukraine is what happened in East Pakistan. And 50 years later, someone on the Brit side will say the exact same thing you just said about Ukraine: "50+ years ago and Russian hands were hardly clean either".
Russia has done nothing but speed up NATO accession. Finland would never have joined without this war, and Ukraine was decades away from getting in.
This Batman-ski kills, and doesn't give two sh!ts about Martha. :LOL:
Too bad they have no actual culture of their own to draw on, and simply regurgitate western culture with a slight rebranding.
Same people, same rules. Nothing's changed.
Wrong on all counts. Different people in government, many legislative changes in the last 50 years. Damn near everything has changed.
In fact, I see parallels between East Pakistan and Ukraine. Both sides required bigger neighbours to interfere to end the killings, and during both times, the local Western joe unwittingly celebrated the killings just 'cause they were allied to genocidal maniacs.
The only similarity is that a larger neighbour actioned and supported the separatist movement in both cases. Russia has simply increased the killing on both sides, not ended it, so categorically wrong again. And the likes of Hindustan Times celebrate this killing. As regards parallels, Ukraine is simply following in the footsteps of all the rest of its Eastern European neighbours in not wanting any share in the misery Russia offers both during wartime and peacetime.
Funny how you are comparing riots to state-sponsored genocide. Looks like Western sheeple have been made numb to the distinction.
When that many interracial riots occur and that many are killed during peacetime, the government is complicit. In most democracies, anyone associated with a government who presided over such incidents would be forced to step down and leave politics as a minimum. And even if it was a false comparison, it would only be mirroring your own comparisons of the direct Russian killing of civilians in Ukraine with civilians killed by militant groups during the US presence in Iraq.
What's happening in Ukraine is what happened in East Pakistan. And 50 years later, someone on the Brit side will say the exact same thing you just said about Ukraine: "50+ years ago and Russian hands were hardly clean either".
Nope. What's happening in Ukraine is that Ukrainians want control of their own country without a Russian arm up the backside of their leader, as per Lukashenko. Same thing all the countries that suffered under the Eastern Bloc wanted post-1991. Bangladesh was denied democracy by Pakistan, Russian separatists in Ukraine denied the ability of people in captured areas to participate in national elections, after invading Crimea outright. The equivalent would be if India had invaded part of Bangladesh covertly and another part overtly and then denied the ability of local residents to vote, whilst Pakistan was still still allowing them to vote.

Basically, a minority group who weren't large enough to influence a national election in their favour, were supported by Russia to steal part of the country away from government. I mean, let's face it, Crimea was known to have been invaded, and the Donbass was between only Ukraine and Russia (just as S. Ossetia and Abkhazia was between only Georgia and Russia), there's only one place their military support could have come from for that long. The whole thing is due to Russian interference from the start.
Russia still 'ending the killing'? @randomradio?
Bakhmut direction The big bad boom is the result of a coordinated several-day pursuit by the 128th separate battalion of the 112th separate brigade Troop and the consolidated tactical group "Adam" for the Russian self-propelled guns 2S9 "Nona-S"
Donetsk direction FPV kamikaze drone of the "tuning studio" "Ochі Vіdplati" of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade pumped another car to the orcs
Same people, same rules. Nothing's changed.

In fact, I see parallels between East Pakistan and Ukraine. Both sides required bigger neighbours to interfere to end the killings, and during both times, the local Western joe unwittingly celebrated the killings just 'cause they were allied to genocidal maniacs.

Funny how you are comparing riots to state-sponsored genocide. Looks like Western sheeple have been made numb to the distinction.

What's happening in Ukraine is what happened in East Pakistan. And 50 years later, someone on the Brit side will say the exact same thing you just said about Ukraine: "50+ years ago and Russian hands were hardly clean either".

Drawing similarity betwn ukraine and east pakistan is too simplistic view and may be little bit biased stance . What Pakistan army did might have some parallels in nazi Germany . There was systematic killings of at least a million . Some estimate says 3 million . What i found disgusting is mofos were running racial purification camp to change genetic composition , where they used to rape Bengali women , with their high level of supremist idea of having descended from great Islamic warriors of Arab turkic origin .
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