Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Drawing similarity betwn ukraine and east pakistan is too simplistic view and may be little bit biased stance . What Pakistan army did might have some parallels in nazi Germany . There was systematic killings of at least a million . Some estimate says 3 million . What i found disgusting is mofos were running racial purification camp to change genetic composition , where they used to rape Bengali women , with their high level of supremist idea of having descended from great Islamic warriors of Arab turkic origin .
And I think we can agree that Ukraine never did anything like that, even after Russia invaded Crimea. In fact, most pro-Russian political parties were allowed to continue campaigning freely in Ukraine even after the invasion of Crimea, it was only when Putin tried take Kyiv that they were banned.

India would also have had to annex Bangladesh and exploit their resources for it to be equivalent too, as well as destroying dozens of hospitals and apartments blocks etc. with cruise missiles.
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Russia keeps burning, it's like 1812 all over again.
The 406th separate artillery brigade of the KMP Naval Forces destroyed the Russian 152-mm gun 2A36 "Hyacinth-B", which fired at villages on the right bank of the Kherson region

Friends of Russia:
Between November 2022 and March 2023, up to 7,000 schoolgirls were poisoned at dozens of schools in at least 28 of Iran’s 31 provinces, according to human rights groups and government officials. Hundreds were hospitalized with symptoms that included respiratory distress, numbness in limbs, heart palpitations, headaches, nausea, and vomiting.

The man is a Lithuanian. He probably thinks he's in 15th century Europe where the Polish Lithuanian Confederacy is the 2nd most biggest empire in Europe in terms of sheer land mass they occupy after the Holy Roman Empire & arguably one of the most powerful empires in medieval Europe.

Before you admire / bristle at his audacity depending on which part of the spectrum your political ideologies lie on, know this that these are the considered views of the foreign minister of Lithuania which has recognized Taiwan less than 2 yrs ago. Would this even have been possible without the security umbrella NATO provided or the economic security outside the EU of which Lithuania is a member?

Why would Lithuania go out of it's way to antagonize China? If you have figured out the answer to this question you'd know why there's a trade off between the US & it's minion the UK - it's viceroy & agent provocateur in Europe between the Baltic states & Poland's position in Europe on Russia being supported by the former two & the US's position & instructions on China / Taiwan being followed by Lithuania.

All this while the big guns of Europe & consequently NATO & EU namely France & Germany are being reduced to bystanders as their carefully crafted moves to get the rest of Europe to follow their lead in terms of economic & security independence
now lie in tatters with both being in no position to do anything about it.

As an Indian , this undoubtedly benefits our position, given our antagonism with China but also cautions us to look to the future with wary confidence for once Russia & China are sorted out, we're next.. The last thing we need is for the Anglo alliance to prevail uncontested & all powerful in a post China & Russia world order.
Wrong on all counts. Different people in government, many legislative changes in the last 50 years. Damn near everything has changed.

Same country, same constitution. Same politics.

The only similarity is that a larger neighbour actioned and supported the separatist movement in both cases. Russia has simply increased the killing on both sides, not ended it, so categorically wrong again. And the likes of Hindustan Times celebrate this killing. As regards parallels, Ukraine is simply following in the footsteps of all the rest of its Eastern European neighbours in not wanting any share in the misery Russia offers both during wartime and peacetime.

The Russians are playing the same game we did. In 1971, our plan was to take care of East Pakistan first and then focus on West Pakistan (Kashmir). The Americans and British protected West Pakistan. Otoh, the Russians are taking their time to meet political objectives, not just military ones. They are pulling Ukraine out from its roots and dealing with the situation on a permanent basis. Enough refugees will decide to make Europe their new home, while the Russians kill the ones who wish to keep fighting, and this will change the demographics of the country.

When that many interracial riots occur and that many are killed during peacetime, the government is complicit. In most democracies, anyone associated with a government who presided over such incidents would be forced to step down and leave politics as a minimum. And even if it was a false comparison, it would only be mirroring your own comparisons of the direct Russian killing of civilians in Ukraine with civilians killed by militant groups during the US presence in Iraq.

Generally it's the people not in power who do these things to create problems for the people in power.

Nope. What's happening in Ukraine is that Ukrainians want control of their own country without a Russian arm up the backside of their leader, as per Lukashenko. Same thing all the countries that suffered under the Eastern Bloc wanted post-1991. Bangladesh was denied democracy by Pakistan, Russian separatists in Ukraine denied the ability of people in captured areas to participate in national elections, after invading Crimea outright. The equivalent would be if India had invaded part of Bangladesh covertly and another part overtly and then denied the ability of local residents to vote, whilst Pakistan was still still allowing them to vote.

What's happening in Ukraine is Russian speakers want independence from Ukraine and avoid becoming victims of genocide.

Basically, a minority group who weren't large enough to influence a national election in their favour, were supported by Russia to steal part of the country away from government. I mean, let's face it, Crimea was known to have been invaded, and the Donbass was between only Ukraine and Russia (just as S. Ossetia and Abkhazia was between only Georgia and Russia), there's only one place their military support could have come from for that long. The whole thing is due to Russian interference from the start.

Er... Dude, the Russian speakers are not a minority group, the country is split in the middle, which is why both sides win elections. Once Ukraine stopped being a democracy in 2014, and the new govt became genocidal, the rules changed. The problem for the Russian speakers is they didn't have enough political power in the local politics of Kiev, so they easily became victims of the coup. The Russian speakers were in control of the main economic centers of the country.

What separates the Russian speakers from Bengalis is the Russians were able to fight back with a standing army since 2014 without direct help from Russia. So the Ukrainians could only kill Russian civilians using artillery from across the frontline.
Drawing similarity betwn ukraine and east pakistan is too simplistic view and may be little bit biased stance . What Pakistan army did might have some parallels in nazi Germany . There was systematic killings of at least a million . Some estimate says 3 million . What i found disgusting is mofos were running racial purification camp to change genetic composition , where they used to rape Bengali women , with their high level of supremist idea of having descended from great Islamic warriors of Arab turkic origin .

Post 16067 should cover some of the arguments.

Unlike what happened to the Bengalis, the Ukrainians were stopped in their tracks by Russian separatists. Russia invaded when Ukraine had become strong enough to conquer Donbas and do what you have mentioned.
Same country, same constitution. Same politics.
That doesn't mean shit. The constitution is what allows politics to change, and for new ideas, new rules and new ways of thinking. That's the difference between a democracy and a dictatorship.
The Russians are playing the same game we did. In 1971, our plan was to take care of East Pakistan first and then focus on West Pakistan (Kashmir). The Americans and British protected West Pakistan. Otoh, the Russians are taking their time to meet political objectives, not just military ones. They are pulling Ukraine out from its roots and dealing with the situation on a permanent basis. Enough refugees will decide to make Europe their new home, while the Russians kill the ones who wish to keep fighting, and this will change the demographics of the country.
Except there's more Russians dying at the present time and thousands of Russians have left Russia for good. What Pakistan did was reprehensible but India also helped provoke the situation because it was in their interests to take East Pakistan. Ukraine has not committed a genocide, it continued running elections between 2014 and 2022, with only the Communist Party banned because of its association with the USSR. Everyone could vote except the people that Russian forces prevented from voting. What Russia did is equivalent to China using disaffected local rebels to seize part of India.

You also seem to be celebrating the fact that Ukrainians are being killed in their own country and being forced to leave it, which is known as genocide, which once again shows your true colours and your hypocrisy in celebrating this, whilst at the same time complaining endlessly about century-old oppression of India.
Generally it's the people not in power who do these things to create problems for the people in power.
Argument falls flat because a large number of the massacres are Hindus killing Muslims and Sikhs.
What's happening in Ukraine is Russian speakers want independence from Ukraine and avoid becoming victims of genocide.
The only reason Ukraine was fighting them at all is because they were trying to steal part of their country with the support of Russia, as per Transnistria, South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Again, your argument falls flat, because this is not an isolated case for Russia, there are multiple other examples of Russia doing this in neighbouring countries.
Er... Dude, the Russian speakers are not a minority group, the country is split in the middle, which is why both sides win elections. Once Ukraine stopped being a democracy in 2014, and the new govt became genocidal, the rules changed. The problem for the Russian speakers is they didn't have enough political power in the local politics of Kiev, so they easily became victims of the coup. The Russian speakers were in control of the main economic centers of the country.
Wrong, liar! Russia doesn't even have a majority in the places it's stealing.

Ukraine has never been a democracy according to world population review, but its scores improved markedly after 2014, when it ceased being a Russian puppet and ignoring election manifestos.

Are you seriously trying to tell us that a protest successfully took over a large country almost instantaneously with minimal loss of life, but the entire Russian military has taken 14 months to nibble a small piece off after tens of thousands of deaths? :ROFLMAO:

What separates the Russian speakers from Bengalis is the Russians were able to fight back with a standing army since 2014 without direct help from Russia. So the Ukrainians could only kill Russian civilians using artillery from across the frontline.
Russians have been involved since 2014, there are multiple OCSE reports of this and Russia's own courts admitted it, and legal process takes a long time.

This isn't their first time either, there a 3 other almost identical examples:
That doesn't mean shit. The constitution is what allows politics to change, and for new ideas, new rules and new ways of thinking. That's the difference between a democracy and a dictatorship.

It does mean a lot more than shit. The West still thinks it's the colonial era.

Except there's more Russians dying at the present time and thousands of Russians have left Russia for good. What Pakistan did was reprehensible but India also helped provoke the situation because it was in their interests to take East Pakistan. Ukraine has not committed a genocide, it continued running elections between 2014 and 2022, with only the Communist Party banned because of its association with the USSR. Everyone could vote except the people that Russian forces prevented from voting. What Russia did is equivalent to China using disaffected local rebels to seize part of India.

India did nothing to provoke anything. The East Pakistanis won elections, West Pak decided to cull East Pak.

You also seem to be celebrating the fact that Ukrainians are being killed in their own country and being forced to leave it, which is known as genocide, which once again shows your true colours and your hypocrisy in celebrating this, whilst at the same time complaining endlessly about century-old oppression of India.

The Russians are finishing what the Ukrainians started. If India was more powerful, we would have pre-empted the genocide in East Pak by acting before it happened. Sadly, IA needed many months to prepare. The Russians did what any self-respecting country would do. The have the moral ascendancy here. You lot in the West are just supporting the European version of West Pak.

Why else do you think the whole world is working towards de-dollarisation at basically break-neck speed? Sheeple don't understand what's happening outside their pens.

Argument falls flat because a large number of the massacres are Hindus killing Muslims and Sikhs.

Been both ways.

Wrong, liar! Russia doesn't even have a majority in the places it's stealing.
View attachment 27271

Lol, you need a better map.

Ukraine has never been a democracy according to world population review, but its scores improved markedly after 2014, when it ceased being a Russian puppet and ignoring election manifestos.

Scores are dependent on how much control the West has over a country. A vassal has the highest scores.

Russians have been involved since 2014, there are multiple OCSE reports of this and Russia's own courts admitted it, and legal process takes a long time.

This isn't their first time either, there a 3 other almost identical examples:

It's normal for a new country. People like to rebel and the central govt always crushes such rebellions. The same thing happened in India and is still ongoing in some places. Even if a state rebels tomorrow, it's gonna get crushed. The intensity depends on how militarised the rebels are.
It does mean a lot more than shit. The West still thinks it's the colonial era.
And yet Russia is the one annexing parts of other countries under a dictatorship and stealing their resources whilst India supports them, whilst the big-bad west hasn't annexed jack shit, and pays for any resources it uses. :ROFLMAO:
India did nothing to provoke anything. The East Pakistanis won elections, West Pak decided to cull East Pak.

West didn't cull jack shit. Pakistan is not 'the west'.
The Russians are finishing what the Ukrainians started. If India was more powerful, we would have pre-empted the genocide in East Pak by acting before it happened. Sadly, IA needed many months to prepare. The Russians did what any self-respecting country would do. The have the moral ascendancy here. You lot in the West are just supporting the European version of West Pak.
Russia started it by invading Crimea after their little ruse to overturn Ukrainian democracy by forcing Yanukovych to go against his election promises, and hence his mandate to govern. ~90% of the people killed during the revolution were protestors not government forces, with 121 killed in total.

How many people has Russia killed trying to reverse that revolution?

As for moral ascendancy, you're in absolutely no place to determine moral ascendancy. Your position on this war has made me re-examine your positions on previous events that I previously supported. You've offered only glaring false equivalents, lies and misrepresentations throughout.

There have been events in the past which have been questionable, this is not one of them. Russia is wrong and Putin is evil, that, I'm absolutely cast iron certain of.
Why else do you think the whole world is working towards de-dollarisation at basically break-neck speed? Sheeple don't understand what's happening outside their pens.
Only in your head. The fact you quote RT bollox almost verbatim is basically baaing at me. It's not western protestors who are being rounded up and herded into prisons, or out windows. And all you have to say in response is basically, "baa baa baa."
Been both ways.
Yeah, and why is that? You kill each other by the hundreds and have millions dying of malnutrition each year, whilst baaing at me on this forum that you're right, and Russia is right. What am I to make of that? Would you like me to shear you or something?
Lol, you need a better map.
"Baa baa, aaanything that says I'm wwrrrong is wwrrrong.":ROFLMAO:


Scores are dependent on how much control the West has over a country. A vassal has the highest scores.
So at 6.61, the West has more control over India than say Ukraine? Do you even think before baaing? :ROFLMAO:
It's normal for a new country. People like to rebel and the central govt always crushes such rebellions. The same thing happened in India and is still ongoing in some places. Even if a state rebels tomorrow, it's gonna get crushed. The intensity depends on how militarised the rebels are.
How does that even make sense in the context of what I posted? Russia was intervening in other countries in each of the 4 examples. The central government of those countries was one Russia supported the rebels against, after inciting the rebellion in each case of course. In each of the 4 cases Russia annexed territory away from the control of the central governments and stole resources. 4 cases of annexation and theft inside 30 years.
Russia's fatality rate so far is >20x that suffered by the US in the Vietnam War.