Ukraine - Russia Conflict

I know someone who listens to their conversations on the radio. Idiots do not even have encryption.


You sure those rockets weren't landing on hospitals?
Turks seem to like winding up the Russians.

What the f**k happened to the invincible Russian IADS?

Good to see most Irish are all too aware of their own history , culture & background enough to know the difference between propaganda & real facts, enough to know the difference between empathy & fleeting emotions, enough to know that all lives matter irrespective of skin color or linguistic & other human made barriers.

Then there are the likes of Paddy. @BMD
This is Russia vs Ukraine where such stiff resistance by the latter wasn't even talked about nor expected.

Let's consider India vs Pakistan .

This is precisely why I was extremely sceptical of @Hellfire & @vstol Jockey claims that we could cut Pakistan in half & take PoK within a month . Apart from their armed forces there's a huge population of guns freely available . Add RPGs to that mix . I'm not even referring to MANPADS or shoulder fired ATGMs here . Suddenly winning the war becomes a difficult prospect . Winning the peace an impossibility .
This is Russia vs Ukraine where such stiff resistance by the latter wasn't even talked about nor expected.

Let's consider India vs Pakistan .

This is precisely why I was extremely sceptical of @Hellfire & @vstol Jockey claims that we could cut Pakistan in half & take PoK within a month . Apart from their armed forces there's a huge population of guns freely available . Add RPGs to that mix . I'm not even referring to MANPADS or shoulder fired ATGMs here . Suddenly winning the war becomes a difficult prospect . Winning the peace an impossibility .
I did not state anything wrong. The battle scenerio of a war between India and Pakistan will be very different from what you see in Ukraine. Our thrust will go from Rajasthan and that are is not very well populated.
This is Russia vs Ukraine where such stiff resistance by the latter wasn't even talked about nor expected.

Let's consider India vs Pakistan .

This is precisely why I was extremely sceptical of @Hellfire & @vstol Jockey claims that we could cut Pakistan in half & take PoK within a month . Apart from their armed forces there's a huge population of guns freely available . Add RPGs to that mix . I'm not even referring to MANPADS or shoulder fired ATGMs here . Suddenly winning the war becomes a difficult prospect . Winning the peace an impossibility .
Its not like that.
When Putin says special military ops it means minimize civilian casualities, cripple Ukranian defence and accomplish the objectives .
Otherwise this could had bewn finish by now.

When it comes to the India Pakistan there is no such concern.
We will use our might.
That being said .Whatever it takes donot go for an invasion to Pakistan.
If that happens then it would be turn to bloody with no use .
We can cripple their defence without invasion and far more effective way to achieve our goals.
I did not state anything wrong. The battle scenerio of a war between India and Pakistan will be very different from what you see in Ukraine. Our thrust will go from Rajasthan and that are is not very well populated.
Maybe so . That still leaves PoK which is pure mountain country. Add access to Afghanistan to that & innumerable hostiles plus God knows how many Jihadis apart from civilians all armed & itching for a fight .

We may even reach the Wakhan Corridor from the Pakistani side but establishing peace there & sanitizing the area completely even if we were to undertake a scorched earth policy & securing that territory along with it's borders would take us not less than 6 months , much likely more than that .
This is Russia vs Ukraine where such stiff resistance by the latter wasn't even talked about nor expected.

Let's consider India vs Pakistan .

This is precisely why I was extremely sceptical of @Hellfire & @vstol Jockey claims that we could cut Pakistan in half & take PoK within a month . Apart from their armed forces there's a huge population of guns freely available . Add RPGs to that mix . I'm not even referring to MANPADS or shoulder fired ATGMs here . Suddenly winning the war becomes a difficult prospect . Winning the peace an impossibility .
Unlike the Russians I hope we plan to exterminate every single pakistani. The Russians never went 100% against them. At the end of the day Ukrainians are still humans.
Unlike the Russians I hope we plan to exterminate every single pakistani. The Russians never went 100% against them. At the end of the day Ukrainians are still humans.
Settle down Adolf.
So let's get this right Paddy. G-7 would be revoking MFN which would result in higher tarrifs, thus higher prices on said products. Would that include oil & gas as well & if not why not ?
Settle down Adolf.
He's actually responding to calls of Ghazwa e Hind undertaken in India since independence & partition. You should look up that term.

This war has certainly brought home some truths. No matter how things are between the establishment & various other organs of civil society during peacetime, once the US declares a nation or a people Public Enemy Number 1 , the entire machinery basically falls in line - business, media, entertainment, etc.

I've not seen one entity cross that red line. Ditto for the US minions in Europe & their individual machinery. The asabiyah is indeed extremely strong.

Compare this to the situation in present day India . One look at the one upmanship game during the evacuation of students should convey it all.

China & a few other nations are definitely taking notes. I hope our security financial & foreign policy managers are doing so too.
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