Ukraine - Russia Conflict

There is no victory for Russia. What Putin has done is the equivalent of when a suicidal parent takes their family's life as well as their own, except he has done it with an entire country. Fully capture Ukraine or not, Russia will be the long-term loser. He has destroyed his relationship with Europe and made Russia China's bottom bitch.
What's China's bottom bitch mean Paddy?
He has annulled all disputes between western nations, increased the defence spending and global support of all his adversaries (even got Germany taking defence seriously*). He has forced neutral European nations to seriously consider joining NATO and expedited the creation of an EU military focussed on him as the main threat.

His armed forces have proven an embarrassment - exercising terrible tactics like using lifts and bunching up in areas pre-sighted for artillery fire, not using encrypted comms, losing 2 times more people in the first 2 weeks than the coalition lost in Iraq and Afghanistan in over 20 years, and dozens of times more vehicles in the same comparison. Turkish drones have been able to strike his armoured columns without the previously thought invincible Russian IADS laying a finger on them. Smart weapons have been seemingly absent. Throughout, his forces have been more equivalent to a 1990 Iraqi military than that of a superpower.

*Germany to increase defence spending in response to 'Putin's war' - Scholz
I mean if he's done all that you say he's done & your side eventually gets to win, I really don't see what's the argument all about ?

It's just a matter of time. Sit back & enjoy the show.

Stupid article for stupid people.

Russia is self-sufficient when it comes to food and energy. They are partly self-sufficient in industry and electricals, but it doesn't matter when the whole world buys from China anyway. India is a supplier too.

The top imports of Russia are Cars ($11B), Packaged Medicaments ($10.2B), Vehicle Parts ($8.21B), Broadcasting Equipment ($6.75B), and Planes, Helicopters, and/or Spacecraft ($4.81B), importing mostly from China ($47.1B), Germany ($30B), Belarus ($13.4B), United States ($9.21B), and Italy ($8.79B).

Germany, US and Italy can be replaced. Plus a lot of stuff, like car, plane and helicopter parts, can be re-exported into Russia through other countries. Hell, they could come out with their own wide body aircraft and civilian helicopters.

Medicines and products cannot be sanctioned as per international law.

Broadcasting equipment can be indigenised in the mid term.

The only market that will be affected long term is the consumer market, particularly for imported products.

Basically in some areas they will get really strong, food and energy. Some areas they will indigenise quickly, electricals and industrial products. Some areas they will have to depend on imports for quite some time, vehicle/plane parts, electronics. They have made a calculated decision.
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^You would have to be on crack to believe that. Russia has had over 30 years to develop an economy and failed, even when it wasn't isolated.



Is China turning on Russia? Beijing calls Putin's Ukraine invasion a WAR for the first time and refuses to supply airline parts​

  • China has called Putin's attack on Ukraine a 'war' for the first time, making a shift in Beijing's tone
  • Beijing has also refused to supply Russian airlines with aircraft parts, Russia’s aviation authority said today
  • Ukraine asked Beijing to use its connections and influence with Russia to put an end to the on-going attack
  • On Saturday, Ukraine said China told them it 'is interested in stopping this war' raising hopes it could step in
  • Beijing is still steering clear of using the word 'invasion' and has refused to condemn Russia's military action
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Why don't you explain it here & now Paddy since you seem to have worked it out?
China's concern not to be on the wrong side of history is underestimated. On the one hand, losing face is rather unpopular in this part of the world, and on the other, China thinks that it has a date with history (with a capital H) and that this century will be its own. So yes, weakening the West can do Beijing's favours at the moment.

But supporting Vladimir P. in his settling of scores from another era and his errors of judgement could be extremely destructive for China's image in the long run. And the Chinese know this perfectly well. Especially since in the future Sino-Russian relationship over Siberian resources, it is in China's interest to have a politically and militarily weakened interlocutor.

It is likely that the more VP gets bogged down, the less he will be supported by China.
^You would have to be on crack to believe that. Russia has had over 30 years to develop an economy and failed, even when it wasn't isolated.

Failure's based on commercial reasons. But for strategic reasons, a sufficiently industrialised country can pretty much build anything, even if it comes at a higher cost. That's where tariffs come into the picture. Like there's no way India's semiconductors will come in cheaper than global foundries, but we can protect our chips through tariffs and NTBs until it ultimately stands on its own feet in a decade.

In Russia's case, the cheaper currency alone will protect their market without the need for tariffs.
There is no victory for Russia. What Putin has done is the equivalent of when a suicidal parent takes their family's life as well as their own, except he has done it with an entire country. Fully capture Ukraine or not, Russia will be the long-term loser. He has destroyed his relationship with Europe and made Russia China's bottom bitch.

This claim would work only if Russia goes the Iran or Venezuela way and there's a complete shut down of all trade.

For an authoritarian regime, the question is if the govt is rich and people are able to scrape by on their own with minimum effort from the govt. Russia is capable of that.
China's concern not to be on the wrong side of history is underestimated. On the one hand, losing face is rather unpopular in this part of the world, and on the other, China thinks that it has a date with history (with a capital H) and that this century will be its own. So yes, weakening the West can do Beijing's favours at the moment.
In many ways the war is a mixed blessing for China. On the one hand, it loses the element of surprise that it so desired when undertaking the invasion of Taiwan in the backdrop of a complacent & vaccilating west but on the other hand it gives China the opportunity to closely monitor the situation & draw lessons on how the war is prosecuted by Russia , the extent to which the US is prepared to go for the defense of Ukraine or to permanently damage Russia & the extent of co operation between Europe & the US or the fault lines within in spite of overt signs of co operation.

It also gives Chinese military the opportunity to study Russian tactics & analyse it's performance.
But supporting Vladimir P. in his settling of scores from another era and his errors of judgement could be extremely destructive for China's image in the long run. And the Chinese know this perfectly well. Especially since in the future Sino-Russian relationship over Siberian resources, it is in China's interest to have a politically and militarily weakened interlocutor.
With Russia having done it's worst, China would be waiting for what follows in the aftermath of the war. What are Putin's objectives & when does Putin decide it's time to call off the war ? Does the West abide then by Putin's decision by continuing with existing sanctions & imposing more or does it further escalate issues by supporting an insurgency in Ukraine? Mind you the last part would have a serious impact on all of EU / NATO especially the front line states supporting such measures.

Chinese tussle with the Russians is way off into the future. What does Siberia hold that China desires? If it's minerals it won't be difficult for China to strike a favourable deal with Russia on it's terms given the debilitated position of Russia from now on . If it's land, I refer you to the first sentence of this paragraph & would like to point out that in their list of priorities, Russia is pretty much at the bottom as of today. There are other more pressing issues related to expansion of territory already high up on the agenda.

Ironically Chinese claims on other countries's territory is pretty much from another era too much like Russia's but with weaker claims in so far as the fact goes that there are ethnic Russians in those territories that Russia claims who share the same view as Moscow does which can't be said about China.

It is likely that the more VP gets bogged down, the less he will be supported by China.
Putin is pretty much on his own but in the interest of normalcy being restored China would want peace to return & business as usual to commence ASAP. After all China was & is far more integrated with the world economy particularly the West than Russia ever was or will be. They have much more at stake than Putin or Russia. Putin being bogged down would prolong the conflict & further depress the world economy.

In the interim China is in a much happier place. If Putin stayed put, China would be the focus of Western eyes & the possibility then of further friction couldn't be ruled out. They've got a breather now in much the same way they got a breather when George W Bush decided to target China & there was that infamous Hainan incident immediately after which 9//11 happened & China got a huge reprieve which was to last till the 2nd term of Obummer & his "pivot" for whatever it's worth.

We've exited uncertain times to enter even more uncertainty. Such are the times we live in. Which is why Paddy's simple minded posts are to be looked forward to. They provide a source of diversion & amusement.
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China's concern not to be on the wrong side of history is underestimated. On the one hand, losing face is rather unpopular in this part of the world, and on the other, China thinks that it has a date with history (with a capital H) and that this century will be its own. So yes, weakening the West can do Beijing's favours at the moment.

But supporting Vladimir P. in his settling of scores from another era and his errors of judgement could be extremely destructive for China's image in the long run. And the Chinese know this perfectly well. Especially since in the future Sino-Russian relationship over Siberian resources, it is in China's interest to have a politically and militarily weakened interlocutor.

It is likely that the more VP gets bogged down, the less he will be supported by China.

The Chinese are likely to strictly keep it economics when dealing with the Russians, while saying away from the political and military side of things, at least until the next decade.

The Russians could improve their industry by stealing patented technologies and improving on it, especially so if the sanctions get worse. There's also the massive threat of Russia militarising other rogue countries like NoKo, which can provide Russia leverage over China.


It seems the recent move to eradicate everything Russian from American public spaces & memories isn't something new. 2 decades ago it was renaming French fries as freedom fries. Post 9/11 lynchings of Arabs or "people thought to resemble Arabs" was high .
But there's an older precedent to all this going back a century. The total eradication of the German language , culture, symbols etc from public space in the US.

It makes for one hell of a read & a huge paradox too considering German Americans are the single largest ethnic group in the US with 40 million + claiming German ancestry . How did they permit this is beyond me?! Then again how did the US build up one of the most sophisticated material civilizations in the history of mankind is also beyond me.

Just reinforces this memorable quote from Oscar Wilde coined nearly a century & a half ago -

"America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without knowing civilization."

How pleadest thou, sweetie? @WHOHE