Ukraine - Russia Conflict

If the war prolongs the long term prospects for Russia & Putin's future are already sealed. What would it do to Europe's future is much more interesting ? Nobody would emerge from this intact or stronger. It's best embodied in a local saying out here : hum toh doobe sanam , saath tumhe bhi le doobenge.
Nobody? I can actually think of one power that will emerge from this not just intact but in fact much stronger. (It's China.)

The Russians will feel the brunt , of this I've no doubt but the Europeans will also face quite a lot of problems. The only difference being the Russians are used to hardships. It's been true of them since the past 100 yrs interspersed by few years which were either better or worse than normal i.e hardships. The rest of Europe has been enjoying the peace dividend since long . How geared up are they to face this will be interesting to see .
Yeah, yeah, the old trope about the Russian ubermensch who will happily make do without heating in the winter and don't need food as long as they have vodka. They're so used to hardship and tyranny that they crave it and want more of it. In fact, when five million people died of famine in the USSR from the 1919-1922 famine, and then another eight millions starved to death between 1932 and 1933, and another million between 1946 and 1947; they did so with pride and confidence in the Soviet Ideal. That the west from then on sent food to the USSR every year to prevent more famine is exactly the reason why the USSR fell; its people no longer experienced the hardships that really define the Russian character. They had to find their miserable death from exposure by being sent to the Gulag instead of just trying to live their life.

Nowadays, thanks to Strong Leader Putin's bold and decisive policy of behaving like a paranoid schizophrenic tyrant; the Russian people will get to experience their birthright again of being cold, hungry, miserable, and promised to an early death. This will make Russia Stronk, and prove that it's the soft and decadent West that is wrong!
Nobody? I can actually think of one power that will emerge from this not just intact but in fact much stronger. (It's China.)
What we know about China is much less than what we know of Russia or any other country barring N Korea & what's actually happening on the ground there ? If Xi thinks he's going to cut the privileges of a mammoth party structure & bureaucracy along with the military just so they fall in line with him , think again.

Yeah, yeah, the old trope about the Russian ubermensch who will happily make do without heating in the winter and don't need food as long as they have vodka. They're so used to hardship and tyranny that they crave it and want more of it. In fact, when five million people died of famine in the USSR from the 1919-1922 famine, and then another eight millions starved to death between 1932 and 1933, and another million between 1946 and 1947; they did so with pride and confidence in the Soviet Ideal. That the west from then on sent food to the USSR every year to prevent more famine is exactly the reason why the USSR fell; its people no longer experienced the hardships that really define the Russian character. They had to find their miserable death from exposure by being sent to the Gulag instead of just trying to live their life.

Nowadays, thanks to Strong Leader Putin's bold and decisive policy of behaving like a paranoid schizophrenic tyrant; the Russian people will get to experience their birthright again of being cold, hungry, miserable, and promised to an early death. This will make Russia Stronk, and prove that it's the soft and decadent West that is wrong!

Just a few posts ago you were commenting on the national character of the Russkies & the need for a strongman & how that strongman has always guided the destiny of it's people & the nation. How do you reconcile your rant above with the cold analysis of your previous post ? Which of these are true for they're both the very anti thesis of each other . Hence both can't be true.
A weakened Russia is a Russia that will have a much harder time saying нет to China's demands. This has already started, this recent deal gave China a nice discount compared to other customers of Russian hydrocarbons. And that was a few days before the invasion.

As for the Russian character. Do not confuse the ideas of the Russian elite that gets to be in charge and the ideas of the common people that don't get a say in what happens to them.
If you think everyone in Russia loves Putin, this video is for you. It's a decade old already! It's from 2012, before the first attack against post-soviet Ukraine.
None of the common people love Kim or Maduro or Xi too but they're in power . What's popularity got to do with it ? We're discussing police states here not democracies.

For revolutions or counter revolutions to occur you need an inspirational movement or a person / people or an existing organisation which can spring up such a person/s . The only functioning one at the moment , however dysfunctional is the Russian Army . You think Putin or any dictator in Russia or anywhere in the world would allow anything like that to gain root leave alone flourish.

As far as the Chinese squeezing the Russians are concerned that was always on the cards . You think the Putin or the Russians didn't factor that in before they undertook what they just did ?

I think you make a good argument when you excise your emotions from it . When you don't , you don't have even a semblance of control over it & you come up with what you just did .

It was doing that all the way through The Cold War and look where it ended.
Nobody? I can actually think of one power that will emerge from this not just intact but in fact much stronger. (It's China.)
Unless it goes nuclear, then China and NK will probably get targeted alongside Russia regardless of whether Putin is the sole aggressor or not.

Nowadays, thanks to Strong Leader Putin's bold and decisive policy of behaving like a paranoid schizophrenic tyrant; the Russian people will get to experience their birthright again of being cold, hungry, miserable, and promised to an early death.
So basically Russians will get to be North Koreans.
It was doing that all the way through The Cold War and look where it ended.

Russia is not the Soviet Union.

What I'm really curious about is what technologies they are gonna steal and at what scale. 'Cause a lot of that can easily end up in the developing world too, particularly medicines.

Hell, they can make their own Star Wars movies or their own Disneyland. You can take it for granted that all Western streaming services can be killed overnight. They can create their own Steam, Epic and apps and offer all their games for practically free, including multiplayer.

Chinese companies can set up a fab plant in Russia and manufacture exact copies of Western chips.

There's no limit.
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Knowing the Chinese they'd already be drawing up a list on what they can extract from Russia on the cheap viz : agricultural produce , N reactors , latest military technology , hydrocarbons , etc .

The last thing they'd do is set up a fab unit in Russia. However they maybe open to setting up wet markets in Russia & market their meat products under the Russian McDonald logo with Chinese characteristics or on 2nd thoughts make it Russian characteristics. Ditto for Luke Skywalkerski , Star Warski franchise & other post 8 pm musings.

I wonder if our banias in government have drawn up any such plans. The Russians would surely love to counterbalance the Chinese with the Indians & we need access to most of the items described above much more than the Chinese .
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This is where the Russia didn't have Ukraine on the mat in 3-4 days, hence Russia has lost the war narrative came out from & still persists.

This over reliance on AI, machine learning etc must also be why LM doesn't recommend extensive training hours in the F-35 but only on simulators. Soon gamers who devote their lives to perfecting their craft will have access to F-35 games & prove to be skilled pilots sorry gamers. It's one & the same thing actually. I hope you realise what this means sweetie. You could be piloting the F-35 too!! @WHOHE
Ukranian civilians are suffering badly , Zelensky must surrender
And stop the war immediately

This is what you should have posted... Ukraine civilians are suffering badly. Putin should pull out and stop the war immediately.

Your original post makes you sound thick headed and... well... dumb.

This is what you should have posted... Ukraine civilians are suffering badly. Putin should pull out and stop the war immediately.

Your original post makes you sound thick headed and... well... dumb.
You mean during Gulf War 1&2 when US led forces were broadcasting messages to the Iraqi Army not to fight them but to turn on SH, instead of withdrawing back to where they came from - that was wrong too?

Ditto for the Taliban. We know what happened there.
Nowadays, thanks to Strong Leader Putin's bold and decisive policy of behaving like a paranoid schizophrenic tyrant; the Russian people will get to experience their birthright again of being cold, hungry, miserable, and promised to an early death. This will make Russia Stronk, and prove that it's the soft and decadent West that is wrong!
Crony capitalism which was a poor camouflage for financial & political gangsterism, liquidation of all state industries & assets, pauperization of all classes of people, rampant inflation, etc ought to be added among plenty of other equally disastrous phenomena.

P. S - I've a feeling nobody would appreciate this tweet more than you.