Ukraine - Russia Conflict

The Russians are not foreigners in Estonia, they are natives to the region. A Hindi medium school is not realistic in the UK, but in India, all states teach in their respective languages. So the same right, not a privilege, but a right, has to be accorded to minorities in Estonia as well.
Social cohesion and smooth running of the civil service is more important.
What Estonia is doing is the same as what China is doing to Uyghurs in some respects, which even Ukraine has already done to the Russian language and culture in Ukraine. This stuff is done by authoritarian regimes.
No mate, it would only be the same if they started locking up millions of ethnic Russians just for growing a beard or following the Russian orthodox religion. There is no law that requires a government to cater for more than one language in schools.

The equivalent in the UK would be erradicating Gaelic.
If you can find a school in the UK that teaches in Gaelic be my guest. JFC, nobody in ROI even speaks Gaelic from my experience. I holidayed there every year until I left university and still do occasionally. Never heard a single person there speaking Gaelic in public in Dublin, Mayo, or Galway.

He's not talking about the RAF at all.
Well if you didn't keep linking articles behind paywalls people might actually read them.
Chinese, dude, the Chinese. They will have carriers of their own. Who in Europe cares about Russia in the Pacific?
China has 2 carriers, both of an inferior STOBAR type. It will distract Russia too whether anyone cares.
The Chinese built 3 carriers within 10 years, so they can build 6 from 2 shipyards in the next 10. That's at least 7 flattops by 2035.
NATO has 24, including 12 CATOBAR.
The Ukraine war isn't a problem for us, but if Europe goes to war with Russia, that's gonna become a problem for the whole world.
It's also going to be a problem for you when you realise that Russia is on China's side not yours. Russia won't do shit in Europe, especially not with the *censored*-whooping they're getting from Ukraine alone.
China will happily take the back seat with Russia and Europe on a collision course. Article 5 is gonna be the least likely measure to deal with an insurgency in the Baltics. All other types of attacks, like separatism in the Balkans or terrorism, stuff the RAF chief warned about, won't be enough to blame the Russians.
Article 5 can be triggered whether there's Russia involvement or not.... not that it won't be obvious anyway.
The best course of action for Europe and the rest of the world is for Russia to finish this war on their terms.
The best course of action for you is to give your *censored* a chance. Russia was allowed to steal Crimea, South Ossetia and Abkhazia on its terms and that got us to where we are today. Only a fool would believe that giving in won't lead to more of the same.
There's already an arms race between the US and China, the world cannot afford a second one between Europe and Russia.
Well you best ask Russia to stop then.
Social cohesion and smooth running of the civil service is more important.

What Estonia and Latvia are doing is the opposite of that.
If you can find a school in the UK that teaches in Gaelic be my guest. JFC, nobody in ROI even speaks Gaelic from my experience. I holidayed there every year until I left university and still do occasionally. Never heard a single person there speaking Gaelic in public in Dublin, Mayo, or Galway.

Well if you didn't keep linking articles behind paywalls people might actually read them.

Google it, ye donut. He's your air chief.
He told The Telegraph: ‘When the Ukraine conflict is over and Ukraine has restored its borders, as it must, we will have a damaged, vindictive, and brutal Russia, whose means of harming us is through air attack, missile attack and subsurface attack.'

Sir Mike also warned that Russia’s threat will not let up - and could potentially get even worse - if Putin is driven out as the country’s president.

It's also going to be a problem for you when you realise that Russia is on China's side not yours. Russia won't do shit in Europe, especially not with the *censored*-whooping they're getting from Ukraine alone.

At one end you say the Russians don't like the Chinese, now you say the opposite.

The reality is Russia and China are in an uneasy alliance, and it's temporary. But at the same time, both have bigger threats to deal with, so they are leaving each other for the distant future. Until NATO exists, these two countries are gonna cooperate to an extent.

Article 5 can be triggered whether there's Russia involvement or not.... not that it won't be obvious anyway.

Article 5 is targeted towards a situation or a country. But with that said, you are free to have a nuclear war with Russia over the Baltics without bothering with an excuse.

The best course of action for you is to give your *censored* a chance. Russia was allowed to steal Crimea, South Ossetia and Abkhazia on its terms and that got us to where we are today. Only a fool would believe that giving in won't lead to more of the same.

You should have stepped in way back then. From the Russian perspective, most of these are internal or bilateral problems. This is the perspective of the rest of the world too. It's only the hypocritical West that likes to interfere.

Well you best ask Russia to stop then.

They are unfortunately in the right here. NATO has to make concessions.
What Estonia and Latvia are doing is the opposite of that.
In your opinion.
Novelty project by the SNP because they get free money to waste on pointless shit. They may as well teach f*cking Klingon, it's probably more widely used given the Star Trek fanbase.
Google it, ye donut. He's your air chief.
He told The Telegraph: ‘When the Ukraine conflict is over and Ukraine has restored its borders, as it must, we will have a damaged, vindictive, and brutal Russia, whose means of harming us is through air attack, missile attack and subsurface attack.'

Sir Mike also warned that Russia’s threat will not let up - and could potentially get even worse - if Putin is driven out as the country’s president.
It's normal for military senior command to emphasise all potential threats.
At one end you say the Russians don't like the Chinese, now you say the opposite.
Where did I say they don't like the Chinese? Ethnically, within Russia there are divisions, but Russia created the CCP/PRC at the end of the day.
The reality is Russia and China are in an uneasy alliance, and it's temporary. But at the same time, both have bigger threats to deal with, so they are leaving each other for the distant future. Until NATO exists, these two countries are gonna cooperate to an extent.
No, that's merely your delusion. The PRC is basically their *censored* child FFS.
Article 5 is targeted towards a situation or a country. But with that said, you are free to have a nuclear war with Russia over the Baltics without bothering with an excuse.
Yep, a situation or a country. A Russian backed separatist movement would be both.
You should have stepped in way back then. From the Russian perspective, most of these are internal or bilateral problems. This is the perspective of the rest of the world too. It's only the hypocritical West that likes to interfere.
We should have stepped in way back yes. Well you're simply deluded, they were both internationally recognised sovereign nations with a seat at the UN.
Comparing Ukraine to Iraq only makes you look like a fruitcake. There is no equivalence between Zelensky and Saddam Hussein in the slightest. South African leaders can't even count usually, so their opinion is worthless. Like India they still have a grudge because of historical colonialism and the apartheid that followed it (even though the latter was never endorsed by the West), so they deliberately ignore the modern day wrongs of Putin and do a little whataboutism dance to distract from it.
They are unfortunately in the right here. NATO has to make concessions.
Only if you're a fruitcake. You've seen the UN votes. Whilst many countries don't like the West, nobody is going to agree that someone invading and annexing a sovereign democracy is 'in the right'.
And missed.
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In your opinion.

Novelty project by the SNP because they get free money to waste on pointless shit. They may as well teach f*cking Klingon, it's probably more widely used given the Star Trek fanbase.

It's normal for military senior command to emphasise all potential threats.

Where did I say they don't like the Chinese? Ethnically, within Russia there are divisions, but Russia created the CCP/PRC at the end of the day.

No, that's merely your delusion. The PRC is basically their *censored* child FFS.

Yep, a situation or a country. A Russian backed separatist movement would be both.

We should have stepped in way back yes. Well you're simply deluded, they were both internationally recognised sovereign nations with a seat at the UN.

Comparing Ukraine to Iraq only makes you look like a fruitcake. There is no equivalence between Zelensky and Saddam Hussein in the slightest. South African leaders can't even count usually, so their opinion is worthless. Like India they still have a grudge because of historical colonialism and the apartheid that followed it (even though the latter was never endorsed by the West), so they deliberately ignore the modern day wrongs of Putin and do a little whataboutism dance to distract from it.

Only if you're a fruitcake. You've seen the UN votes. Whilst many countries don't like the West, nobody is going to agree that someone invading and annexing a sovereign democracy is 'in the right'.

And missed.

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The reality is Russia and China are in an uneasy alliance, and it's temporary.
Temporary, Nah... I don't think so.
But at the same time, both have bigger threats to deal with, so they are leaving each other for the distant future. Until NATO exists, these two countries are gonna cooperate to an extent.
With Russia getting sanctioned from western markets, Russia is more or less heavily dependent on china. So, Even if Nato don't exist, China - Russia is going to Co-operate.
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@Rajput Lion... What air defense doing?

Taking a page straight out of zee Yankee playbook... Likely because Yankees are behind giving Ukraine targeting locations. All these strikes means offensive is near.
Of course US is giving them all the help possible. And no air defence is ubiquitous. You know it too well. The purpose of air defence is to defend strategic/tactical/high value targets and every single place can't be protected by it.

Stop this premature celebration, will Yankee friend;)
Looks like the prediction of @vstol Jockey @randomradio @jetray and myself is slowing but surely coming true:

"Ukraine has lost literally tens of thousands of killed and wounded, along with enormous quantities of equipment and ammunition, in those four city fights. Based on a likely fire superiority of 10-to-1 on the Russian side, Ukraine no doubt suffered considerably more casualties in those fights than the Russians. But even if the cost were equal, Russia has millions more men from whom to draw more fighters and a major domestic industrial capacity to produce all the ammunition they may require.

Put simply, Ukraine doesn’t have the personnel or industrial capacity to replace their lost men and equipment in comparison to the Russians. Moreover, Russia has been learning from its many tactical mistakes and evidence suggests they are improving tactically while simultaneously expanding their industrial capacity. Even bigger than the dearth of ammunition and equipment for Ukraine, however, is the number of trained and experienced personnel they’ve lost. Many of those skilled troops and leaders simply cannot be replaced in the span of mere months.

Ukraine is now faced with a world-class dilemma: should they use their last offensive capacity in a last gasp of hoping they inflict a grave wound on the Russians defending in the occupied territories or preserve them in case Russia launches a summer offensive of their own? There are serious risks with either course of action. I assess there is currently no likely path for Ukraine to achieve a military victory. Continuing to fight in that hope may perversely result in them losing even more territory.

Supporting Ukraine The United States must take these realities into consideration in the coming weeks and months. Washington has already provided Ukraine the lion’s share of all military and financial aide including many of our most sophisticated armor, artillery, rockets, and missiles. Biden has even authorized the release of F-16 jets. The United States cannot – nor should it – commit to sending an equal amount of support for the next year of war, should it continue that long. Europe must be willing to make greater contributions to any future deliveries to Ukraine.

Only Kyiv can decide whether to keep fighting or seek the best-negotiated deal it can get. But the United States is obligated to ensure the security of our country and people above the desires of Kyiv.

In addition to burden-shifting physical support primarily to European states, means the U.S. must avoid the trap of agreeing to any type of security guarantee for Ukraine. History is too filled with examples of hasty agreements to end fighting that unwittingly lay the foundation for future conflicts. America must not put its own future safety at risk by agreeing to any form of security guarantee.

The trend of war is shifting toward Moscow, regardless of how upset that may make many in the West. It is the observable reality. What Washington must do is avoid the temptation to “double-down” on supporting a losing proposition and do whatever we need to bring this conflict to a rapid conclusion, preserving our future security to the maximum extent. Ignoring these realities could set up Ukraine for even greater losses – and could put our own security at unacceptable future risk."

Source: Sad Reality: The Ukraine War Is Now Going Russia's Way
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@Rajput Lion

eurasiatimes :ROFLMAO:

Might as well use sputnik or RT news for your source, hunny bunny. Offensive hasn't started yet but you'll know when it does.... As far as how the storm shadow is doing... well read and weep.
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And What is our problem? Pls enlighten us....
Not salivating, But showing " I told you so"......
Your problem is that you're throwing in with Russia, but they will not help you with your problems against China, the opposite in fact. As regards Europe, the bigger problem is to let Putin win, as evidenced by the 20 years before 2022.

@Rajput Lion

eurasiatimes :ROFLMAO:

Might as well use sputnik or RT news for your source, hunny bunny. Offensive hasn't started yet but you'll know when it does.... As far as how the storm shadow is doing... well read and weep.
100%! That sound a little too good to be true, but certainly a heck of a lot have got through. Far better than the ratio being managed by Kalibrs and Kh-101s over the past 2 months.

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Your problem is that you're throwing in with Russia, but they will not help you with your problems against China, the opposite in fact.
I expect Russia to remain Neutral.
As regards Europe, the bigger problem is to let Putin win, as evidenced by the 20 years before 2022.
Yup! Kinda agree. But Do you know any leader that can replace Putin?