Ukraine - Russia Conflict

Fanboys are focused on the same handful of Leos and Bradleys that have been taken out they are also focused on the line of contact because it's slow go which makes fanboys think Ukraine is struggling which isn't true. The focus should be what is happening miles behind the lines and the amount of armor, arty and men Russia is losing due to HiMARS and 155mm but since it isn't on video fanboys can only focus on the shiny object in front of them.
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Or surprise and a lot of artillery.

There is no surprise, it's a transparent battlefield. You get caught out in the open, you get pummeled.

Plus, something I had pointed out after the dam was destroyed, the Russians will start using airpower in a much bigger way, and they have started doing that.

Russia isn't doing jack for survivors, it's even shelling those rescuing them. Many have escaped to the west bank.

Lol, all you have is a video with some artillery sounds nearby. And copium amounts of Western propaganda.

And their people in Kherson would get re-flooded too. Good plan LOL.

Google "geography" and start reading.

I've just explained all the benefits. The amount of resources Ukraine has to sink into the rescue is massive. Russia doesn't care about such things, it's also blown two more dams in Zaporizhzhia since. Ukraine would need to reflood their own citizens so that won't happen, and in an undeniable way. Your theories are all massively flawed and keep relying on increasingly complex and ridiculous scenarios to explain them.


Apparently, 660,000 out of 500,000 deployed Russian troops are out of action. So the Russian army is currently fighting with -160,000 troops. :ROFLMAO:

Literally in the article:
which Ukrainian troops have likened to facing swarming zombie hordes in the movie “World War Z.” :ROFLMAO:

Otoh, back in Nov-Dec, it was claimed that Ukraine's total casualties were 400,000; about 70,000 dead, 130,000 irrecoverable losses and 200,000 recoverable losses.

If that's been increased by another 200,000 casualties over the last many months, then we get to 600,000 or at least 300,000 completely out of action; KIA, DOW and WIA, out of possibly a million men deployed. Makes sense for the Ukr propaganda machine to want Russian casualty figures to be above their own.

Officially too, Ukrainian losses were claimed to be 500-1000 per day before Russia mobilised. Would have obviously been way more than that.

A clue about NATO mercenaries fighting in Ukraine.

Dude what does this have to do with Russia-Ukraine war? Shall I post the crazy sht your nation celebrates?

The West is using the transgender agenda to divert the public's attention away from the govt.

And then, they are using soft destabilisation tactics, like BLM, allowing the public to politically attack the police force, allowing an increase in crime, so people are more concerned for their own values and safety, while turning a blind eye to the actions of the govt elsewhere. Hence the war in Ukraine.

First there was the Cold War, remember the irrational hatred of communists in the US throughout the period? Then came a lull post SU dissolution. 9/11 meant the govt could scare the public with their alert system, WoT was a good distraction, but it became counterproductive after some time, as people became more knowledgeable about foreign policy, it benefited the Reds. That went on until Russia reared its head again in 2008 in both Ukraine and Georgia, followed by Syria, so the US got an enemy again. So the Blues, under Obama, decided to divert public attention inwards, with BLM, LGBTQ etc. Trump came to power, pushed public focus towards an external enemy, China. Then the Blues came in and doubled down on distracting the public with The Message. If the Blues come back again, you guys are screwed, all the kids under Obama's education system will be voting adults by then, with all that insane crap going on in American schools.

Subversion 101.

It's all correlated with the war in Ukraine. You and BMD are on this forum because you are actively searching for opposing views compared to the Western media. Also because both of you are conservative. You take the time and effort to do it. But how many Americans do you think are actually receiving an opposing view easily?

Anyway, India solved its transgender issue eons ago, 2014. They are legally considered the third gender, are constitutionally protected, but they cannot enter women's spaces without surgery, which is done free of cost as of last year.
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There is no surprise, it's a transparent battlefield. You get caught out in the open, you get pummeled.
So is a dried reservoir bed. All your arguments are self-defeating this way.
Plus, something I had pointed out after the dam was destroyed, the Russians will start using airpower in a much bigger way, and they have started doing that.
Attacks on Kyiv have reduced massively. 2 Ka-52s downed already since offensive started.
Lol, all you have is a video with some artillery sounds nearby. And copium amounts of Western propaganda.
Only one side imprisons critics for 25 years, shoots their own retreating soldiers and assassinates political opponents. Only one side has executed civilians. Everyone knows who fired those shells for this reason, and who blew the dam.
Google "geography" and start reading.
Google reality and start reading.
Facts, facts and more facts. Ukraine is doing the rescuing, not Russia.

Apparently, 660,000 out of 500,000 deployed Russian troops are out of action. So the Russian army is currently fighting with -160,000 troops. :ROFLMAO:

Literally in the article:
which Ukrainian troops have likened to facing swarming zombie hordes in the movie “World War Z.” :ROFLMAO:

Otoh, back in Nov-Dec, it was claimed that Ukraine's total casualties were 400,000; about 70,000 dead, 130,000 irrecoverable losses and 200,000 recoverable losses.

If that's been increased by another 200,000 casualties over the last many months, then we get to 600,000 or at least 300,000 completely out of action; KIA, DOW and WIA, out of possibly a million men deployed. Makes sense for the Ukr propaganda machine to want Russian casualty figures to be above their own.

Officially too, Ukrainian losses were claimed to be 500-1000 per day before Russia mobilised. Would have obviously been way more than that.

A clue about NATO mercenaries fighting in Ukraine.

Russian agit-prop. Russia's inability to make significant gains during their offensive from Nov-Jun paints the real picture of casualties. The failure in Kyiv paints the real picture. Their loss of Kharkiv, Kherson, Lyman and Izium paints the real picture.
Russia conducted another missile attack on Kyiv and Odessa, the result of which was an explosion and fire in the Kursk region of Russia.

An explosion in the Kursk region.

According to preliminary data, the drone attacked a communication tower in the village of Krasnikovo, but, hitting it, flew into the administrative building of the Bel-Pol enterprise.

At the moment, two buildings are already burning - the fire has spread to the warehouse. The fire area is 1500 square meters.


View attachment 28333

Correction, first vehicle in above video appears to be a R-934B "Sinitsa" jamming station.


The R-934B jammer is intended to disrupt airborne voice and data communications channels operating in the VHF and UHF bands. The system is available in two configurations, either carried on an MT-LBU tracked chassis, or a Ural 4320-31 series 6 x 6 truck with a K1-4320 chassis, using a 16 kW towed generator.

So is a dried reservoir bed. All your arguments are self-defeating this way.

Amphibious operations are very difficult to conduct. Dry ground is something you can walk or drive over. Not the same thing.
Russian agit-prop. Russia's inability to make significant gains during their offensive from Nov-Jun paints the real picture of casualties. The failure in Kyiv paints the real picture. Their loss of Kharkiv, Kherson, Lyman and Izium paints the real picture.

You mean all those places the Russians didn't fight a lot and simply retreated?

I'm sure in your world, UAF still has their million troops.
Amphibious operations are very difficult to conduct. Dry ground is something you can walk or drive over. Not the same thing.
It's the crossing time that counts, the lower river crossing was shorter but slower, the reservoir crossing is longer but faster. Overall, about the same.

Now Ukraine also has to defend any dried river bed as well as focusing on the offensive, far more complicated.
You mean all those places the Russians didn't fight a lot and simply retreated?
Had no choice. They didn't have enough people to hold and senior officers were at risk of being shot.
I'm sure in your world, UAF still has their million troops.
Where did the train 1 million men? The NATO camps are passing through fair number, but not that quantity.