Ukraine - Russia Conflict

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All right country, it's morning!

It's clear at this point that things are serious.
A military coup is taking place and so far it has been quite successful.
PMCs control Rostov, other population centres and have occupied some military airfields, including Millerovo.

These developments will undoubtedly cut off large parts of the front from rear support, because no one is likely to send convoys with weapons and equipment through the territory controlled by the PMCs. Although... 😏

Well, aviation support of the front line will be limited, because at least one PMC helicopter has already been shot down.
Naturally, the next move is up to the Ukrainians. And they will make it in the near future.
The authorities have taken very serious steps. They check the boots of passenger cars, because most likely the Wagner tanks will be transported in them. And mass events have been cancelled. Also a *censored*ing response.

Basically something that couldn't not happen is happening. It's like high school. Tops can't, bottoms won't. Tops have built up a mighty 25,000-strong army, over which they had essentially no control and that power is going to kick those tops by the balls. Just by right of the strongest. And that power has nothing to lose. Unlike.

So smile and wave. Citizens on both sides of the M4 would be well advised to stay at home, cancel their trips and watch telly. It's not the kind of shit you see every day.

And for military personnel, there's one piece of advice. It's the same all the time. Do what you gotta do and be what you will.
Oh, and yeah. Nobody but you.
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There is already chatter of a nuclear submarine and now coming this?

It looks good for them unless someone does harakiri and starts lobbing nukes. Nuke chatter already going on since night, refer to previous post. They are anyways closer to that region and other regional countries. Nothing good ever comes out of violence.
The Ukrainians were already suffering violence, this is an interlude that calms the front in the North, unless the Ukrainians seek to take advantage of it. For the NUC, when it's a mess, it doesn't work, no risk.