Wagner Group Mutiny Against Russia | Mercenaries moving across Lipetsk towards Moscow - Live Updates

There is no Camp Sensible in this war.

Russia-Ukraine started a stupid war. NATO is fanning the flames stupidly. And Prigozhin is playing stupid games with the stupid MoD.

They are all going to win stupid prizes in the end. All of them.
@Ashwin, given the current outcome I move that @randomradio 's title be changed to 'Camp Stupid'.
A large column of armed thugs enter a country, the local population do not react, the local guards drop their weapons or join in. Seems like Prigozhin's Special Mercenary Operation is going just the way Putin dreamed the Special Military Operation would go. It's pretty funny to see the remaining loyalist brass beg their troops to actually do something. I guess Moscow will fall in three days.

Not that it is a good thing. Prigozhin is a bloodthirsty criminal thug, perhaps even worse than Putin because he's not even attempting to claim he's not a monster. He admitted the invasion of Ukraine was based on bullshit, but he's not condemning it anyway or saying the fight should stop; instead he just wants to be the one calling the shots on how it is pursued.

Ideally, there would be a sizable loyalist force and they would clash with the Wagnerites, hopefully with tremendous losses on both sides, ending with a Pyrrhic victory for the loyalists. Alas, such a scenario is unlikely to unfold.
Tell me a country which bombs its own mercenaries , its force multiplier at the peak of the battle , People who gave them one of the most strategic city , and uphold hard power of country in foreign soils . :)

This will give the excuse necessary to wage a bigger war on Ukraine.

This isn't an anti-Putin agenda. It looks more like a purge led by Putin.

Yes, of course it's an American plot! Like everything else! Obviously it's the CIA that is behind this coup! Everything is a CIA coup, don't you know? There's no way an ambitious warlord at the head of a private army would ever think of committing a coup... And there's no way anything bad could happen without the Americans being behind it. The Americans are also responsible for the 1917 revolution, and for the Mongol invasion, and for Eve eating the apple.
  • Haha
Reactions: RASALGHUL and BMD
The YouTube comments on the Hindustan Times channel had me in stitches this morning. I swear, they must be cloning randomradios.

Putin's probably considering early retirement in Iran around now.
A large column of armed thugs enter a country, the local population do not react, the local guards drop their weapons or join in. Seems like Prigozhin's Special Mercenary Operation is going just the way Putin dreamed the Special Military Operation would go. It's pretty funny to see the remaining loyalist brass beg their troops to actually do something. I guess Moscow will fall in three days.

Not that it is a good thing. Prigozhin is a bloodthirsty criminal thug, perhaps even worse than Putin because he's not even attempting to claim he's not a monster. He admitted the invasion of Ukraine was based on bullshit, but he's not condemning it anyway or saying the fight should stop; instead he just wants to be the one calling the shots on how it is pursued.

Ideally, there would be a sizable loyalist force and they would clash with the Wagnerites, hopefully with tremendous losses on both sides, ending with a Pyrrhic victory for the loyalists. Alas, such a scenario is unlikely to unfold.

Welcome back.

As far as I'm concerned, this is a purge that will still see Putin in power and a much leaner and more meaner Kremlin.
So everything is still going to plan? :unsure:

View attachment 28549

Depends on what that plan is.

A purge during a war in communist regimes always makes sense. This started the minute Russia realised the UAF counteroffensive is not really going anywhere.

If the purge works out, then the war will escalate when winter comes, since that's when Russia can start their own counteroffensive.

So my theory is a purge.
The YouTube comments on the Hindustan Times channel had me in stitches this morning. I swear, they must be cloning randomradios.

Putin's probably considering early retirement in Iran around now.
On Which Video?
Putin's not being removed. People who Putin doesn't like are being removed.
Putin rules russia by decree. He can easily remove anyone....... BTW Who are these people that putin doesn't like?
Please Elaborate more.
This Sounds like a Conspiracy theory.....

A purge is conducted when the leadership wants to remove certain leaders in power, both political and military. This was done in China recently too, with the removal of Hu Jintao during Xi's "coronation". That was a soft, bloodless purge. But this could be a big one.

It's kinda like the Indira Gandhi led Emergency, which is also a form of purge, although it backfired and failed spectacularly.

Of course, if Wagner starts acting against Putin directly, then it's a coup.
As far as I'm concerned, this is a purge that will still see Putin in power and a much leaner and more meaner Kremlin.
I don't see how Putin would need a fake coup to do a purge. If he wants to get rid of Shoigu and Gerasimov, he can fire them himself. Stalin never needed to rely on mercenaries to do any of his many, many purges.

What I see is that Russia is bleeding itself dry to keep doing a pointless war, a war that has so far only made things worse for Russia and that, even if won, will not bring them anything useful -- a fake sentiment of reassurance perhaps by pushing the borders farther away, but at tremendous human and material cost, and now they've got to rebuild a land that they destroyed, which will be a very long and very expensive process. And on the flipside, now Western Europe is hostile to them, while before they were friendly -- excessively so in the eyes of Eastern Europe.

The way this war was waged has demonstrated several things, such as:
1. Russia is still incredibly corrupt.
2. Russia is still incredibly incompetent.
3. Russia's leadership relies on fairy tales and make-believe rather than facts to make decisions.

Putin could maintain power as long as he kept the illusion that he was a genius 4-D chess player that was always ten move ahead of the rest of the world, and that in exchange for unquestioning obedience the Russian population (at least the bourgeois from Moscow and Saint-Petersburg, the rest doesn't really matter) would have stability and prosperity. Kind of like the Chinese deal.

But the Russian population ended up having less prosperity, less stability, and now Putin appears for what he really is: a deluded old man, out of touch with reality. This is what happens every time a despot stays in power too long. They become increasingly focused on just maintaining their hold on power so they get rid of every potential threat that could take their place -- usually by getting rid of anyone who is too brilliant to stay an underling. So they surround themselves with idiots, flatterers, and crooks. Anyone who tells them something they don't want to hear becomes an opponent, so underlings learn that they have to only ever say things that please the master's ears, and so they lie and lie and lie more and more. Then the despot ends up living full-time in Lalaland where the economy is humming despite sanctions, and their victorious army has destroyed all five of the two Patriot systems that protected Kyiv.

Eventually, the bubble had to burst, and that was the proverbial "Czar has no clothing" moment. One way or another, Putin's reign is finished. Even if he stays in the Kremlin, he has lost a lot of his authority.