Agriculture in India : News, Updates, Discussion & Analysis

Nobody is buying crops at our rates, they are buying rates at MSP, check how it is calculated and how much a farmer has to spend on farming.
Pls check on how is MSP worked out. If it is truly MSP, the farmers of P&H wouldn't be raising Cain. Pls also check for the price of procurement vis a vis the price of sale of these very same grains in the market in India & how the GoI has to subsidise the sale prices as well so as not to cause food inflation. All this is in addition to the subsidised fertilizers, free water & power & the annual ritual of bank loans to farmers being written off. The only ones to benefit are the bif farmers, the middle men, select traders & their backers - the politicians.

U wanted to took away MSP also, its minimum support price bro.
It's not me. It's the way the market functions. Except for farmers in P&H - the most prosperous & may I add pampered of the lot as of now , every other farming community in India is living with & adapting to changed circumstances.
Do any leader of Kisaan unions talked about Khalistan? So where is blackmail? Its you Mody bhakts want to paint it a Khalistani movement. I just cautioned you that you are playing dangerous games to serve your corporate masters and you will not be able to control, what you are starting. It will be a costly affair for integrity of our country. You can't suppress masses for the benefit of a few Gujrati oligarchs. Also, You can't negate physics i.e. every action has an opposite reaction.

Punjab is not MP or Gujrat, where Govts can silence/bully whole farmer community (This protest involves not 20% or 80%, but 100% Punjab farmers. Every, I mean EVERY every village and land holding Punjabi farmer is contributed financially for these protests) using state machinery. If you don't want to consider probable consequences and PM & HM are makeing it a question of their ego, then good luck!!!
Where did I ever mention Khalistan? It's you who've mentioned it time & again. It's also you who're resorting to name calling. If you repeat it one more time, believe me, I'd start using the kind of language you'd not like a bit. If you can't restrict yourself to civil language, don't engage. Consider yourself warned.

Regarding the rest of your rant, if you think your purpose is going to be served by blackmail & threats of violence, go right ahead & do your worst & we shall see what we shall see.
Guys I'm from Punjab and i assure you that these are genuine farmers who are protesting out there in Delhi and they have their doubts. Govt. might have made these laws with good intentions but they need to clear these doubts and reach consensus with the farmers ASAP because khalistanis and other anti-India elements would be eager to take advantage of this situation to destabilize our country.

It's not difficult to fool the uneducated. It's all about who are pulling the strings.
I will give you a great example for company that paid heavily for this. Remember Boeing they did exactly this for their 737 MAX
Thats patently wrong dont spread such nonsense without proof. You are simply parroting words of ppl who want to give Indian IT sector a bad name. Two crashes that occurred were due to Boeing deliberately cost cutting in the plane, those functionality were made optional instead of being mandatory.

Ask mods to remove that section of post, dont spread crap.

Doomed Boeing Jets Lacked 2 Safety Features That Company Sold Only as Extras​

As the pilots of the doomed Boeing jets in Ethiopia and Indonesia fought to control their planes, they lacked two notable safety features in their cockpits.

One reason: Boeing charged extra for them.

For Boeing and other aircraft manufacturers, the practice of charging to upgrade a standard plane can be lucrative. Top airlines around the world must pay handsomely to have the jets they order fitted with customized add-ons.

Sometimes these optional features involve aesthetics or comfort, like premium seating, fancy lighting or extra bathrooms. But other features involve communication, navigation or safety systems, and are more fundamental to the plane’s operations.

Many airlines, especially low-cost carriers like Indonesia’s Lion Air, have opted not to buy them — and regulators don’t require them.
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Farmer receive the full MSP amount of its produce.

That's never happened. 15% of the amount is siphoned off by the state govt. And did you forget APMC also has brokerage charges?

Removal of MSP and bringing the private sector in will benefit the farmers.

With private sector, farm income will become more profitable and even insurance will enter the market, along with other benefits like health and retirement. Naturally, money lenders will get sidelined since farmers will get access to easier credit.

There are only benefits to the reforms.

These protests aren't led by farmers. It's being led by those who want that 15% tax and the brokerage charges, and money lenders. It's purely a political movement.
And all citizens who support MSP should buy food at inflated prices direct from FCI as well.

MSP is very low as compared to the retail price

How else do you convince farmers that these reforms are meant to increase their incomes by shortening the supply chain from Farm to Fork / Plate

It is a battle of narratives
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In case you haven't noticed, the agitating farmers have demanded that the GoI incorporate MSP into the said act.

Haven't you checked out the total cost to the Exchequer the GoI shells out towards MSP which in turn exists only for food grains principally for rice & wheat which both Punjab & Haryana produce inefficiently with free power & water & heavily subsidised fertilizers especially given that rice is a water intensive crop not suited for growth there?

But since the FCI picks up most of the produce of P&H at MSP which in turn goes up each year, the vicious cycle continues. Moreover if MSP is your demand, why not raise the issue with the state government since Capt Amarinder Singh has already passed legislation negating the central laws. Let him put his money where his mouth is.

If you bring up the argument about MSP, tomorrow the state would have to subsidise every farmer for every crop be it grains, pulses, fruits, horticulture, etc. - the logic being why should only a few crops in selected areas of the country benefit at the cost of others.Apart from GoI lacking the finances & the fact that ot makes for bad economics just for argument's sake, if the GoI agrees , are you prepared to shell out additional money in taxes to make up the short fall?

Finally, minimum wage in industry & MSP aren't related. By that token just as a farmer asks for an MSP, what if industrialists from big & MSME sector start asking for a similar guaranteed price as subsidy from the GoI? Besides, while we're on MSP, Are the agricultural labourers in P&H paid as per the minimum wages act ?
Terminating MSP is also not a solution. Punjab and Haryana farmers grow wheat and rice bcz they are getting MSP on them, for other crops they are not getting and sometimes it remains unsold. Like i remembered sometimes ago, govt asked farmers to Grow pulses but it remained unsold and govt pickup wheat and rice again. Whose fault is this? From next year, farmers start growing wheat and rice again.

Instead of terminating MSP, why not govt announce the demand for each crop before the season and declare the MSP for each crop and they will pick up the crop according to demand only. And let local Mandis handle the % of sharecrop produced at each area like produce rice where ground water level is high.
Why farmers will not produce any other crop if they are getting MSP and govt wont have to handle with extra production.

And for the private sector, let me give an example again. Pepsico has asked farmers to grow potatoes for their lays, but when the time comes to buy them, bcz of some rotten potatoes, they said the quality of potatoes are not good and they will give less price due to this reason. Farmers cannot decide the quality of their crops, one or two potatoes will always be bad. You cannot control that.
It's not difficult to fool the uneducated. It's all about who are pulling the strings.
Lol, so u r also one of the guys who are saying they are speaking English, they cant be farmers. I am not sure about other states but farmers from Punjab and Haryana are well educated.
MSP is very low as compared to the retail price

How else do you convince farmers that these reforms are meant to increase their incomes by shortening the supply chain from Farm to Fork / Plate

It is a battle of narratives

Farmers get wholesale price, not retail price. Anyway, it's pointless for farmers to be growing crops where only the govt is the customer. Punjab and Haryana farmers have to use their superior infrastructure to grow high value crops that can be exported.

The process has to be explained. Farmers aren't dumb.
Farmers get wholesale price, not retail price. Anyway, it's pointless for farmers to be growing crops where only the govt is the customer. Punjab and Haryana farmers have to use their superior infrastructure to grow high value crops that can be exported.

The process has to be explained. Farmers aren't dumb.

And Government cannot do that

To give a theoretical example of low productivity in India , if we had intensive farming with right inputs on just 100 million hectares for ONE season we could produce 300 million Tonnes of Grain

But we produce 285 million tonnes in 2
Seasons ie Kharif and Rabi combined

This low productivity can be solved with high technology investment
Which Govt alone cannot do
Terminating MSP is also not a solution. Punjab and Haryana farmers grow wheat and rice bcz they are getting MSP on them, for other crops they are not getting and sometimes it remains unsold. Like i remembered sometimes ago, govt asked farmers to Grow pulses but it remained unsold and govt pickup wheat and rice again. Whose fault is this? From next year, farmers start growing wheat and rice again.

Instead of terminating MSP, why not govt announce the demand for each crop before the season and declare the MSP for each crop and they will pick up the crop according to demand only. And let local Mandis handle the % of sharecrop produced at each area like produce rice where ground water level is high.
Why farmers will not produce any other crop if they are getting MSP and govt wont have to handle with extra production.

And for the private sector, let me give an example again. Pepsico has asked farmers to grow potatoes for their lays, but when the time comes to buy them, bcz of some rotten potatoes, they said the quality of potatoes are not good and they will give less price due to this reason. Farmers cannot decide the quality of their crops, one or two potatoes will always be bad. You cannot control that.

There shouldn't be any MSP and the govt shouldn't be buying so much food anyway.

Food should go straight to the consumers, and the difference between wholesale and retail prices should be marginal; primarily transport, services and taxes. Middlemen should be as less as possible.

As for the example of Pepsico, that's a bad one. Pepsico requires very high quality potatoes for their chips industry. But for the regular market, which is 99.99% of the market, the demand for quality is much lower. Regardless Pepsico still bought those lower quality potatoes, which is the main benefit of dealing with private industry. But what's the point in forcing the govt to buy potatoes they do not need?

Lol, so u r also one of the guys who are saying they are speaking English, they cant be farmers. I am not sure about other states but farmers from Punjab and Haryana are well educated.

Speaking English and being educated are not related. Having a PhD in physics doesn't make you educated in bureaucracy either. Politically-motivated protests happen even in developed countries. It's nothing to do with a person's education.
And Government cannot do that

To give a theoretical example of low productivity in India , if we had intensive farming with right inputs on just 100 million hectares for ONE season we could produce 300 million Tonnes of Grain

But we produce 285 million tonnes in 2
Seasons ie Kharif and Rabi combined

This low productivity can be solved with high technology investment
Which Govt alone cannot do

I didn't get the point.
Landholdings are getting smaller every year due to division of assets in families

But small landholders or small farmers cannot invest in Modern technology like drip irrigation and mechanisation or fertilisers

So private capital has to step in

In ten years time we will have to feed 1.5 BILLION people
My ex manager is from a farming family and his brother is still doing farming. Their farm is 1300 acres and yet they are struggling to survive due to huge investments and low price of agricultural produce. It seems after rapid growth in 60s and 70s, prices became stagnant in US during early 80s and since then agriculture has lost it’s charm. Indian farmers should realize this and next generation must move into other professions either in manufacturing or services sector. Indian government cannot keep providing these subsidies or MSPs for ever.
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My ex manager is from a farming family and his brother is still doing farming. Their farm is 1300 acres and yet they are struggling to survive due to huge investments and low price of agricultural produce. It seems after rapid growth in 60s and 70s, prices became stagnant in US during early 80s and since then agriculture has lost it’s charm. Indian farmers should realize this and next generation must move into other professions either in manufacturing or services sector. Indian government cannot keep providing these subsidies or MSPs for ever.

The low incomes of rural people is affecting the overall GDP growth

If there is limited purchasing power
How will the Industrial goods be sold

So we have Negative GDP growth but Stock market is touching new highs

Investments are not happening in Real economy , only in stocks
The low incomes of rural people is affecting the overall GDP growth

If there is limited purchasing power
How will the Industrial goods be sold

So we have Negative GDP growth but Stock market is touching new highs

Investments are not happening in Real economy , only in stocks
The negative GDP growth was temporary and will be back to normal within next 2 quarters.