Air Battle over Kashmir : MiG-21 Bison shoots down F-16

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Nobody denied MICA was a good missile. But the AMRAAM just beats it in terms of kinematics & range.
I am Talking Specially on aspect of AIM-120C-5
MICA RF has Similar range With better Kill ratio and NEZ
On 11 June 2007, a MICA launched from a Rafale successfully demonstrated its over-the-shoulder capability by destroying a target behind the launch aircraft. The target was designated by another aircraft and coordinates were transmitted by Link 16

I have to disagree on Kinematics part

Rest Agree
Astra is Still in its Initial phase Its use Inertial & terminal Active Guidance While Derby has Range of 50 km compared to MICA has 80 km Published range

MICA has Speed of Mach 4 and can pull Upto 50G

Derby and MICA have very similar capabilities.

MICA length = 3.1m
Derby length = 3.6m
Both missiles have the same diameter and similar weight.

So Derby is going to give you more range. Don't go by published ranges, they are all incomplete without mentioning the altitude also.

LCA Mk1A in particular will be integrated with Derby-ER and Astra Mk2, which are far superior to Astra Mk1, Derby and MICA anyway. The weaponisation of LCA is well-planned out.
MICA length = 3.1m
Derby length = 3.6m
Both missiles have the same diameter and similar weight.

So Derby is going to give you more range. Don't go by published ranges, they are all incomplete without mentioning the altitude also.
I am going by MBDA testing Ranges And no way Derby Is tested this extensively

MICA has a multi-purpose capability consistent with carrier aircraft weapons systems and a "pull and forget" capability.
Missile MICA EM about to be mounted on a Rafale M F3 during Operation Harmattan. (© MBDA) Missile MICA EM about to be mounted on a Rafale M F3 during Operation Harmattan. (© MBDA) Electromagnetic MICA is more for long-range engagements and the Infrared MICA is more for short-range engagements. At the end of 2010, MBDA announced a remarkable success rate of 93% on 240 shots made.


MBDA Claimed in MICA RF & IR
  1. Higher G load upto 50g
  2. Higher Speed (Mach 4)
  3. TVC
  4. Better NEZ
  5. Range 80-100 Km
  6. MICA NG Second generation of MICA designed against stealthy targets. Infrared seeker will use a matrix sensor providing greater sensitivity. The radio frequency seeker will use an AESA
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ASRAAM is better than python 5?

Python V had integration issues with LCA due to its size and design. Otherwise both are equally capable. During IAF's CCM competition for Jaguar, both Python V and ASRAAM were shortlisted by the IAF. Jaguar also faced integration issues with Python V.
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@Falcon also pointed new roof probably on this same structure from a side photo of Reuters failed trip.

Then, you have given me impetus to bore you further!

For sake of clarity, let us name the photos as Exhibits ___. Here I go:

Exhibit 1


Photo of a drop tank allegedly from wreckage of IAF Mig-21

source: 2 Indian aircraft violating Pakistani airspace shot down; pilot arrested - DAWN.COM

Then notice this video, of same incident and supposedly same site:

Watch the external fuel tank being loaded into the truck. Notice the relative sizes?

Let us now examine a Mig-21 Bis

Exhibit 2


Notice the shape and size?

Or how about appreciating the centerline external fuel tank of a Mig-21 Bis?

Exhibit 3


But wait for the interesting part:

Exhibit 4


Exhibit 5


Exhibit 6


Exhibit 7


Notice the shape of the center line drop tank?

Exhibit 8


Centerline drop tank of a F-16

note the bracket on the right end of the tank?

Now see all the data I have put here, carefully.

Interesting! Any comments?

@Shajida Khan
@vstol Jockey

et al
Then, you have given me impetus to bore you further!

For sake of clarity, let us name the photos as Exhibits ___. Here I go:

Exhibit 1

View attachment 5005

Photo of a drop tank allegedly from wreckage of IAF Mig-21

source: 2 Indian aircraft violating Pakistani airspace shot down; pilot arrested - DAWN.COM

Then notice this video, of same incident and supposedly same site:

Watch the external fuel tank being loaded into the truck. Notice the relative sizes?

Let us now examine a Mig-21 Bis

Exhibit 2

View attachment 5006

Notice the shape and size?

Or how about appreciating the centerline external fuel tank of a Mig-21 Bis?

Exhibit 3

View attachment 5007

But wait for the interesting part:

Exhibit 4

View attachment 5008

Exhibit 5

View attachment 5009

Exhibit 6

View attachment 5010

Exhibit 7

View attachment 5011

Notice the shape of the center line drop tank?

Exhibit 8

View attachment 5012

Centerline drop tank of a F-16

note the bracket on the right end of the tank?

Now see all the data I have put here, carefully.

Interesting! Any comments?

@Shajida Khan
@vstol Jockey

et al
Notice a circle shape inlet or a cap right after the rib on the tank.(Video and Exhibit 1 ). Then check on the f 16 fuel tanks on google.

fyi - you can't notice it on any of the pictures uploaded here as that points inside when place on the jet.

Notice a circle shape inlet or a cap right after the rib on the tank.(Video and Exhibit 1 ). Then check on the f 16 fuel tanks on google.

fyi - you can't notice it on any of the pictures uploaded here as that points inside when place on the jet.

Man, I was waiting for people to make something on this.

Fed up, did it myself. I do not have time to dig things up all the time and draw things up for people to bore holes into the narrative that the other side is trying to play out.

Too much time gets wasted spelling things out for people !!!!

Together with Video of three parachutes etc and this, Pakistanis have inadvertently let out that F-16 was in area and downed?
Man, I was waiting for people to make something on this.

Together with Video of three parachutes etc and this, Pakistanis have inadvertently let out that F-16 was in area and downed?
No saar. You are wrong. It was a basic trainer of PAF which shot down our Su-30MKIs which can't even touch the speed at which a SU-30MKI unsticks. Mard-e-momin hain kuch bhi kar saktay hain and you have forgotten that Pak Armed forces have a very large number of Djinns and Ruohani powers defending Pakistan.
No saar. You are wrong. It was a basic trainer of PAF which shot down our Su-30MKIs which can't even touch the speed at which a SU-30MKI unsticks. Mard-e-momin hain kuch bhi kar saktay hain and you have forgotten that Pak Armed forces have a very large number of Djinns and Ruohani powers defending Pakistan.

Sir, with all due respect. You are mistaken. Our Sukhoi was shot down by this, we could not detect it. It has 10th generation stealth.

Sir, with all due respect. You are mistaken. Our Sukhoi was shot down by this, we could not detect it. It has 10th generation stealth.

View attachment 5013
Actually, hillbilly from Hazara thought this was a helicopter till he joined the PA / PN. Isn't it true ? @safriz

No need to be embarrassed. In our youth we think we are invincible, know it all, etc.

For eg. Even in my youth, I was convinced Pakistan would prevail over us. They're still on the verge of doing so now.
Then, you have given me impetus to bore you further!

For sake of clarity, let us name the photos as Exhibits ___. Here I go:

Exhibit 1

View attachment 5005

Photo of a drop tank allegedly from wreckage of IAF Mig-21

source: 2 Indian aircraft violating Pakistani airspace shot down; pilot arrested - DAWN.COM

Then notice this video, of same incident and supposedly same site:

Watch the external fuel tank being loaded into the truck. Notice the relative sizes?

Let us now examine a Mig-21 Bis

Exhibit 2

View attachment 5006

Notice the shape and size?

Or how about appreciating the centerline external fuel tank of a Mig-21 Bis?

Exhibit 3

View attachment 5007

But wait for the interesting part:

Exhibit 4

View attachment 5008

Exhibit 5

View attachment 5009

Exhibit 6

View attachment 5010

Exhibit 7

View attachment 5011

Notice the shape of the center line drop tank?

Exhibit 8

View attachment 5012

Centerline drop tank of a F-16

note the bracket on the right end of the tank?

Now see all the data I have put here, carefully.

Interesting! Any comments?

@Shajida Khan
@vstol Jockey

et al

This thread have 3 videos which speaks about 3 parachutes......All of them were posted immediately after the dog fight.... No one could create a propaganda video at that point of time.... especially when the emotions are high.....

This thread have 3 videos which speaks about 3 parachutes......All of them were posted immediately after the dog fight.... No one could create a propaganda video at that point of time.... especially when the emotions are high.....

One of the Videos clearly states he shot Abhinandan in the leg. Abhinandan was NOT injured in the leg. Clearly the bunch of illiterates across the border saw the Saffron colour Parachute, immediately assumed him to be an Indian pilot and shot him. The poor Pakistani Pilot would have been initially confused at the mob coming towards and thought he landed in our side of Kashmir.
One of the Videos clearly states he shot Abhinandan in the leg. Abhinandan was NOT injured in the leg. Clearly the bunch of illiterates across the border saw the Saffron colour Parachute, immediately assumed him to be an Indian pilot and shot him. The poor Pakistani Pilot would have been initially confused at the mob coming towards and thought he landed in our side of Kashmir.
That is another aspect..... All this videos are posted by Pakistanis....

Their version is they shot 2.... Alrite let us assume that they shot down 2 aircrafts.... Where did it fell?

1) PoJK : They would have definitely shown the second wreckage
2) JnK : There was no reports of crashes other than that of MI 17 (which happened 100kms and beyond the range of BVR missiles and eve ISPR denied anything to do with it)Even if it crashed the videos could have reached everywhere.... let us not forget all this happened close to LOC....

Abhinandan fell 7kms inside PojK.... and those who picked also saw the other parachutes.... and if they could see them close then it has to be near Abhinandan crash site...... 7km Is a bit far away for a parachute to drift....
That is another aspect..... All this videos are posted by Pakistanis....

Their version is they shot 2.... Alrite let us assume that they shot down 2 aircrafts.... Where did it fell?

1) PoJK : They would have definitely shown the second wreckage
2) JnK : There was no reports of crashes other than that of MI 17 (which happened 100kms and beyond the range of BVR missiles and eve ISPR denied anything to do with it)Even if it crashed the videos could have reached everywhere.... let us not forget all this happened close to LOC....

Abhinandan fell 7kms inside PojK.... and those who picked also saw the other parachutes.... and if they could see them close then it has to be near Abhinandan crash site...... 7km Is a bit far away for a parachute to drift....

The shooting down of the "Sukhoi" is nothing more than a cover for loosing their own F-16. The Videos from the wreckage site reached everyone fast. Most people were already aware of the 3 parachutes. ISPR had already blustered too soon about shooting down two aircrafts. They had to do something to cover up their latest *censored*up. So they decided to invent a story of shooting down a Sukhoi.
The shooting down of the "Sukhoi" is nothing more than a cover for loosing their own F-16. The Videos from the wreckage site reached everyone fast. Most people were already aware of the 3 parachutes. ISPR had already blustered too soon about shooting down two aircrafts. They had to do something to cover up their latest *censored*up. So they decided to invent a story of shooting down a Sukhoi.
But where is the God damn pilots????

Our man is back home and has become a hero India and also in Pakistan.... ISPR gave all the Tea vendors of Pakistan something good.... A hero's testimony for their tea....
But where is the God damn pilots????

Our man is back home and has become a hero India and also in Pakistan.... ISPR gave all the Tea vendors of Pakistan something good.... A hero's testimony for their tea....
Modi’s Chai phe charcha
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