Contrary to popular belief, helis actually did deep attack in Ukr and quite successfully. Its part of propaganda to say otherwise, that attack helis are failed because some are shot down. The pitched up nose rocket attacks we saw are sort of SEAD operation because the enemy were using manpads as AD weapon. So theoretically although it is ground attack, in reality its a form of SEAD mission. Commanders who order such missions, or in general heli borne missions are prepared to take loss of machines. Ukr also lost loads of their tanks, lots of heli & planes, bmp, armored vehicles, given by every western nation to an extent they had to curb on info leaking out. Does that make those destroyed platforms inferior? They switched to common cars for transport & missions. Does that elevate a simple 4 wheeler into combat vehicle status?
Why do we think US regularly inducts hundreds of machines & later sometimes abandons as we saw in Afghan? machines numbers are usually not the concern. Its the weapon that is needed primary importance. You abandon something by removing functionality while leaving Afghan, or you abandon while retreat on field, or get shot down after major performance in battlefield, net effect is the same, loss of assets. It does not make a heli platform more or less lethal, that is up to how it is used & with what weapon.
Speaking of weapons, the one part media got right is the both army/IAF failing to select a foreign atgm in 4-5 years. HAL will integrate whichever atgm they are asked to. This is a major issue, that there is increasing rivalry between the two forces commands. In the even of a war, these two, especially army generals will want all the glory for themselves & end up fighting IAF generals each other. Like ones sam system mistaking others asset & shooting it down level of incompetence. This is something MoD needs to address properly & not just by kadi ninda. This is extremely detrimental to our forces capability & now affecting even unforseen situation.