Brahmos Supersonic Cruise Missile : News, Updates and Discussions

Coastal Batteries will be under IN correct?

This will be a first for them to have landbase Brahmos
If its with the IN then yeah. I recon C & C won't be too different.
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BrahMos missile with 800km range possible, hypersonic version being developed

While the current speed of BrahMos missile is about Mach 2.8-3 (about 3704.4 kilometre per hour), the hypersonic version called BrahMos-II will be able to reach Mach 6 (7408.8 kmph) and above. The supersonic version of BrahMos has a range of 290km and is in service with the Indian Army, Indian Navy and Indian Air Force as well as the Russian defence forces.

Written By : Zee Media Bureau
Edited By : Priyarag Verma
Updated : Aug 30, 2019, 11:48 AM IST

A version with a range of 800 kilometres and another which is hypersonic !

BrahMos, the world's most advanced supersonic cruise missile, could soon have two new cousins which will add more lethality to the Indian armed forces. While BrahMos Aerospace is already planning to seek permission from India and Russia for starting work on extending the range of BrahMos to 800km, development of the hypersonic version of the missile is already taking place.

According to Sudhir Kumar Mishra, the Distinguished Scientist & Director General and CEO & MD of BrahMos Aerospace, the technique to extend the range of BrahMos missile to 800 km exists and once the defence company gets the go-ahead, then it can start work on the same.

"Technically, there is a possibility to extend the BrahMos flight range to 800km. We have already tested our missile to a range of 400km. The launch was successful. Today we are considering getting permissions from India and Russia on further extending the flight range of the BrahMos missile. Technically, it is possible to extend the flight range to 800km and this is the task we face," he told Russian news agency TASS on Wednesday at MAKS-2019, the international aviation and space salon in Zhukovsky, near Russian capital Moscow.

While the current speed of BrahMos missile is about Mach 2.8-3 (about 3704.4 kilometres per hour), the hypersonic version called BrahMos-II will be able to reach Mach 6 (7408.8 kmph) and above. The supersonic version of BrahMos has a range of 290km and is in service with the Indian Army, Indian Navy and Indian Air Force as well as the Russian defence forces. As per the current programme, the hypersonic version will also have a range of 290km.

The hypersonic version will use a scramjet engine in place of ramjet which will allow combustion in a supersonic airflow, ensuring that BrahMos-II is able to fly at more than Mach 5. If BrahMos strikes a target at a speed of Mach 6, then it will be able to penetrate even hardened or deeply buried targets like bunkers or nuclear and biological-weapon storage facilities as it will have great kinetic energy.

BrahMos-II will have the same physical characteristics of its supersonic version allowing the hypersonic missile to be fired from the launcher. BrahMos is 8-8.2 metres long with a diameter of 0.67m and has a launch weight between 2,200-3,000 kilogrammes. The missile can carry a warhead of 200-300 kg which can be either high explosives or submunitions.

BrahMos missile with 800km range possible, hypersonic version being developed
Anti-ship missile Oniks to undergo upgrade

MOSCOW, September 13. /TASS/. The joint stock company NPO Mashinostroyeniya (an affiliate of the corporation Tactical Missile Corporation) plans to upgrade its supersonic anti-ship cruise missile Oniks.

"It is true that we have been asked to improve the Oniks missile’s flight parameters for increasing the effectiveness of this anti-ship complex," a spokesman for NPO Mashinostroyeniya told TASS without specifying what parameters were in question.

At the moment the missile has a maximum range of 300 kilometers and maximum speed of up to Mach 2.5 at high altitudes. The warhead’s mass is up to 250 kilograms. The missile can be launched from both surface ships and submarines.

The anti-ship system P-800 armed with the Oniks missile began to be developed in 1982. The missile was authorized for service twenty years later, in 2002.
Airframe, Seeker, On board computer, Launching plateform, propulsion system, fuel. Than what remain imported????
Perheps data link communication system and homing algorhythms????
Can you please explain?
The engine is still Russian. The rest is Indian, including the critical data links and targeting algos. As far as I can tell, we assemble the engine on to the missile, but its still made in NPO Mashinostroyeniya. I don't expect and increase in Indian content of the Brahmos in its present form. However there will be an increase once we change the older Russian engine with a newer engine. Remember reading about plans to boost range and speed of the Brahmos ? It can't be done with the old engine. The new engine is under R&D as of now.
The engine is still Russian. The rest is Indian, including the critical data links and targeting algos. As far as I can tell, we assemble the engine on to the missile, but its still made in NPO Mashinostroyeniya. I don't expect and increase in Indian content of the Brahmos in its present form. However there will be an increase once we change the older Russian engine with a newer engine. Remember reading about plans to boost range and speed of the Brahmos ? It can't be done with the old engine. The new engine is under R&D as of now.
But sir today's test report says Indian propulsion system.

One more quary
Why not DRDO planning to increase range of astra? I my view it is just putting a booster at the end.
But sir today's test report says Indian propulsion system.

One more quary
Why not DRDO planning to increase range of astra? I my view it is just putting a booster at the end.

A small part of the propulsion system is now Indian. Forgot which one. The engine is Russian as usual.
But sir today's test report says Indian propulsion system.
We do make the Solid Rocket Booster for the Brahmos and all other support systems for the Ramjet engine like the intake, fueling lines, engine holding bearings etc. Previously the solid rocket booster was imported, now its not. That's what they meant by "Indian Propulsion Systems."
Why not DRDO planning to increase range of astra?
They are doing that already. They plan to take the current 110 km range to 160 km in a few years.
I my view it is just putting a booster at the end.
Not really. Solid rocket ejectable boosters are preferred in case of SAMs or AShMs or ASMs, not for AAMs.

In case of SAMs like say the Barak-8 ER, the booster gets the missile airborne, carries to to a certain distance then the second stage engine starts and the booster is ejected. The reason for that is the booster is larger in dia than the rest of the missile, more surface are equals more drag. Thus its inefficient to carry that booster around, the more you carry it around the more you lose speed and effective range. So the booster is used only to attain a height and not to chase down a target.

In AShMs or ASMs like say the Brahmos or the Nirbhay, the reasons for carrying and ejecting the bosster is the same as with the SAMs. Only difference is the primary operating engine. In Brahmos the ramjet is the primary engine, thus the booster is used to kick start the ramjet, with Nirbhay its the turbofan/turbojet than needs to be started.

In AAMs however the equations change drastically, we don't often have the time to fire the boosters then jettison the boosters and then start the main engine. Because this method of firing causes a gradual build up of speed not instant build up as is needed for AAMs. AAMs need to fly fast from the onset. Of course there are other problems, all the missiles mentioned above(SAMs/AShMs/ASMs) are fired from slow moving or stationary platforms, where as AAMs are fired from supersonic jets, fired at supersonic targets. Aerodynamic efficiency is of paramount importance, as such carrying large heavy ejectable boosters is an absolute no-no.

This is not to say that AAMs don't carry boosters. They do, the MBDA Meteor or the DRDO SFDR for example carry integral boosters that cannot be ejected. Those boosters provide additional range and also kick start the ramjet engine.

So how does the DRDO plan to enhance the range of the ASTRA ? Mostly by playing around with fuel composition and enhancing aerodynamic efficiency.
The article says "The anti-ship system P-800 armed with the Oniks missile began to be developed in 1982"

Was it not Oniks which IN used on their missile boats to attack Karachi harbor in the 71 war?
No, it was P-15M (Styx). Oniks entered service only in 2002. The Indian JV version is Brahmos.

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