Corvettes of Indian Navy : News and Discussions

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I don't know if it's been discussed already, but there's an RFI for leasing 3-4 Minesweeper vessels too. Should have hull mounted sonar, side scan sonar , an unmanned underwater vessel, etc. Armaments will be provided by IN.

ROYAL NAVY is a good contender along with the Germans
From the MoU signed between MoD & GRSE for the last FY.


a. ln-house Hull form Development of Next Generation Corvette Hull form and CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) validation.

b. Plume Trajectory Analysis Engine Exhaust for Anti Submarine Warfare Shallow Water Craft (ASW-SWC)

c. Design & Development of the optimal layout of various antennas to minimise EMV EMC interference for ASW SWC Platform.

d. Completion of Basic Design of stealth Anti Submarine Slrallow water Platform

Looks like end-to-end ship design capabilities are being developed in the yards. They are developing even hull-forms for projects as significant as the NGC (which is essentially a light frigate). This will allow the DND can concentrate on more serious matters.

No idea what item d is, though. Definitely not the ASW-SWC.