There is no system available to destroy a sparrow in flight (1800m/sec).
Afghanit is efficient (to be seen) against RPG and low speed bullet.
It's meant to stop APFSDS also.
Logistic? The actual operations in ukrainia are not a good exemple.
Can't really count that. It's human error. They can always train more for it.
Russian armies are made of a small node of very skilled troups (para troopers, special forces) and the mass is made of unskilled, unmotivate, low trained people. See also how many tanks and trucks seemed to have been abandoned (no fuel? tires break? crew afraid?)
As per the Russians, most of the soldiers being used are trained contract soldiers, not conscripts. Putin recently said conscripts and reservists won't be used in Ukraine. Europe will face the same problem with reservists and drafted soldiers.

Putin Says Will Not Send Conscripts or Reservists to Ukraine - The Moscow Times
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday said he will not send conscripts or reservists to fight in Ukraine and that "professional" soldiers fulfilling "fixed objectives" were leading the war.
Mig41? what is that?
PAK-DP. Their new near-space interceptor. It is said to be able to operate in the stratopause.
Armata is so coslty Russia will only able to have few units, specially after west economic measures.
Not at all. It is said to be 250-300 million rubles per tank. It's not expensive.