Delhi, UP and Haryana : Political Discussions


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There is a simple reason as to why shah didn't clear up shaheen bagh, cause that would've been political suicide. I think anyone with an iota of understanding of Indian politics would understand that.
How's that political suicide, please explain a bit more. Clearing Shaheen Bagh would have denied muslims votes for BJP? Or you think polls after polls which clearly say they do not support these Shaheen Bagh freeloaders are all false and Hindus may have voted against Shah for clearing a road that is making their life hell?

Maybe I don't have an iota of understanding of Indian politics but would really like to know the reasoning behind this amusing claim.

Moreover, along with his image inside India, his image outside India would've been tarnished too. Had he clamped down on the protestors, International media would've picked him apart. WaPo, NYT, BBC, etc, etc, would go for his throat showing him as a islamophobe. You know that, I know that, everyone knows that.
When was the last time you checked WaPo, NYT, BBC?

I did the contempt of mentioning a economic daily destroying India's image during Davos and slaves were all over me. I was taught that we should stop caring about this or that, we are super power and what not. How come 'international image' suddenly become a concern after exit polls?

@_Anonymous_ who is agreeing with your concern here was that time agreeing with not giving a damn.

Do you want India to be sanctioned, cause thats how you get India sanctioned. T
No, sanctions doesn't work that way. Sorry to burst your bubble but clearing roads, that too after standing instructions from court doesn't invite sanctions. It has been done in past so many times with much much more ruthlessness and nobody gave a damn, nobody ever does.

That negative image you are seeing of India in foreign media is handy work of Shahiji, who lead the misinformation campaign from front. For electoral gains he let it grew, contributing from time to time to harvest votes.

There is no shortage of friends of India and BJP that could have countered the lies but to my surprise either wilfully or in his sheer incompetence it was not done.

That joker for winning Delhi made life of thousands of Indian hell as they struggled with traffic jam and has the audacity to say from stage to vote for him to clear it! Now he is staring at a humiliating defeat, put India on stake for BJP, hope they get ZERO and reduced to butt of jokes.
How's that political suicide, please explain a bit more. Clearing Shaheen Bagh would have denied muslims votes for BJP? Or you think polls after polls which clearly say they do not support these Shaheen Bagh freeloaders are all false and Hindus may have voted against Shah for clearing a road that is making their life hell?

Maybe I don't have an iota of understanding of Indian politics but would really like to know the reasoning behind this amusing claim.

Okay, I'll try to explain it to you. This is the high court order relating to shaheen bagh protests.
Read this and tell me what options does Shah have. You are still thinking in terms of votes, whereas I am asking you to look at the human right aspects. You want Shah to clear these protests? Do tell me how would you go about it? Do you want police to do a lathicharge and break the bones and skulls of protestors, cause they are fully backed by multiple political parties and powerful people. If Shah even dares to do this, everyone will demand his head and courts will not support him as they have clearly said that they are looking for an amicable compromise. As I said, anyone with an iota of understanding of Indian politics would understand that but you are on a completely different tangent altogether..

When was the last time you checked WaPo, NYT, BBC?

I did the contempt of mentioning a economic daily destroying India's image during Davos and slaves were all over me. I was taught that we should stop caring about this or that, we are super power and what not. How come 'international image' suddenly become a concern after exit polls?

@_Anonymous_ who is agreeing with your concern here was that time agreeing with not giving a damn.

  • Firstly, I have no idea what you have posted previously and whats your equation with anonymous. Don't know don't care.
  • When was the last time I read these outlets, you ask? just an hour ago. You know who else reads these outlets? US Senators and millions of other powerful people. You know what else these senators/POTUS/rich lobbyists can do? Introduce bills. You know what these bills can do once passed? Cripple the economy of a third world country like ours within days.
  • I think you misunderstood what I meant to say. When I say anything about our foreign image, I mean our image infront of US Senators, their president, etc, etc. Our foreign image relating to persecution of minorities and religious freedom i.e. how we treat muslims. You are harping on about how Modi destroyed our image in context of our economy. These people don't give a shit about our economic outlook but do care about how minorities are treated worldwide. They have entire caucuses made for these works. So, when someone says that we shouldn't care what these foreigners say about our economy, they are right. But, when its about the treatment of minorities we should be very careful about our image. Or you can go full china, but for that you need 14 trillion dollar economy.

No, sanctions doesn't work that way. Sorry to burst your bubble but clearing roads, that too after standing instructions from court doesn't invite sanctions. It has been done in past so many times with much much more ruthlessness and nobody gave a damn, nobody ever does.

Okay, you clearly haven't read court orders. Nowhere has the high court said that Amit Shah can take a danda and go after the protestors. Court just washed its hands off and asked shah to find a compromise with protesters so that law and order is not disturbed and the road is clerared (both cannot happen at the same time which is why I say the court has just washed its hands off of the matter).

Whatever happened in the past doesn't matters. What happens today matters. Do you want WaPo, NYTs, etc front page to be filled with images of bleeding cracked skulls of Indian muslims? If past mattered, then Paksitan would've been sanctioned to stone age based on what they did with bangladeshis. We even have images and videos of that genocide.

Sorry to disappoint you, but thats exactly how sanctions work. You can just do a quick google search, if you want. US is a superpower with 6~7 times larger economy than India. World trade is dominated by dollars and thats the reason this world works on the whims of the US. If United States sees an opening, they will threaten us with sanctions and will take their pound of flesh from us.

If we give them an opportunity to sanction us they will blackmail us and we will have to compromise on something like buying their military equipment en-masse (something we have started doing recently to curry their favour). If our diplomats don't have a good working relation with their senators and their president, then be under no delusion they will sanction us. It doesn't matter what the truth is (eg. trump's impeachment), whether we have mistreated minorities or not doesn't matter, what matters is that the powerful dictate the weak. If the public outlook (which is incidentally influenced by those outlets you dismissed) is negative towards our country (again w.r.t to how minorities are treated, not how our economy is doing), they will find some reason to sanction us and will only stop if we compromise and reach a deal.

Rest of what you wrote is just rant.
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Okay, I'll try to explain it to you. This is the high court order relating to shaheen bagh protests.
Read this and tell me what options does Shah have. You are still thinking in terms of votes, whereas I am asking you to look at the human right aspects. You want Shah to clear these protests? Do tell me how would you go about it? Do you want police to do a lathicharge and break the bones and skulls of protestors, cause they are fully backed by multiple political parties and powerful people. If Shah even dares to do this, everyone will demand his head and courts will not support him as they have clearly said that they are looking for an amicable compromise. As I said, anyone with an iota of understanding of Indian politics would understand that but you are on a completely different tangent altogether..

  • Firstly, I have no idea what you have posted previously and whats your equation with anonymous. Don't know don't care.
  • When was the last time I read these outlets, you ask? just an hour ago. You know who else reads these outlets? US Senators and millions of other powerful people. You know what else these senators/POTUS/rich lobbyists can do? Introduce bills. You know what these bills can do once passed? Cripple the economy of a third world country like ours within days.
  • I think you misunderstood what I meant to say. When I say anything about our foreign image, I mean our image infront of US Senators, their president, etc, etc. Our foreign image relating to persecution of minorities and religious freedom i.e. how we treat muslims. You are harping on about how Modi destroyed our image in context of our economy. These people don't give a shit about our economic outlook but do care about how minorities are treated worldwide. They have entire caucuses made for these works. So, when someone says that we shouldn't care what these foreigners say about our economy, they are right. But, when its about the treatment of minorities we should be very careful about our image. Or you can go full china, but for that you need 14 trillion dollar economy.

Okay, you clearly haven't read court orders. Nowhere has the high court said that Amit Shah can take a danda and go after the protestors. Court just washed its hands off and asked shah to find a compromise with protesters so that law and order is not disturbed and the road is clerared (both cannot happen at the same time which is why I say the court has just washed its hands off of the matter).

Whatever happened in the past doesn't matters. What happens today matters. Do you want WaPo, NYTs, etc front page to be filled with images of bleeding cracked skulls of Indian muslims? If past mattered, then Paksitan would've been sanctioned to stone age based on what they did with bangladeshis. We even have images and videos of that genocide.

Sorry to disappoint you, but thats exactly how sanctions work. You can just do a quick google search, if you want. US is a superpower with 6~7 times larger economy than India. World trade is dominated by dollars and thats the reason this world works on the whims of the US. If United States sees an opening, they will threaten us with sanctions and will take their pound of flesh from us.

If we give them an opportunity to sanction us they will blackmail us and we will have to compromise on something like buying their military equipment en-masse (something we have started doing recently to curry their favour). If our diplomats don't have a good working relation with their senators and their president, then be under no delusion they will sanction us. It doesn't matter what the truth is (eg. trump's impeachment), whether we have mistreated minorities or not doesn't matter, what matters is that the powerful dictate the weak. If the public outlook (which is incidentally influenced by those outlets you dismissed) is negative towards our country (again w.r.t to how minorities are treated, not how our economy is doing), they will find some reason to sanction us and will only stop if we compromise and reach a deal.

Rest of what you wrote is just rant.
Except for the sanctions part, agree with your post. @BlackOpsIndia is a fool. He comes up with the right sources & draws the wrong inference. That's his characteristic. Khujliwal help him.
Okay, I'll try to explain it to you. This is the high court order relating to shaheen bagh protests.
Read this and tell me what options does Shah have.
All the options.

He had/has all the options.

You want Shah to clear these protests? Do tell me how would you go about it? Do you want police to do a lathicharge and break the bones and skulls of protestors, cause they are fully backed by multiple political parties and powerful people. If Shah even dares to do this, everyone will demand his head and courts will not support him as they have clearly said that they are looking for an amicable compromise.
That order says nothing, nothing at all and gives all the option to administration.

As I said, anyone with an iota of understanding of Indian politics would understand that but you are on a completely different tangent altogether..
Well I will soon have an iota of understanding I suppose after learning from experts here.

When I say anything about our foreign image, I mean our image infront of US Senators, their president, etc, etc. Our foreign image relating to persecution of minorities and religious freedom i.e. how we treat muslims. You are harping on about how Modi destroyed our image in context of our economy
Did you even read what I said?

Okay, you clearly haven't read court orders. Nowhere has the high court said that Amit Shah can take a danda and go after the protestors. Court just washed its hands off and asked shah to find a compromise with protesters so that law and order is not disturbed and the road is clerared (both cannot happen at the same time which is why I say the court has just washed its hands off of the matter).
He can in all his senses take a danda and enforce rule of law and no court can do anything about it.

Please don't show me High Court orders and assume things.

Do you want WaPo, NYTs, etc front page to be filled with images of bleeding cracked skulls of Indian muslims?
They don't just publish photos, they have had published videos. They have those photos and videos where UP Police is shooting directly at a particular community while others are burning their property under the protection of police. Yes, rioters burning property of a community under police protection while police shot at that community killing 5, and that's just a small town. I had video, didn't post thinking it can be used by enemy for propaganda.

I am kind of amused at your naivety, you haven't seen any police crackdown it seems and it looks like you think it's court who is holding hands of Shah!
@BlackOpsIndia is a fool
Wow, exit polls really did a number on you! I have never commented personally on you did my criticism of Shahji hurt you?

It's called giving someone you dislike a long rope to hang oneself.

How is that rope coming Sir? Long enough?

Don't worry you'll come up with something to tell us how big a master stroke it is by Chanakya.

He comes up with the right sources & draws the wrong inference.
Not everyone is blessed with intellect of blaming voters for defeat, in recent memory only Mayawati has blamed them so you are already at major league.

Loved that "wake up call" thing btw, expected Cohen to post that gem but hey great minds think alike.
Wow, exit polls really did a number on you! I have never commented personally on you did my criticism of Shahji hurt you?

How is that rope coming Sir? Long enough?

Don't worry you'll come up with something to tell us how big a master stroke it is by Chanakya.

Not everyone is blessed with intellect of blaming voters for defeat, in recent memory only Mayawati has blamed them so you are already at major league.

Loved that "wake up call" thing btw, expected Cohen to post that gem but hey great minds think alike.
Frankly, Shah has the charisma of a Bullock. He may yet prove to be a good administrator but as of now it's in the air. I doubt he'd ever be able to win elections the way Modi can solely by positioning himself as a lone self sacrificing crusader working tirelessly to make India a better place. But those are big boots to fill in.

Let's see how things pan out for the protestors from now on. There aren't any elections due. I see mainstream political parties losing interest in the protests now. Unless there are other vested interests like PFI financing those protests, I'd be very interested in how things move forward . On both ends - the government & the entire eco system of the protestors including the protestors.

You're the one who's crowned him Chanakya. I don't think anyone else thinks of him as such.

Do you see me or anyone else blaming the voters? They've given their verdict. It's for the nation & the political parties to accept it & move on with business as usual. Which I've no doubt they will except the anti CAA protestors.

What exactly do you find objectionable or worth critique in The wake up call , assuming you're referring to my post about why the BJP should get it's act together w.r.t the economy ? Pls do elaborate.
All the options.

He had/has all the options.

Nope, he doesn't, i'm starting to doubt your comprehension of english language.

That order says nothing, nothing at all and gives all the option to administration.

sigh. nope, you are wrong again. Do read it again
I'll write the salient points your your mind to understand easily:
  • Police is directed to maintain law and order. Shaheen bagh protestors are sitting their peacefully and are not breaking any serious law, however much you might dislike it. If police shows heavy hand, HRC will jump in like they tried in UP riots case.
  • The respondents have the power to control the traffic. They are ordering police to redirect traffic, not relocate the protestors, mind you.
  • The court says that it cannot issue any specific writ, issue or direction on how to handle the agitation (effectively putting the ball in govt. lap and leaving it to the supreme court)
  • Last point, they left it on the wisdom of the police (LMAO) on how to handle the protest, washing their hands off.
He can in all his senses take a danda and enforce rule of law and no court can do anything about it.

Please don't show me High Court orders and assume things.

Okay, this is getting tiresome, the high court orders are infront of you and you still refuse to acknowledge facts.

They don't just publish photos, they have had published videos. They have those photos and videos where UP Police is shooting directly at a particular community while others are burning their property under the protection of police. Yes, rioters burning property of a community under police protection while police shot at that community killing 5, and that's just a small town. I had video, didn't post thinking it can be used by enemy for propaganda.

I am kind of amused at your naivety, you haven't seen any police crackdown it seems and it looks like you think it's court who is holding hands of Shah!

Now, this is just getting dumber and dumber. I clearly said past is not that important. If you are talking about the recent riots due to CAA in UP, then you might have comprehension problems. You are comparing rioters in UP, who were stoning police and shooting at them using desi kattas and revolvers to those women and children sitting peacefully at a protest.
Shaheen bagh protestors are sitting their peacefully and are not breaking any serious law, however much you might dislike it

Protest is a fundamental right of every citizen. But never at the cost of hurting someone else, never by obstructing any public or someone's private property. They can protest in their own private area. Here a bunch of lawless protesters are hurting the conduct of daily business of hundreds of thousands of people of Delhi and visitors. This is not any less serious!
Protest is a fundamental right of every citizen. But never at the cost of hurting someone else, never by obstructing any public or someone's private property. They can protest in their own private area. Here a bunch of lawless protesters are hurting the conduct of daily business of hundreds of thousands of people of Delhi and visitors. This is not any less serious!

Dude, I don't know how old you are, but I am assuming that you are mature enough to understand that not everything in this world is completely black and white. People don't want to look at things with nuance. You are arguing that shaheen bagh protests are infringing on basic human rights of the people living there. Alright, that's a valid argument. But, the protesters say that CAA, NRC, etc,etc are infringing on the rights of million of people, which is also a valid argument. Here, multiple laws are contradicting with each other. Now, who decides which side is right? Not, you or me, and definitely not BlackopsIndia, only the court of law decides that. High court's judgement is in-front of you and supreme court as of now has refused to intervene, which is prolonging this mess even further.

People like to believe that their opinion is the truth and everything else is false. If what you said was the supreme truth, then the high court would have given an explicit judgement saying that the protesters are all criminals and police should throw them all in jail. But they didn't, if you think they have, then, point me to line in the document which says this and we will end the discussion. If you have a problem with my interpretation of the judgement then I can understand, but if your problem is with the judgement itself, then I can't help you. You are arguing with the wrong people, instead, go to the judge/judges that gave this judgement and slap the shit out of them and tell them how to practice law properly. Anyone here who thinks that they are above the court of law, they are welcome to be their own judge, jury and executioner. They can give out a judgement and take their friends (along with blackopsindia) and march towards the protest site with lathis and sticks and thow the protesters out themselves. Do tell us how it went, okay.
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Protest is a fundamental right of every citizen. But never at the cost of hurting someone else, never by obstructing any public or someone's private property. They can protest in their own private area. Here a bunch of lawless protesters are hurting the conduct of daily business of hundreds of thousands of people of Delhi and visitors. This is not any less serious!
These laws are subject to "Public order and Morality" as clearly mentioned in part-3 of our constitution. The public order has been violated in shaheen bagh and therefore the protest is unlawful. Among the six fundamental rights, the Freedom of speach and expression is not absolute.
People of Delhi are the most politically unaware people. First they don't understand that Delhi Police is not under Delhi Govt but Central government. Secondly, Delhi Government does not have jurisdiction over NDMC and Cantonment areas. The Rest is MCD are and for this region people vote basically.

You can clearly visit Delhi any time see the slums in MCD area where 90% houses are built illegally and are unauthorized colonies. You give free water and electricity to these unauthorized colonies. :mad:
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Nope, he doesn't, i'm starting to doubt your comprehension of english language.

sigh. nope, you are wrong again. Do read it again
I'll write the salient points your your mind to understand easily:
  • Police is directed to maintain law and order. Shaheen bagh protestors are sitting their peacefully and are not breaking any serious law, however much you might dislike it. If police shows heavy hand, HRC will jump in like they tried in UP riots case.
  • The respondents have the power to control the traffic. They are ordering police to redirect traffic, not relocate the protestors, mind you.
  • The court says that it cannot issue any specific writ, issue or direction on how to handle the agitation (effectively putting the ball in govt. lap and leaving it to the supreme court)
  • Last point, they left it on the wisdom of the police (LMAO) on how to handle the protest, washing their hands off.

Okay, this is getting tiresome, the high court orders are infront of you and you still refuse to acknowledge facts.
Thank you so much for breaking it down into simple points, now I understand. Thanks.

Now, this is just getting dumber and dumber. I clearly said past is not that important. If you are talking about the recent riots due to CAA in UP, then you might have comprehension problems. You are comparing rioters in UP, who were stoning police and shooting at them using desi kattas and revolvers to those women and children sitting peacefully at a protest.
Don't assume things, there was nobody shooting with desi Kattas (in that incident) except police, it's all on video. Anyway if you want first hand account I can arrange a call with my cousin who was on duty to "restore law and order" in a different city, similar incident.

But if UP is not upto your taste read about Ram Leela Maidan and midnight crackdown on "women and children" who were sleeping and not blocking any road nor giving anti India speeches. And past doesn't matter how, who told you that? Was India more powerful than US in past that they couldn't sanction it for doing even worst?

You have no idea how administration functions but that didn't stop you from posting a counter.
But, the protesters say that CAA, NRC, etc,etc are infringing on the rights of million of people, which is also a valid argument

Dude, I don't know how old you are, but I am assuming that you are mature enough to understand that not everything in this world is completely black and white

So, now it comes to telling this forum how old you are and how mature you are? And are you really serious! You impress that the protestors argument is valid! That CAA and NRC is infringing on the rights of millions of people? Your stink of Congress is evident in what you and they profess - the lies to pitch one citizen against another for the past 70 years and in that game of hoodwinking, create chaos and confusion, and loot the treasury. Exactly what you and they learnt as well as carry forward the agenda of your masters - the British.

Which developing nation or a developed nation does not have a National/Citizen Identity Card? Several third world countries also issue it. And why should India not give refuge to those persecuted by the majority Muslim community in the three neighboring Islamic countries?

Stop creating a SM court. If you want to talk of its legal standing, wait for the Supreme Court to deliver its opinion and judgement. We Indians have seen a lot of such stupid talks before those baloon got burst - the Rafale, Ramjanmabhoomi, 370, Triple Talaq, and so on.

High court's judgement is in-front of you and supreme court as of now has refused to intervene, which is prolonging this mess even further.

Stop spreading lies. SC restrains all HCs from hearing pleas on CAA till it decides petitions. No stay on CAA, larger Supreme Court bench to hear 144 petitions; Centre gets 4 weeks to reply
Watch timesnow. They are stating what I had posted that BJP can win this election due to late surge in voting after 3pm. India-NZ match was on and Jadeja+Saini were on fire and it looked very close. The match ended and people went out to vote after 3pm. I still maintain a very close fight.
So, now it comes to telling this forum how old you are and how mature you are? And are you really serious! You impress that the protestors argument is valid! That CAA and NRC is infringing on the rights of millions of people? Your stink of Congress is evident in what you and they profess - the lies to pitch one citizen against another for the past 70 years and in that game of hoodwinking, create chaos and confusion, and loot the treasury. Exactly what you and they learnt as well as carry forward the agenda of your masters - the British.

Which developing nation or a developed nation does not have a National/Citizen Identity Card? Several third world countries also issue it. And why should India not give refuge to those persecuted by the majority Muslim community in the three neighboring Islamic countries?

Stop creating a SM court. If you want to talk of its legal standing, wait for the Supreme Court to deliver its opinion and judgement. We Indians have seen a lot of such stupid talks before those baloon got burst - the Rafale, Ramjanmabhoomi, 370, Triple Talaq, and so on.

Stop spreading lies. SC restrains all HCs from hearing pleas on CAA till it decides petitions. No stay on CAA, larger Supreme Court bench to hear 144 petitions; Centre gets 4 weeks to reply

Oh my god, you are such an idiot dude. "Your stink of Congress", haha, wow, I didn't know computer/laptop screens could transmit smell from one user to another. You need to tell us where we can buy such advanced electronics from.

Just because my opinion differs from you, i am a congressi and you are the torchbearer of democracy, sure, sure, as you say. Just, don't burst a nerve in anger, okay.

"Stop spreading lies", i think you conveniently missed the point where I said that high court didn't want to get involved and wanted petitioners to go to the supreme court directly. This was before supreme court gave any judgement regarding any of those matters.

So, when I say, supreme court refused to hear petitions, i was referring to this.
'Critical Times': CJI Bobde Says SC Will Hear CAA Petitions When the Violence Stops

Now I don't understand why you went on a rant cause nothing you say contradicts what I said.

"Stop creating a SM court", you humongous moron, this is exactly what I said, don't become the judge, jury, executioner and wait for the courts of law i.e. high court/supreme court to decide how to move forward. This is what my entire post was about. Stop jumping to conclusions and let law take its course. I don't even understand what you are arguing about, everything you are saying is in line with what I said.

Thank you so much for breaking it down into simple points, now I understand. Thanks.

Wow, seriously, all it took was for someone to spoon feed you the meaning of each and every line. You were acting so huff and puff as if you were the resident legal expert here. This is what you wrote:
All the options.

He had/has all the options.

That order says nothing, nothing at all and gives all the option to administration.

Well I will soon have an iota of understanding I suppose after learning from experts here.

He can in all his senses take a danda and enforce rule of law and no court can do anything about it.

Please don't show me High Court orders and assume things.

Aaaahahahahah, you crack me up dude. The conviction with which you were arguing made me believe as if you actually knew what you were talking about, turns out you were just spouting nonsense. I think I actually agree with what @_Anonymous_ said about you:
@BlackOpsIndia is a fool. He comes up with the right sources & draws the wrong inference. That's his characteristic. Khujliwal help him.

So, either 1 of these 2 things is true:
1. You actually read and failed to understand the simple english written in that order whose link I presented twice infront of you.
2. You didn't actually read it and were spouting whatever nonsense you read on whatsapp and those masala news channels. The way you were acting all high and mighty was based on what you heard from others and you didn't actually research facts on your own.

Don't assume things, there was nobody shooting with desi Kattas (in that incident) except police, it's all on video. Anyway if you want first hand account I can arrange a call with my cousin who was on duty to "restore law and order" in a different city, similar incident.

But if UP is not upto your taste read about Ram Leela Maidan and midnight crackdown on "women and children" who were sleeping and not blocking any road nor giving anti India speeches. And past doesn't matter how, who told you that? Was India more powerful than US in past that they couldn't sanction it for doing even worst?

You have no idea how administration functions but that didn't stop you from posting a counter.

Umm. this link would like to have a word with you: UP Police releases video of Meerut violence showing protesters shooting at cops during anti-CAA protests
If you still think that these goons and those women and children protesting at shaheen bagh have no difference between them, then I guess there isn't anything left to discuss between us.

You are gong to give me a first hand account by putting me on a call with your cousin. How cute, pffft, Who is your cousin? Is he the CM of UP? You don't even know who I am or what my family background is. I've got much better sources for these information than you can even imagine. You idiot I was in one of those cities at the ground in UP where violence was raging on.

"You have no idea how administration functions", be assured dude, my exposure to administration is more than enough. As, I said you don't know who I am and what I do, and I would like to keep it that way.