Eurofighter Typhoon - Updates and Discussions

Maybe you're right because my 160 T/Rs are very cautious as an estimate, but shuut ......!


My assumption is a 50% increase in number of modules at the minimum actually, for the same diameter.

Okay, so Rafale F3+ and below will get the radar you are speaking of? And with Rafale F3R/F4 etc, we can remove the radar from the nose?

My assumption is a 50% increase in number of modules at the minimum actually, for the same diameter.

Okay, so Rafale F3+ and below will get the radar you are speaking of? And with Rafale F3R/F4 etc, we can remove the radar from the nose?
No all Rafale will be upgradable with the Radar I am speaking of, on all Rafale you will be able to add lateral panel to increase the field of view. But it will cost and France for example will not do that, but IAF will do it. The radar I am speaking of plus lateral panel will be the F 4.2 configuration. To remove the antenna radar and replace it by a conformal antenna, you need a MLU because there is structural modifications.
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No all Rafale will be upgradable with the Radar I am speaking of, on all Rafale you will be able to add lateral panel to increase the field of view. But it will cost and France for example will not do that, but IAF will do it. The radar I am speaking of plus lateral panel will be the F 4.2 configuration. To remove the antenna radar and replace it by a conformal antenna, you need a MLU because there is structural modifications.

Okay, then that means there's no plan to actually remove the radar from the nose in any configuration. The main radar will continue to be nose radar.
So the nose radar of F4 will have 1300-1400 T/R modules?

Also I thought they plan on removing radar from the nose.
More like 1000. The only picture we've seen of an RBE2-AA shows only 898 modules but we were told that was an inaccurate replica.:rolleyes:

And just because the antenna is thinner does not automatically mean they have increased the number of modules. That is mere speculation at this point.
More like 1000. The only picture we've seen of an RBE2-AA shows only 898 modules but we were told that was an inaccurate replica.:rolleyes:

And just because the antenna is thinner does not automatically mean they have increased the number of modules. That is mere speculation at this point.
You just forget that I exchange mail with the former Thales head of RBE2 program (around 1000 mails to day...)
That the nose of the Typhoon is bigger than the Rafale one doesn't automatically mean that the E Captor number of modules will be greater than the Rafale one... :LOL::eek::ROFLMAO: That is mere speculation at this point.:)
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More like 1000. The only picture we've seen of an RBE2-AA shows only 898 modules but we were told that was an inaccurate replica.:rolleyes:

And just because the antenna is thinner does not automatically mean they have increased the number of modules. That is mere speculation at this point.

The RBE2-AA's module count is well above 1000.

Also when you use thinner modules, the radar can be pushed back further into the nose, which means we can get a slightly larger antenna diameter.

Then it's GaN, so each individual T/R module will obviously be better.
You just forget that I exchange mail with the former Thales head of RBE2 program (around 1000 mails to day...)
That the nose of the Typhoon is bigger than the Rafale one doesn't automatically mean that the E Captor number of modules will be greater than the Rafale one... :LOL::eek::ROFLMAO: That is mere speculation at this point.:)
Actually it does and it's a known fact that the Captor-E has 1426 modules. You're just doing your usual trick of trying to polish away any of the Rafale weaknesses, like with the old "active cancellation is stealth" BS that's already been comprehensively debunked across several forums.
The RBE2-AA's module count is well above 1000.

Also when you use thinner modules, the radar can be pushed back further into the nose, which means we can get a slightly larger antenna diameter.

Then it's GaN, so each individual T/R module will obviously be better.
The only image shows 898 modules. Anything else is just marketing garbage.

Actually it does and it's a known fact that the Captor-E has 1426 modules. You're just doing your usual trick of trying to polish away any of the Rafale weaknesses, like with the old "active cancellation is stealth" BS that's already been comprehensively debunked across several forums.

E Captor image shows 0 module. Anything else is just marketing garbage. :)
That's not the production version though.

The prototype was tested with American modules, that's the number they advertised. The production version has French modules, and those are above 1000.
Says what reliable source? And no, the does not count.
It's been stated as 1,426 in the press. No statement about the Rafale's modules have ever been made and the only image shows 898.
Could you provide a link?
Because I tried to find your number but I only find this:

From my personal archives from the time I worked at EADS in the division that produced the Typhoon. And there is only 1200 T/R on this picture!
And I also find this:
CAPTOR radar is extremely capable and has approximately 1100 T/R modules.
Typhoons in Archipelago sea
So the number of T/R is not very secure :)
F-35: a game changer in modern warfare <img src=/www/news/images/ic_korean.gif>

According to a calculation by a senior EADS radar expert, the Captor-E, which will use 1,426 T/R modules and is scheduled to be integrated onto the Eurofighter Typhoon in 2015, is capable of recognizing the F-35 at around 59 kilometers away.

Smaller modules just make the modules less powerful relative to the technology used, and the area will still determine gain, which is important for more than just range. The number of modules rule only applies to identical modules, where the area is proportional to the number. A small radar will still be small irrelevant of how many tiny modules you pack onto it.
F-35: a game changer in modern warfare <img src=/www/news/images/ic_korean.gif>

According to a calculation by a senior EADS radar expert, the Captor-E, which will use 1,426 T/R modules and is scheduled to be integrated onto the Eurofighter Typhoon in 2015, is capable of recognizing the F-35 at around 59 kilometers away.

Smaller modules just make the modules less powerful relative to the technology used, and the area will still determine gain, which is important for more than just range. The number of modules rule only applies to identical modules, where the area is proportional to the number. A small radar will still be small irrelevant of how many tiny modules you pack onto it.
You want us to have confidence in an EADS expert who claimed that the E-Captor would be integrated into the Typhoon in 2015 while it is 2019 and that it has not yet been done? :)
And what if the objective of putting 1426 T/R was too difficult for the Typhoon developers :LOL:
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You want us to have confidence in an EADS expert who claimed that the E-Captor would be integrated into the Typhoon in 2015 while it is 2019 and that it has not yet been done? :)
And what if the objective of putting 1426 T/R was too difficult for the Typhoon developers :LOL:
Everyone knows projects get delayed but I think he would know the number of modules far better than someone guessing on a forum.
Seeing the @BMD enthusiasm for Typhoon & Brexit, few question come to my mind, I would appreciate honest & neutral answers without any bias or preference, as I am truly interested in knowing.
We all know Typhoon is build by a combination of countries including UK, now lets ASSUME BREXIT has taken place.

From UK Prospective -
1) Will UK still be part of Typhoon Team, in any future upgrade/development??
2) On current sets of upgrades & development on Typhoon, what be effect, will UK remain a part or will the work schedule be divided by other counties??
3) What happens to already existing parts of Typhoon developed or built in UK?? will EU try replacing those parts independently for sovereignty sake to be less held hostage by a third country?? if so, does that mean either those existing supply chain in UK will have to shut shop or migrate to EU?? as for certain a limited supply chain cant cater to UK inventory of Typhoon, without other chain & numbers.
4) What happens to UK Typhoon in inventory, will they be effected & how by Brexit??

Now ASSUMING further Typhoon is shortlisted & Selected for India, I doubt it will, but still for a movement lets assume
From INDIA Prospective:-
1) Wont current hampered supply chain due to Brexit, hamper effective execution of project for India, knowing the various pulls & tugs, often sometimes hostile to each other??
2) Since UK be inclined to pursue a independent fighter program for future on its own or with partnership with a 3rd party & French/German likely to pursue a different one, which might replace EU Typhoon as truly European. Would it be even wise to go for Typhoon, knowing it likely be phased out or less likely to develop mid life cycle upgrades as existing countries party to its development be less interested??