Eurofighter Typhoon - Updates and Discussions

You are talking about relative poverty, I am talking about absolute poverty.
Regardless , today we're already at more than 8 billion people globally . With the amount of stress that places on natural resources , can you imagine what will it be like in 2050.

Let me give you a hint .The Syrian civil war began with a demonstration at the government's response to a drought . Assad's government came down heavily on the demonstrators . The rest is history . I wouldn't be as sanguine as you on the future of world economics .
Regardless , today we're already at more than 8 billion people globally . With the amount of stress that places on natural resources , can you imagine what will it be like in 2050.

Let me give you a hint .The Syrian civil war began with a demonstration at the government's response to a drought . Assad's government came down heavily on the demonstrators . The rest is history . I wouldn't be as sanguine as you on the future of world economics .

Small countries will continue to suffer major natural effects. The Syrian Civil War is bad because foreign powers came into the picture. That's one-off. Some countries will do badly. But most will do very well.

When it comes to large countries, the trajectory is upwards.

In 10 years , Putin would be in his 70's and declining . If they continue with their economy underperforming , irrespective of the promise those projects hold out , they'd lack the finances to keep it going .

They are diversifying into civilian technologies. Their import substitution efforts are also panning out in agriculture and will take effect in engineering in a few years.

They are still in recession, so it's less visible now.

It's rubbish. Makes snow look ugly:mad:.


Damn travesty the Typhoon.



And all this talk of future economic success or failure is interesting. I still remember Russia's GDP growth projections pre-Crimea intervention being around 4% annually. Fast forward to post-Crimea intervention, and Russia's not doing nearly as well as projected. Too much can changed month-to-month, let alone annually for us to make any measurements of future success or failure with any modicum of accuracy.

The only thing you can be sure of is that Russia's gonna Russia.
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how many?
Have you seen the russian weapon budget is lower this year than the previous one.... not a good signal. And the fact that west sanctions are potent.

Even if delayed, the Russian modernization plans are still very good and the sanctions are slowly becoming useless. Their current economic problems are temporary.

They are going back to positive growth.
2019 for Kuwaiti Typhoons, 2021 for Captor-E radar 2 on RAF Typhoons, as planned.
planned.... all is said ! after all Eurofighter has a long track of kept promises... :LOL:

Let's see.

Some news about the Qatar order? Maybe they are waiting to see this famous "E" ?
So where's the operational GaN RBE-2AA or SPECTRA?
GaN on Spectra? already on test.
On radar? It's only a question of hardware (and question of money for the customers). All the soft and the power unit are mastered by Thales since 1999 (thanks to PESA).

=> Thales is just 20 years ahead of Euroradar... (y)
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Isn't it amazing how when one person posts a small picture detailing future plans for Typhoon, half a dozen French people immediately join the thread to start downplaying it. Insecure much?