Eurofighter Typhoon - Updates and Discussions

The real progress on RBE2 is in physically dividing the antenna. But if you check press, you will see that GaN modules are on test for rafale and should be inducted on RB3E2 sor F4 standard. GaN modules on F3R were delayed as another geometry of modules already allowed a much faster treatment capability with much less extra cost.
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The real progress on RBE2 is in physically dividing the antenna. But if you check press, you will see that GaN modules are on test for rafale and should be inducted on RB3E2 sor F4 standard. GaN modules on F3R were delayed as another geometry of modules already allowed a much faster treatment capability with much less extra cost.

What do you mean by dividing?
Isn't it amazing how when one person posts a small picture detailing future plans for Typhoon, half a dozen French people immediately join the thread to start downplaying it. Insecure much?
It's just because something new on EF is very rare. Even if, as usual, it's mainly marketing. :p
It's just because something new on EF is very rare. Even if, as usual, it's mainly marketing. :p
Most of the stuff we hear about Rafale these days is just marketing. GaN - not operational. Conformal radar - not operational. Nothing new since 2011. And we are hearing it in the wrong thread too.
Most of the stuff we hear about Rafale these days is just marketing. GaN - not operational. Conformal radar - not operational. Nothing new since 2011. And we are hearing it in the wrong thread too.
AESA radar is operationnal on Rafale since 6 years. You don't imagine Thales stay this 6 years without working on the next step.
Euroradar is late. And will remain late.
I only eat human food.

Can't believe it, i thought you were english?

More seriously, you may not think, but i wrote two articles about Typhoon program ad evolution some years ago

Tempête sur le Typhoon : Le programme Eurofighter ou la complexité des programmes internationaux Partie 1 : L'organisation du programme - Le Portail des Passionnés d'Aviation

Le programme Eurofighter ou la complexité des programmes internationaux Partie 2 : progression et évolutions - Le Portail des Passionnés d'Aviation

At the time, the evolutions were under the project Typhoon 2020.

Sincerely, if not Rafale, we wish Eurofighter to win in Belgium instead of F-35 (our european side)
Can't believe it, i thought you were english?

More seriously, you may not think, but i wrote two articles about Typhoon program ad evolution some years ago

Tempête sur le Typhoon : Le programme Eurofighter ou la complexité des programmes internationaux Partie 1 : L'organisation du programme - Le Portail des Passionnés d'Aviation

Le programme Eurofighter ou la complexité des programmes internationaux Partie 2 : progression et évolutions - Le Portail des Passionnés d'Aviation

At the time, the evolutions were under the project Typhoon 2020.

Sincerely, if not Rafale, we wish Eurofighter to win in Belgium instead of F-35 (our european side)
Belgium should buy a Tucano fitted with a Browning to light the way forward for the EU military.
AESA radar is operationnal on Rafale since 6 years. You don't imagine Thales stay this 6 years without working on the next step.
Euroradar is late. And will remain late.
Weak AESA. A tick in the box for marketing purposes.
But RAF intends to start retiring it over the end of the coming decade if I recall correctly.

My personal click of the Typhoon cockpit (stripped down)

View attachment 3150

To be replaced by F-35s?

Self in an operational F-35A cockpit, being briefed by a Sqn Ldr courtesy Royal Air Force

View attachment 3151

F 35 has 2 joysticks at the side instead of single in the middle.

i guess single large MFD in the middle makes it to have 2 sticks at the side.

and also easy to see the screen and hold the sticks without taking the eyes off..
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Weak AESA. A tick in the box for marketing purposes.
Be serious. None of us know exactly. Their only official claim was to be more or less on par with APG79.

I wouldn't eat a pigeon even if Gordon Ramsey and Jamie Oliver slaved over it for days.

Very rarely eaten to be honest, and only wild species such as Columba palumbus (not the common ones found in cities). Anyway, do you think chickens fed with fish powder, living by tenths of thousand in small hangars in the dark, gone so mad they are cannibalistic are better?
About Gordon Ramsey and pigeons...

F 35 has 2 joysticks at the side instead of single in the middle.

Rafale also. Doese not have a large screen btw, but two lateral touch screens and one central MFD advanced and collimated to infinite
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The F-16 was the first fighter aircraft with side sticks IIRC.

It's a design that makes more sense than center stick. The center stick is a legacy of manual hydraulic commands; as soon as fly-by-wire was introduced, only inertia kept this solution around. Side sticks are more ergonomic.
The F-16 was the first fighter aircraft with side sticks IIRC.

It's a design that makes more sense than center stick. The center stick is a legacy of manual hydraulic commands; as soon as fly-by-wire was introduced, only inertia kept this solution around. Side sticks are more ergonomic.
If that were the case, your penis would be attached to your wrist. Oh wait, I forgot who I was talking to.