GTRE Kaveri Engine

The best part is GTRE India is paying for the maintenance of the flying testbed in Russia for the last 15 to 20 years. Due to a lack of government support to fund their own test bed facility, they have been forced to pay more than the actual cost of the facility. It may be incompetencies or nexus or corruption... whatever it is, simple things are not able to be fixed. That's why GTRE should directly come under PMO, not under DRDO.

Begging slot from Russia for High Altitude Test Facility for KAVERI DRY ENGINE for nine month but no answer....
Pathetic condition of infrastructure in country.

Test facilities is a prerequisite from our side for upcoming engine co development contract. We are not having test facilities, because we lacks expertise for that.
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bsolutly correct. Even under Modi's Government things have not changed
Modi government is nothing but a Congress government with better PR works, an expensive PR work government.

The last useful DM we had was George Fernadez from NDA government . He gave damn towards clean image (AK Antony was fond of this ) or make in india ( An excuse by Modi government for not to buy things).
Summing from the presentation & various slides by Dr S.V.Ramana Murthy , we've not yet mastered material tech for a TET for 1700°C. It's either work in progress or will take a long time to realise.

Secondly , We also lack tech to develop a High Altitude Test Facility ( HATF) which is in the scope of work of the Foreign OEM / Design House. Why should this be difficult to master ?

Thirdly , what we're getting is strictly 5th Gen tech or not even that if we're getting material tech only for 1700°C . I wonder why's Dr Murthy constantly referring to it as 6th Gen tech ?

And if the former is the case why tf have we been taking our own sweet time for the JV since 2021. IIRC our place holder of a defence minister gave the MoD a years time to conclude negotiations & ink the agreement. Come 2025 we're here with no such JV .

All this while given the length of the negotiations , I was under the impression we were actually negotiating for 5.5 th or 6th Gen tech where we end up with a VCE & material tech to withstand 1900-2000° C or above. It seems clear our dhotis & babooos will never get rid of their penchant for chindigiri ever.

Fourthly we also seem to be thinking in terms of an AHCA although the TF for that is going to be another saga of its own by the looks of it .

In the final analysis in the aftermath of the presentation I was rather underwhelmed. If I've missed out on any salient points feel free to correct me & add to them.

Btw , I'd be most interested in your thoughts as would the rest of the forum . @Gautam ; @vstol Jockey .
It is 2000 k, no VCE, no mentioning of CMC.

As we're looking for a 5th(or 5.5 gen at best) engine, so the specs are not surprising. Stuff like VCE and 2200+K TET etc. are going to be realized in our 6th gen engine for our MKI replacement: AHCA(hopefully).

You can look at this slide how GTRE defines various generations of turbofan engines:


As you can see, stuff like VCE, CMC, 2200K TET etc. are categorised as 6th gen tech.

Taht is true but we let off the program by not continuously funding it. Modi government is no different from congress so far as supporting Desi programs. There was a proposal from European agencies since the time of Antony. No action taken on that. Once BABA KALYANI said that if Kaveri is adequately funded, we can have working engine in 7 years. He said that many years back. However, no action was taken. There were offers from Russia as well. However, that was completely ignored. We are victim of Babugiri.
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Pls go thru the attached document about how thrust detiriorates with increase in temp. This will tell you as to what Kaveri with 81Kn will be superior to F404 with 89KN. Indian Standard Atmosphire is ISA+20 at 150Feet elevation. This means a reduction of nearly 10% thrusrreduction to the so called ISA sea level thrust. F404 thrust is for that condition while Kaveri is for Indian conditions. Thats whay I say that if Kaveri is certified in same category as F404, its equivalent thurst will be nearly 91KN.

View attachment 39135

So far as I know, any GAS Turbine will be more efficient at lower temperature and less efficient at higher temperature. In my previous company, our gas turbines used to generate 2 to 3% higher power in winter. This happens because of compression of air at lower temperature resulting in higher mass flow. I think what is true for other engines may be true for Kaveri as well. Please enlighten me.
It's a bit fuzzy. There are no direct answers. I read somewhere that the equiaxed blades with no TBC would have a lifespan of ~500 hrs. DMS4 SC blades can supposedly do 1000+ hrs. I don't know if this 1000+ number is with or without TBC. If we are going for a Niobium/Columbium alloy nozzle then those will need an overhaul at around 1000 hrs too.

Redux of the PARAM supercomputer story. Could you share that article.

I didn't think our R&D efforts into CMCs had gone far enough for us to make engine core components out of it. Here is a comparative chart I made of the performance achieved by Kaveri K9 vs. performance expected from AMCA's engine:
View attachment 39306
If we have gone close to 1900-2000 K, then AMCA's engine is very much within reach. 1900-2000 K is 5th gen engine territory. If this is true, then engine collab with foreign OEM might not be needed at all.

Poor Parameter. K10 may be workable. Poor pressure ratio of 21.5 instead of 30:1 in contemporary engines.
A dry engine has roughly same length as the afterburning engine. The increase in length is due to the con-div nozzles. The dry engine has a jet pipe behind which allows for the air to be mixed with bypass air to reduce the jet pipe tempratures and exhaust gas temperatures. In Afterburner section, the same jet pipe is fitted with the afterburner nozzles which spread fuel to this mixture of bypassed air and the air coming from the combustion chamber. So, IMHO, there will be an increase of under 100kgs to the weight but we are already talking of the weight being reduced to 1000kgs from present 1180 kgs. This will be done after the trials in Russia. The wet Kaveri should be around 1150 kgs with Afterburner after the weight reduction. This compares very well with GE F404 which has a weight of 1072 kgs for the Indian Variant. Plus a slight increase in the weight will enhance the performance of Tejas as the engine is shorter than F404 in length and the CG of this engine will in crease the instability of Tejas which in turn might enhance its performance.


Please enlighten us about the design of kaveri and how it compares with GE 404 and GE414. Does our current level of Material science supports that design? How much time it may take to be operational? Can we go for RD 33 with new AL41 or AL51 technologies?
So far as I know, any GAS Turbine will be more efficient at lower temperature and less efficient at higher temperature. In my previous company, our gas turbines used to generate 2 to 3% higher power in winter. This happens because of compression of air at lower temperature resulting in higher mass flow. I think what is true for other engines may be true for Kaveri as well. Please enlighten me.

Please read atmospheric temperature instead of Temperature.

Please enlighten us about the design of kaveri and how it compares with GE 404 and GE414. Does our current level of Material science supports that design? How much time it may take to be operational? Can we go for RD 33 with new AL41 or AL51 technologies?

Please read atmospheric temperature instead of Temperature.
You are correct. The higher the temperature, lower will be the thrust and same goes for altitude as well because the air density reduces which reduces the mass flow.
Kaveri compares very favourably with both GE-F404 and and F414 in terms of dimensions. It fails interms of weight. If we reduce the weight, we can expect better SFC than that of GE engines.
Test facilities is a prerequisite from our side for upcoming engine co development contract. We are not having test facilities, because we lacks expertise for that.

bsolutly correct. Even under Modi's Government things have not changed

A trisonic wind tunnel and FTB were supposed to come through Boeing via offsets, but was denied by the USG. Now it's coming via AMCA's engine through whoever's gonna be chosen as a partner.
As we're looking for a 5th(or 5.5 gen at best) engine, so the specs are not surprising. Stuff like VCE and 2200+K TET etc. are going to be realized in our 6th gen engine for our MKI replacement: AHCA(hopefully).

You can look at this slide how GTRE defines various generations of turbofan engines:

View attachment 39677

As you can see, stuff like VCE, CMC, 2200K TET etc. are categorised as 6th gen tech.

AMCA's engine can be designed as VCE. It's GTRE's area of responsibility to design the engine as such if that's what the IAF wants.

The YF120 engine was designed as VCE and was supposed to be part of a combined cycle engine with ramjet that can push aircraft to mach 4+. If you want a CC engine, you need the engine to have a variable bypass. This engine called RTA Hyperburner was gonna power a space shuttle but was canceled due to the cancelation of YF120. It led to the development of ADVENT.

So if they want VCE, they can add that to the engine. It's not a 6th gen-specific feature. Hell, you can even spool-mount the generator instead of attaching it to the gearbox to generate electricity. You don't need 2200K TET or CMC to use either of the technologies.

GTRE can design a conventional engine and an engine with these two features if necessary and combine them with the foreign hot parts. If the latter works, you get an advanced 6th gen engine right off the bat which can be equipped on AMCA rightaway or an AMCA Mk3 and a bunch of drones at a later date with CMC.