GTRE Kaveri Engine

I can only laugh at us forum members who were dreaming about Kaveri flying by 2018 with the help of the french, these French have not done any great help which we were looking for and by spending all the money on expensive Rafales and ignoring Russia we have also pissed off Russia and they may sell SU35 etc in future to Pakistan.
I can only laugh at us forum members who were dreaming about Kaveri flying by 2018 with the help of the french, these French have not done any great help which we were looking for and by spending all the money on expensive Rafales and ignoring Russia we have also pissed off Russia and they may sell SU35 etc in future to Pakistan.
2018 ended in 7 months.... More than enough time to see a flying Kaveri .
Kshitij, in some aspects, developing an engine is as much art as pure science. Safran did and is helping Kaveri. Let me just give an example (most are more or less classified/secret) : reliability.
It may be an art but has been developed by Russians, British, French, Americans and recently Chinese. Also, the first 4 developed engines of high standards by 1990 itself.

HAL is not producing 100% parts of an engine. No country is an idiot to give the engine tech to another on a plate. At best we assemble and manufacture some parts. The core and the blades I am sure are imported from Russia.
This is extremely stupid talk. You speak as if you are the know all. No one asked your opinion. It is a fact that HAL makes AL31f from raw materials. Just because you are useless does not mean everyone else is. Your psychopathic mindset may not be willing to accept it but that does not matter. India is not an idiot either. It may have made some technology on its own. Also, China makes AL31F engines themselves which they name as WS10. Russia, apparently gives 1 generation older technology to its close partners

I have a doubt about HAL producing 100% of AL31F. But it's only a personnal doubt. (some electronic cards with the "FADEC" software? some blades?)

I don't know how it is in India (it's a joke !) but in a high tech west company (SAFRAN for exemple) you have old sage researchers of 60 years old, some of 50, some of 40, some noob of 30. So the skill is not lost between the generations....
M88 use M53 feed back, built on ATAR returns, using german WW2 expertise...
Nothing like that in India.
I have been repeatedly telling you to compare France of 1990 with India of 2020. Let us not go into an infinite loop. rance made M88 in 1990 even before supercomputing, internet and advanced softwares were available. Supercomputing started in 1990 and expanded between 1990-2000. Compare that with India of today.

Do you know you actually sound stupid? When I joined an organisation, the seniors there mentored me on how to do Electronics stuff done. My Engineering knowledge didnt help me. It was only due to passage of time and guidance I learnt from them.

Now could I have learnt from scratch? Yes. Simply it would have taken 3-4 years instead of 3-4 months. So that 30 years arguement is plain stupid. And boasting to an Frenchman, whose country has engines flying their own jets how our engine is blah blah is nothing short of..............
Are you comparing India of today with France of 1990? If not you sound extremely stupid and probably even proven yourself to be one. France made M88 in 1990 and India is making Kaveri today with same standards. The technology has saturated and has not yet grown. The problems with slightly smaller lifespan is insignificant for now.

I never said that experience is wasteful. I am only saying that there is something called "saturation level' beyond which one can't go. That is also the reason why France has not been able to make any better engine than the 1990 made M88. So, stop fooling yourself and everyone else with theory of "infinite growth" over accumulated experience.

Certification in itself is a separate engineering field. Its not easy as some make it out to be. India doesnt have certification standards for many stuffs. Its just recently we have built certification for combat aircrafts. There is for engines, buildings, materials to be used, which are mostly borrowed from Soviet or Nato standards.
So, now you are changing the tack? By the way, certification is not something that requires great technology. It just needs some experience in debugging. WEven without certification, an engine can fly. Certification is just a formal approval of reliability upto certain standards. It does not constitute ToT in any way.

So, giving credit to France for ToT is absurd when all they are doing is certifying
HAL is not producing 100% parts of an engine. No country is an idiot to give the engine tech to another on a plate. At best we assemble and manufacture some parts. The core and the blades I am sure are imported from Russia.

More than 85% of the engine is made in India, and it will rise some more. Only some very highly secretive materials are imported.

They should have been asking the Japanese instead. Goron kee gaand kaa swaad abhi bhi gaya nahin hai govt of India kay muhn say.

The only reason the French are willing to give us engine technology is because we are extending the Rafale carrot to them.

I can only laugh at us forum members who were dreaming about Kaveri flying by 2018 with the help of the french, these French have not done any great help which we were looking for and by spending all the money on expensive Rafales and ignoring Russia we have also pissed off Russia and they may sell SU35 etc in future to Pakistan.

GTRE is waiting for funds. The govt hasn't yet released it.
More than 85% of the engine is made in India, and it will rise some more. Only some very highly secretive materials are imported.

I don't know where you 85% comes from or 15% secretive parts come from. HAL openly boasts of makinge verything from nut and bolts to disks and blades. Al31F is older generation engine and has TET of 1700K. With addition of cooling vanes, the TET can come to 1750K even without having 2nd or 3rd generation SCB which requires rhenium.

The 15% you are talking may be the raw material cost which is imported from Russia as part of the contract as "license fee". It is only raw material and not processed components and only serve as a form of license fee payment to Russia rather than capability gap. The raw material can be sourced from India itself or from other countries like Canada, Australia or Africa too and there won't be any difference.

So, if we exclude the raw material cost, the entire manufacturing is done inhouse. Raw material is not HAL's work (HAL is not a mining company) and hence not to be included in manufacturing ability
It may be an art but has been developed by Russians, British, French, Americans and recently Chinese. Also, the first 4 developed engines of high standards by 1990 itself.

This is extremely stupid talk. You speak as if you are the know all. No one asked your opinion. It is a fact that HAL makes AL31f from raw materials. Just because you are useless does not mean everyone else is. Your psychopathic mindset may not be willing to accept it but that does not matter. India is not an idiot either. It may have made some technology on its own. Also, China makes AL31F engines themselves which they name as WS10. Russia, apparently gives 1 generation older technology to its close partners

I have been repeatedly telling you to compare France of 1990 with India of 2020. Let us not go into an infinite loop. rance made M88 in 1990 even before supercomputing, internet and advanced softwares were available. Supercomputing started in 1990 and expanded between 1990-2000. Compare that with India of today.

Are you comparing India of today with France of 1990? If not you sound extremely stupid and probably even proven yourself to be one. France made M88 in 1990 and India is making Kaveri today with same standards. The technology has saturated and has not yet grown. The problems with slightly smaller lifespan is insignificant for now.

I never said that experience is wasteful. I am only saying that there is something called "saturation level' beyond which one can't go. That is also the reason why France has not been able to make any better engine than the 1990 made M88. So, stop fooling yourself and everyone else with theory of "infinite growth" over accumulated experience.

So, now you are changing the tack? By the way, certification is not something that requires great technology. It just needs some experience in debugging. WEven without certification, an engine can fly. Certification is just a formal approval of reliability upto certain standards. It does not constitute ToT in any way.

So, giving credit to France for ToT is absurd when all they are doing is certifying

I first said Certification is important. Its not just documentations alone. You need a separate test system to certify that this product is good. And that test system has a series of do's and dont's and has its own laws and criterion to satisfy. Oh God. !!

And second, I do not know if France "have" helped us or not. But I do support France helping us. Cos their engines of 1990 are flying in their aircrafts and our dont. Now they have experience in building and maintaining engines. They are themselves looking to replace M88 and build next gen engines. Now is our time to do joint R&D to develop an better engine for both of us. If the French sees potential in Kaveri and use it to adopt it themselves for future requirements it will be win win for both.

However I am not sure if Safran had done any work on Kaveri. But it would be good if they do. Bye.
they were planning to convert this engine into a general purpose gas turbine for use in electricity power plants. what happened?
they were planning to convert this engine into a general purpose gas turbine for use in electricity power plants. what happened?
Once the Kaveri project is done and dusted , the potential spin offs are enormous. From ships to powerplants to rail engines , etc .
The raw material can be sourced from India itself or from other countries like Canada, Australia or Africa too and there won't be any difference.
Not so easy.
Each steel manufacturer has some specific items, specially in this high grades. It's possible you can't find a perfect substitute, and what about the warranty.
For exemple, does india produce HLE 80 ? It's a 30 years old product.... (maybe it's the case. I really don't know).
Not so easy.
Each steel manufacturer has some specific items, specially in this high grades. It's possible you can't find a perfect substitute, and what about the warranty.
For exemple, does india produce HLE 80 ? It's a 30 years old product.... (maybe it's the case. I really don't know).
Raw materials are not processed materials. They are quite easy to make. Even though India may not have the resources to make in industrial scale of million tonnes a year, defence related items can have a few thousand tonnes a year production. The definition of raw material is that the technology used is relatively simple to get to that form.
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Raw materials are not processed materials. They are quite easy to make. Even though India may not have the resources to make in industrial scale of million tonnes a year, defence related items can have a few thousand tonnes a year production. The definition of raw material is that the technology used is relatively simple to get to that form.
A single crystal blade, before machining, is a raw material. But all but easy to mimic.
You are not understanding the difference between intermediate goods and raw material. SC block is an intermediate good which is obtained after processing (alloying, heat treating) of raw materials
A single crystal blade, before machining, is a raw material. But all but easy to mimic.
A single crystal blade, before machining, is a raw material. But all but easy to mimic.
You are not understanding the difference between intermediate goods and raw material. SC block is an intermediate good which is obtained after processing (alloying, heat treating) of raw materials
OK. HAL is producing 101% of each MKI engine !
End of discussion.
For your information, It was Japs who first made a GAA AESA and it was Japs who first had it on an AAM as the seeker. The great Thales has signed an agreement with Japs to put that seeker on Meteor. let any French member deny it. Japs were the first to put CMC in turbines and they are ahead of USA in RAS-Radar Absorbing Structures. They are also the first nation in the world to have an operational Fly-by-Optics FCS on a fighter aircraft-ATD-2X. Even Americans do not have it. Infact no nation in the world has it.
Japanese companies hold all the IPRs as it is their technology and not bought over from USA or France. French are not even 10% of what Japanese are in the field of Electronic technology. Remember those good old small transistors and tape recorders of Japan which were the most sought after items in the world in 70s.

I’m not sure about the radar absorbing structure part