IAF Chronicles - A side view of whats going on behind the closed doors in New Delhi

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A lot of new Indian weapons, Astra, Brahmos, Nirbhay, Rudra, air launched anti-tank, Garuthmaa, Garudaa etc. The integration will cost a lot.
ASTRA is to be integrated to Rafale as part of the indigenization part of the purchase of the first 36.

If I was an Indian defense minister, and a little bit smart (as for exemple Manohar Parrikar), I would have added in the offset clauses, the tools and training of the Indian staff to integrate new weapons... Maybe it's the case. So less costly.
ASTRA is to be integrated to Rafale as part of the indigenization part of the purchase of the first 36.

If I was an Indian defense minister, and a little bit smart (as for exemple Manohar Parrikar), I would have added in the offset clauses, the tools and training of the Indian staff to integrate new weapons... Maybe it's the case. So less costly.

Yes, the integration of weapons will eventually be done in India, but the infrastructure for that has to be set up and that will most likely come with the MMRCA program. For just 36 aircraft, it's unrealistic right now, so integration of current weapons have to be done in France.

Astra integration is not mentioned in the customisation list released, so I am assuming it will happen much later. We are ordering Meteor and MICA with the Rafale, so I don't think Astra integration is going to happen anytime soon.
Yes, the integration of weapons will eventually be done in India, but the infrastructure for that has to be set up and that will most likely come with the MMRCA program. For just 36 aircraft, it's unrealistic right now, so integration of current weapons have to be done in France.

Astra integration is not mentioned in the customisation list released, so I am assuming it will happen much later. We are ordering Meteor and MICA with the Rafale, so I don't think Astra integration is going to happen anytime soon.

As part of customization, witch customization can occur for rafale M : brahmos ?
Nice answer then the second part of the piece : do you know if the customization to come (like altitude start adaptation) would have to be done on rafale M ?

That's already part of the current customisation order.

TRISHUL: IAF Rafale M-MMRCA Costings & Platform Modification/Customisation Details
All the IAF Rafales will feature 14 customer-specific modifications, comprising: 1) integration of the RAFAEL-supplied LITENING target acquisition/designation pod; 2) integration of the RAFAEL-supplied Spice-1000 standoff PGM and its related data-link pod; 3) integration of MBDA-supplied Meteor BVRAAM and ALARM anti-radiation missile; 4) integration of the RAFAEL-supplied X-Guard towed-decoy and development of its on-board location cabinets; 5) upgradation of the SPECTRA EW suite to accommodate low-band, medium-band and high-band directional jammer apertures; 6) integration of the TARGO-2 HMDS supplied by Elbit Systems (also ordered by Qatar); 7) installation of a THALES-supplied traffic collision avoidance system (TCAS); 8) installation of a THALES-supplied standby radar altimeter; 9) Optimisation of the M88 turbofan’s jet-fuel starter for operating in sub-zero temperatures at altitudes above 9,000 feet ASL; 10) increase in the capacity of the on-board OBOGS; 11) addition of weather-mapping mode of operation in the THALES-supplied RBE-2 AESA-MMR; 12) development of quad-pack ejectors for the DRDO-engineered and Spice-250 PGM-derived SAAW EMP-generating standoff PGM; 13)assistance in flight-qualification of DRDO-developed 450kg laser-guided HSLD bomb and integration of the bomb’s FOG-based inertial navigation system with the Rafale’s on-board Sigma-95N RLG-INS through a MIL-STD-1553B interface; 14)modification of the Sigma-95N RLG-INS’ coupled GPS transceiver in order to receive MIL-STD PY-code coordinates from India’s NAVIC/IRNSS constellation of GPS satellites.

IN will only have to order it if they want it. Considering how close Bay of Bengal is to the Himalayas, I'm sure IN will have the need for IAF specific stuff for high altitude operations.
This one was for me the only one witch could be avoid for the IN. But considering your quote. Every customization would be done on every Rafale.

Only IN can make that decision. But I don't think high altitude customisation is unique only to one type of Rafale. All Rafales can benefit from it at the same time.
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Only IN can make that decision. But I don't think high altitude customisation is unique only to one type of Rafale. All Rafales can benefit from it at the same time.
So , IN requires high altitude customization in order that their Rafales fly from BoB over the Himalayas into Tibet . What , may I ask , would the Rafales for the IAF do / are meant for then ?
So , IN requires high altitude customization in order that their Rafales fly from BoB over the Himalayas into Tibet . What , may I ask , would the Rafales for the IAF do / are meant for then ?

No, in order to operate from advanced landing grounds in Arunachal Pradesh.
Why would IN Rafales operate from the ALG's in Arunachal Pradesh ? Isn't that the responsibility of the IAF ?
When the carrier(s) is(are) out of order (or sunk ... LOL), you will be pleased to use your Rafale M from a land base.
It's why I think indian Rafale M will have the same high and cold start system.

(and I think it will be very interesting also for the swiss tender...)
If the Carriers that has Rafale gets sunk, that might suggest the commanding officers are incompetent and Rafale M are useless.
Which one you intend to say?

It seems that IN would end up getting LCA-N,

When the carrier(s) is(are) out of order (or sunk ... LOL), you will be pleased to use your Rafale M from a land base.
It's why I think indian Rafale M will have the same high and cold start system.

(and I think it will be very interesting also for the swiss tender...)
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So what the French are using in its avionics is not top grade as the French say, IAF wants to upgrade them hahaha

That's already part of the current customisation order.

TRISHUL: IAF Rafale M-MMRCA Costings & Platform Modification/Customisation Details
All the IAF Rafales will feature 14 customer-specific modifications, comprising: 1) integration of the RAFAEL-supplied LITENING target acquisition/designation pod; 2) integration of the RAFAEL-supplied Spice-1000 standoff PGM and its related data-link pod; 3) integration of MBDA-supplied Meteor BVRAAM and ALARM anti-radiation missile; 4) integration of the RAFAEL-supplied X-Guard towed-decoy and development of its on-board location cabinets; 5) upgradation of the SPECTRA EW suite to accommodate low-band, medium-band and high-band directional jammer apertures; 6) integration of the TARGO-2 HMDS supplied by Elbit Systems (also ordered by Qatar); 7) installation of a THALES-supplied traffic collision avoidance system (TCAS); 8) installation of a THALES-supplied standby radar altimeter; 9) Optimisation of the M88 turbofan’s jet-fuel starter for operating in sub-zero temperatures at altitudes above 9,000 feet ASL; 10) increase in the capacity of the on-board OBOGS; 11) addition of weather-mapping mode of operation in the THALES-supplied RBE-2 AESA-MMR; 12) development of quad-pack ejectors for the DRDO-engineered and Spice-250 PGM-derived SAAW EMP-generating standoff PGM; 13)assistance in flight-qualification of DRDO-developed 450kg laser-guided HSLD bomb and integration of the bomb’s FOG-based inertial navigation system with the Rafale’s on-board Sigma-95N RLG-INS through a MIL-STD-1553B interface; 14)modification of the Sigma-95N RLG-INS’ coupled GPS transceiver in order to receive MIL-STD PY-code coordinates from India’s NAVIC/IRNSS constellation of GPS satellites.

IN will only have to order it if they want it. Considering how close Bay of Bengal is to the Himalayas, I'm sure IN will have the need for IAF specific stuff for high altitude operations.
So what the French are using in its avionics is not top grade as the French say, IAF wants to upgrade them hahaha
Concerning SPECTRA, That's only mean than some high end properties are only for french use and consequently India want to add its own for its own use.
What is nice in this quote is that it is said that the SPECTRA has a low, medium and High Band JAMMER. (for active cancellation ?)

For example :
Concerning all the integration from Rafael (POD + PGM +towed decoy) and MBDA, how does it fits with SPECTRA active cancellation ? All the mesures have to be redone. Who would do it ? It's a very big work to mesure all the possible configurations.
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From what I've heard, the currently operational Spectra has only X band jamming capability. Jamming in other bands are all options, which the IAF seems to have exercised.
@Picdelamirand-oil @halloweene?
Yes At the beginning Jamming was only for seeker, and there is very few seeker outside X band, but SPECTRA has benefited from several improvements that have each time extended the bands it can jam. Of course we can always do better.
France could replace US parts in SCALP missile to circumvent ITAR restrictions for Egypt, but at some delay
Gareth Jennings, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

02 August 2018


The SCALP land-attack cruise missile seen in a non-operational orange colour scheme as part of a wider Rafale weapons package. US parts in the missile have triggered ITAR restrictions on it being sold to Egypt. Source: IHS Markit/Patrick Allen

Egypt could still receive MBDA SCALP cruise missiles from France, if it is willing to accept a delay while US-manufactured components are replaced with French ones.

Answering questions on weapons exports in the country’s National Assembly, French Defence Minister Florence Parly said that the decision by the United States to use the International Trade in Arms Regulation (ITAR) agreement to block the sale of the air-launched land-attack cruise missile to Egypt could be circumvented if domestically-built parts are used instead, but that this would take time.

“In this case, we will not be able to lift the US opposition to the sale of SCALP missiles [to Egypt]. The only thing we can do is for MBDA to make some investment in research and development to be able to manufacture similar components that are not covered by ITAR,” Parly said during a 4 July session of the assembly, a transcript of which was recently published. “We can do it for the Egyptian SCALP/Rafale in so far as the new missile can be built with a reasonable delay, though the customer might find this delay a bit too long,” she added, without quantifying the length of the delay.

As noted by Parly in her response, the issue of the ITAR regulation is not just affecting the sale of the SCALP missile to Egypt, but also of the Dassault Rafale that will carry it. Cairo is looking to add to the 24 aircraft it has already procured from Paris with 12 more, with these additional platforms being equipped with the SCALP missile. According to reports, the Egyptian government will not sign for the new aircraft unless the missiles are included.

France could replace US parts in SCALP missile to circumvent ITAR restrictions for Egypt, but at some delay | Jane's 360
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